Xhemin felt conflicted with Darryl's words. It rocked her mind and it almost tore down walls she had unconsciously built between them. But she held on to the pain of him mistreating her, although she wasn't sure herself why.

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"Did you really think I can let you off without saying goodbye?" he said, there was no heat in his voice, but the resentment ran obvious with it.

Xhemin didn't understand his hurt, or where it was coming from, all she knew was that she was the victim here, and not the other way around. She was now aware of the running tension between them and even though she knew she had to listen instead of giving in to her fuming impulses, she was too hurt to let it go that easy.

"You had the valets take me away without allowing me to say my goodbyes to Dr. Shun and to everyone" She casted him a bitter look. "The lady boss came in unannounced right? And you were too afraid that she might learn about our petty little affair, so you had to dump me away like that,"

"Dump you? And what are the last words you said? Petty little affair?" Darryl's face mottled with crimson and his hazel eyes began to fire away at Xhemin's harsh words.

"So, you call this a petty little affair?" Darryl repeated with a contained livid rage as held her tighter, pressing the girl's waist into his, feeling every bit of the rushing heat that run to each of their bodies.

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His sudden charged didn't hurt Xhemin at all but it made her lost her breathe now that she had felt almost every hardness on the beast's body. The boy's breath was warming up under her nostrils as their face were close now, too close that the crowd even gasped of the sight of the two almost kissing while dancing.

"Darryl stop it!" She exploded, but the music was too loud that the crowd didn't notice her, then she chided with firm unbending eyes. She knew she was being bitchy, but only a bitch can get head on with beast, right? "Everyone is looking at us!"

"Oh, so now you are conscious about everyone looking at you" He said with sarcasm as the tension he was suppressing inside become visible in his muscles. "Didn't you enjoy all their attention earlier when you danced with the Montarini prince?"

Xhemin wanted to cry as raged filled her belly. She felt her ears getting hot and she glared before spatting out "Huzey saved me when you were missing in action!"

Damn this beast!

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This was the first time they argued intensely after the conference and suddenly she felt very annoyed about his pointlessness. She thought arguing with him was a waste of time, there was no logic to it, if she could only halt the music and walk away without shaming the famous Lagdameo heir, she had done so.

But she chose not to, because even how much their argument become a little too intense, still she doesn't want the boy getting into trouble. That was the last thing she could wish for tonight.

The anger that caught Xhemin wet the corner of her eyes, she was ready to cry out of frustration, but she was too proud to give in to her emotions—especially that the beast hadn't learned his lesson yet.

Because the girl's face was just inch away from him, it didn't take long for Darryl to notice the girl's creeping tears. And the sight of them blew all his anger away and in a split of second his once angry façade turned smooth. It would break him if she cries tonight, that for sure.

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Darryl breathed deep and loosened up his grip of the girl's body. He realized he had been harsh with her but the sight of her dancing with the Montarini boy had him lose all his propriety for tonight. He watched them with raging and hellfire eyes earlier at the first dance, and it took all the rationality he had—almost losing it all. If not for the fact that this was Dannah's mansion and that she will be greatly blamed for any mess that would arise from here, he could have gone knocking the prince down for stealing his woman.

"I went to look for you" Darryl spoke, now in a more calmed tone "I was worried where you end up after you stormed out"

Xhemin didn't answer and Darryl knew why. He had hurt her feelings, and seeing how her eyes glittered some tears that she held up with much poise under her mask, Darryl's chest also ache. This was the second time he made her feel upset and just like the last time, he had regretted the unintentional and unwarranted feelings he had caused her. However, this second oversight of him was frustrating than the first.

Xhemin didn't know why but the resentment she had for him grew a little complicated. For the first time, she felt so weak and naïve for feeling the things that she had in her heart. Does loving someone include feeling all these undesirable emotions?

"Why did you have to send me away like that?" She dared to ask the boy as the pain inside her grew.

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"I didn't mean to…" he answered, looking at the girl who refused to meet his eyes.

"Why?" She asked miserably. Her voice faded away as she remembered the pain, betrayal, disillusionment she had to deal with when it became apparent that it was Darryl who sent her away "I need to know why…please?"

Darryl frowned at the girl's question. Didn't she know why she had to leave that day?

His face painted a questioning look as he made an effort to gather his scattered wits. From what he remembered correctly he didn't sent the girl away. In fact when he went to sneak into the herb garden that night, and found no sleeping Xhemin in her bed, he woke every servant up and ended up learning the girl had left the mansion for good.

"It wasn't me…" Darryl started his explanation carefully. "It was Dr. Shun…"

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