The Genius' First Love

Chapter 128: 128

Xhemin's face cannot be painted with Darryl's discovery. She looked at the boy's face, who was taking all his time laughing over the girl's chagrin. Even if she halted dancing and left him savour the amusement he had over the said strawberry panties, it took Darryl a good amount of time to have recovered from the hilarity.

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The guests who were watching the couple immediately took notice of the fact that the Lagdameo boy was all in laughter and seeing their confused faces made Xhemin blushed more—her face now is blood red and she could have not been more thankful of the distance between them and the crowd. If not for it, crowd could have heard the boy's words easily.

She glared at the Darryl with a sharp laser look. If she was not wearing a gown and a million dollar shoe in her feet, she could have kicked him right then. But the fact that she might ruined the DML collection piece got her thinking twice.

"What?" Darryl asked as soon as he finished laughing, the music of the dance was still playing down the great hall even when the couple stopped dancing. "Are you mad?"

"Don't mention," Xhemin sighed deep as he dismissed Darryl's tease.

Darryl reached out for Xhemin's hand and waist again so they can continue with the dance, yet Xhemin shove off his attempt immediately. Everyone in the great hall noticed this as they were eagerly watching the couple in the middle of the dance floor, everyone knew by then the couple were arguing about something, they couldn't help but gossip under their willowing breaths.

"I'm not gonna dance with you again" She hissed, her ink eyes displayed all the annoyance she had.

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"C'mon, there's nothing wrong with printed panties" he continued his mischief, much to Xhemin's frustration. He attempted to reached for her hand again and move closer to her a bit, since the girl had made few steps back to stay away from him.

"That was very ungentleman of you" She rolled her eyes at him. To be honest, all she could do now was give him an angry look because his tease was so unexpectedly surprising, the girl can barely redeem herself.

Heck those panties! She will not wear them again for the rest of her life!

Darryl stopped laughing in order that the girl will not dismiss his advances again. As soon as she let him hold her waist without protest, he held her closer to his chest and went to whisper something in her ears.

"I actually find them very cute…" He said in a tone that was humourless then "…and sexy"

Darryl's warm breathe in her ears, or probably the last word he said made Xhemin's stomach flinched. Damn! The beast had just turned her annoyance into feeling a bit tensed up in front of him. He was done teasing her with her strawberry panties and in just one flip, he was back to teasing her body again.

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As soon as Darryl successfully wove his hands around his waist, she tugged the girl's back against his warm, hard body. Their hips melded and the friction between their bodies could have caused sparks to fly around the great hall and they began to dance again.

Darryl moved slowly this time, his bristly yet soft cheek caressing hers, his warm breath drifting like a feather over her ear. Deep down Xhemin's body, her body pulsed and something fitted around her stomach. They were the loveliest yet the most foreign sensation she had ever felt.

"Stop that…" She asked, almost like begging the boy because his gestures and warmth was making her knees shook tremendously. She find his allure overpowering and breath-taking and a woman with less control could easily succumb to his charm.

"Stop what?" He asked smiling radiantly up at her, making all the tension between their bodies grew without plans of dissipating. He put a confident hand in the small of Xhemin's back as he guided her flowing in again to the music that never stopped playing.

"Why were you hiding yourself to me at the herb again?" She asked, shifting off the topic to something that would at least loosen up the rising heat within in her body. She'd do everything possible not to tumble in his sensual trap in front of everyone.

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"You were too behind your research, I don't want to cause any inconvenience" He explained casually "Also, if I do remember correctly, you did banned me from sneaking into your bedroom"

"You don't need to sneak into my bedroom to see me" She emphasized "You're the young master. You don't need anyone's permission"

"I was busy on day time since my schedule here in the South are full" He enlightened her, trying to clear every loopholes that had caused a misunderstanding between them "So I only get a chance to check on you at night and I don't want to take much of your time"

"You should have at least showed yourself, I don't really mind you visiting me at night" She said in a low voice, her eyes reflected some soberness. How could she miss the chance of not noticing his presence all the while?

"I also don't have problems visiting you at night…my only concern was that…" The amusement and mischief glowed back in Darryl's hazel eyes as he gave the girl another wink"...was that you might not get enough rest and sleep having to share the bed with me"

"For the record, I sleep just enough the last time I had you in bed" She pointed. How did their conversation ended up with the matter of sleeping together in bed?

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"Na-ah" he shook his head "You wake up a couple of times to stare at my abs"

The detail shut Xhemin up. The words strip off all the remaining dignity she had for the night. How does humiliating her came so easy in his mouth? He was so expert in making her feel worst about herself in their interactions.

"I didn't" She lied as the picture of the boy's abs suddenly popped up in her thoughts. She gulped at the imagery and an immediate blush added to her already red face.

"Don't deny it" he grinned "I know how very attached you are to my abs"

"We don't need to always share a bed" She pointed and shrugged, hoping she wouldn't appear the least bit vulnerable.

"That's a shame" he sighed and grinned wickedly "I love sharing the bed with you"

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