The crowd stopped dead at the sight of the Lagdameo heir kissing the mystery woman. There were too much speculations rounding the whole night on who the woman could be and much to their astonishment, the night ended with one sure conclusion—that whoever that woman is, she is the mystery woman everybody had been fussing about in the capital for months now.

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Who is she?

To what family did she belong?

Everyone looked each other trying to check whether anyone knew the girl or that perhaps someone must have known her. Of course no one dared to ask the Diamond Prince whom the girl danced previously, especially with the kind of aura he was displaying now after witnessing such a passionate kiss in front of him.

Also, before everyone would dare come questioning him, Huzey nonchalantly went to a side table, put the wine glasses down carefully and went out the great hall as if the lively party had nothing to offer but grandeur of boredom.

Xhemin on the other hand felt the solid strength of Darryl's arms and shoulders as the flame of boy's passionate kiss made every part of her loosened up to an endless ecstasy. Exquisitely aware of every sensation that heightened her every nerve and sharpened every inch of her feelings, she melted right there, exactly as how a candle left to burn too long.

When Darryl finally let go of her, she said very indignantly through her delightfully tingly lips, "What are you doing? We are in the dance floor and everyone is here watching!"

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Darryl only gave her a warm smile, not giving a slightest concern over the girl's panick. Instead, Darryl's thumb glided past her jaw then to her lips, wiping a stain of lipstick that messed up during their kiss.

"Let them watch" He replied and went to kiss the girl's hair after. It took only few seconds and all the bright lights sparkled throughout the great hall again giving everyone the hint that the dance had ended fully and whatever business running around the center aisle was done.

With that, everyone looked at each other and waited for the couple to step out the dance floor and was desperate to get some information of the girl. Everyone's eyes flashed a hungry and dubious look, hoping they could at least have a conversation with the mystery woman—so they all waited for her to blend into the crowd again, like a ton of paparazzi that would do everything just to get an exclusive interview for a cover story.

"Have you lost you mind? There's no way we could—"Xhemin scolded with an astonished voice.

"Young master" Manager Song's entrance cut off Xhemin's words. The girl turned her head to the manager's direction and sprang away a little from Darryl. She was kind of shock with his presence as she didn't saw him previously.

"Bring the girl home" Darryl instructed and Xhemin knew right then that Darryl had specifically summoned him. For how did he managed to call his attention, she don't really have an idea. Perhaps he had given the manager some cue during the time they dance.

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"I will call a valet and make sure Little Miss' is well attended" The manager acknowledged.

"No," Darryl maintained " I want you to accompany her home personally and make sure she goes to the Professor's home safe"

Aware of how the crowd would react and that the girl might be rummaged with too many conversations and prying, Darryl arranged to send her home right then. As much as he wanted to bring the girl home by himself, the fact that the party was not over and it would be a little risky for him to do so rendered his wish impossible.

Xhemin was also aware of this, and as much as she wanted to enjoy the rest of the evening with him, too much had happened in just a couple of hours and it was best for her to go home right away than to stir up far more scandals and chaos.

"I need to find the boys first" She told him "I can't go home without either of the two"

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"And why is that?" Suspicious of her expression, Darryl narrowed his eyes at her.

"Err…" She kind of hesitant to tell the fact but proceeded to tell him eventually "They just sneak me out of the house. I need them to sneak me back in, without the professor knowing"

Xhemin bit her lip upon her confession, but it was best to tell the boy of her escape than to end up being caught. Prevention was a better option, she thought.

"So naughty milady" Darryl shook his head in disbelief. No wonder why she came in a boy's dress and without any warning. His girl was actually an escapee for the night.

"Manager Song, find the Montreal boy first and accompany them back to the professor's house" he proceeded to give specific instruction with the manager "Make sure the professor won't notice"

"Yes young master," He answered, bowed before the Lagdameo heir and offered his arms to escort Xhemin out "Shall we little Miss?"

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"Thank you for tonight" Xhemin made her last curtsey and reached out to Manager Song's arms. She was in haste, for the crowd seemed to be ready to eat her up whole alive with their hungry eyes.

Where are the boys anyway?

She was sure they are not around because if they were, they could have stepped up in the center aisle already as soon as the dance was over.

The crowd's mien was very alarming, there's no way Ziggy or Huzey would let her stay further after that incident with the CGC heir and with Darryl's show off.

Manager led the girl up the fabricated stairs in order to avoid the eager crowd. He knew another exit where he could sneak the girl out without catching up much attention. He was just going to summon someone to look to the Montreal young sire before heading off without exposing the girl too much with the guest. What a night, so much had happened and as much as he wanted to enjoy the party, work comes first, especially that he knew that the Lagdameo heir's reputation was at stake. No one must know the girl's identity especially that whatever happens in the south is his responsibility.

Darryl did not depart his eyes from his woman who was retreating away with Manager Song, even when she had stopped looking back at him and went off completely. He breathed deep as he noticed how the crowd's mouth twitched in despair seeing the girl walking away. The second floor was of course off limits, no one can just sneak out in there, that would be too disrespectful.

"Young master" A valet brought Darryl's attention back to the great hall. "An important guest calls for your presence"

"I know" He said, his once bright expression fade out, dissolving into a blank and stoic one. His hazel eyes narrowed as his face dimmed. "Where is he?"

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