"Special guests?" Collet, whose eyebrows shook tightly asked and later smirked, "You are kidding me, right?"

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Darryl didn't mind giving Collet an answer, instead he shoved past her and went forward to Xhemin. He halted in front of his woman and started looking upon the girl, surveying her face as if something interesting was in there—aside from her mask that hid off her face.

Xhemin met the beast's eye and just like it had always been, she kind of lost of words under Darryl's scrutinizing eyes. His hazel eyes were far more consuming, fiery and of course sexy¬—damn so sexy Xhemin can't help but bit her lip in front of him, as if a child who had done some mischief.

"Seriously Dee? You can't be serious with letting the girl wear the DML Diamond piece" Collet pursued her mouth in conceited smug.

"It's not him. It's me" Dian suddenly emerged from the crowd. She went to look for her brother but failed to find him. Now that she returned, she was shocked to see the CGC's heir daring to make a commotion. She had like Collet before, but these days, she finds the girl to bratty and scandalous especially when she can't find her way to Darryl, and when things don't work her way.

"Oh, the sweetest second young miss" Collet smiled with sarcasm as she tore her gaze from the couple to Dian "Now I know why the Lagdameo's don't give much value to their women. Their judgement is indeed not trustworthy"

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"And what makes you think yours is better?" Dian raised a brow at her "Are you really CGC heir? How petty, you can't even recognize real diamonds and assumed my grandmother's shoe is something cheap"

The words Dian threw at Collet shut her up and even the crowd looked at each other to agree with the second miss statement. Indeed, why didn't Collet recognized the girl was wearing a diamond shoe and instead mocked at her, calling a DML collection cheap.

Humiliation befell Collet as in just sweep of seconds, everyone's mockery splashed back at her. She stood there unmoved, as if wanting to redeem herself but Dian and Darryl's presence rendered it impossible.

Knowing that she managed to shut Collet's mouth, Dian went close to her brother and apologized "I'm sorry I shouldn't have left her"

"Oh no Dian I'm fine…" Xhemin waved off her hand in the air not wanting Dian to feel bad about what happened. It wasn't her fault.

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Unknown to Xhemin, Dian was apologizing to Darryl not only for the fact of Collet's commotion but also because she had caused her brother to miss the first dance, almost shaming the girl off earlier when Darryl can't be found. She should have secured Darryl's presence first.

Darryl remained impassive and apathetic about everyone, even with his own sister. He didn't say a word but only continued to stare at the girl before him. Then from Xhemin's face that was hiding in her mask, his hazel eyes travelled down to her bare neck, to her shoulders that glistened from her own bead of sweats, down to her hips and stayed long on the high split detail of her gown that showed up her slender well-tanned legs.

Aware of how the beast studied every part of her, Xhemin's inside started crumbling chaotically till her entire body burst with heat. The heat that rose up suddenly dried her mouth. Conscious, she placed her hand on her naked legs, in an attempt to hid off some of her skin.

However, unexpectedly, and much to everyone's surprise, Darryl kneeled down just in front of her Xhemin's legs—his face facing off and was almost kissing her skin.

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"Oh Gosh!" The girl whispered and hold of her breath. Just then, she felt like her legs started sweating off because of the warmth of Darryl's breathe that was touching her delicate skin.

Everyone froze on the spot, even Dian gasped upon seeing his brother kneel in front of the woman. The sight was such a rare moment, if this masquerade party was not sponsored by L Empire, paparazzies would have not spared this view.

"Is that Darryl Lagdameo I am seeing?" One of the guests exclaimed, asking everyone out if her eyes were not falling him.

"You know what I wanted to believe that he is not Darryl behind that mask, I can't believe this!" Another gasped in disbelief.

"There's no doubt its Darryl. His voice, his demeanor and even just the look in his back tells so. But seeing the Lagdameo heir kneel down on a woman—that I don't know, I'm not ready to see this yet"

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"Hey.." Xhemin called Darryl's attention in a voice the two of them could only hear. She couldn't handle the heat anymore, as well as everyone's reaction.

"Hi.." Darryl answered without sparing her a glance, his breath brushing off her legs was warm, but his voice was rather cold, as if wintriness had covered him.

What's with him? Was he mad? — Xhemin thought. She had been with Darryl long enough for her to get familiar with his mien and she could tell right there's something that was bothering him. He seemed gloomy, annoyed and mad.

Jeeez¬—now what? Darryl's cold behavior suddenly gave Xhemin some creeps. The kind of beast she was seeing right now was not the regular one and it made the girl fear what may happen next. He was beastly enough to drive everyone crazy, but the way he looked now was more beastly that she feared he might cause far worst than just taking everyone's sanity away.

Darryl's warm hands touching her skin halted everything that was running on Xhemin's mind. The heat coming from Darryl's own mouth made her even more tensed up. Her cheeks burned and the she felt her feet tingled. She was trying so hard not to move, afraid that she might lost her balance because Darryl was seriously giving her some "unwanted desires"

Darryl moved to get some paper napkins on the table and started rubbing the girl's feet to dry them off. His hands gently caressed her feet, as if unaware of how merely touching her can make her be carried away.

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