"What happened?" questions were raised randomly upon the flock of people trying to get a glimpse of the incident. All of them were looking down below, but the darkness proved their attempt to have a glimpse futile.

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The tree that fell left some of its branches at the top of the cliff, and it needed to be cleared off because it blocked off the entrance that lead the way to the stairs. So everyone who was present right then took the initiative to clear the way, picking some of the branches, twigs and bundle of leaves before throwing it away in one side.

It took a couple of minutes of cleaning before everyone had the chance to run freely to the cliff's steep stairs. Someone handed everyone flashlights and as soon as they reached the stairs, they charged the light trailing off the stair's pathway to check. The view that was caught on the light made everyone panic chaotically.

Xhemin was sitting in one of the steps, she was weak and her shoulder was all covered with blood.

"The Little Miss is hurt!"

"She's bleeding!"

Carefully, Ziggy who was there, descended to that part of the stairs where Xhemin was and he caught the girl's terrified expression. She was still conscious but her shoulders were bleeding excessively and her eyes were very weak.

"You okay?" That was the only first thing he managed to ask while his panic nerves overtook him "Hang in there a lil' bit, I'll take you to the hospital"

Ziggy took off his shirt and pressed it to the girl's wounded shoulders before attempting to carry her off. The stairs' steps were wide enough to cater two people at the same time, so Ziggy didn't had hard time easing himself in, but since he was pressing hard on the girl's shoulders with the shirt, he was struggling then to carry her off by himself alone. Also, seeing how deeply she was hurt, Ziggy's insides went trembling in fear.

"Let me young sire" One of the guests went to help him while the others were directing their flashlights at them making sure they get a clear view of the situation.

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"How did this happen?" Someone asked almost screaming.

"The big three cracked off suddenly, "One of the guests who witness how the tree fell off narrated.

That same person also noticed that Xhemin was there previously although he wasn't quite sure that Huzey was there too, like the other guest was claiming. Everything happened like a flash, and everyone aside from worrying about the victim's safety was wondering how such an unfortunate incident had happened in the midst of a happy occasion.

The guest that came to help Ziggy had broad and strong shoulders so it only took him a minute before he was able to carry off Xhemin completely, he was about to ascend back to the top of the cliff but Xhemin held on to his shirt trying to catch his attention. She was murmuring something to him that he didn't understand. The Little Misus' voice was low, one can barely hear and understand what she was saying then.

"What is it?" Ziggy who was still pressing on her shoulders asked, the clothing was all covered with blood now. She was bleeding excessively because of her wound and that was making her weak every second that passed.

"Huzey….Huzey…"She uttered the diamond prince's name repeatedly as she glanced on Ziggy's direction.

"Are you with him? Where is he?" He asked, his panic was becoming more intense now. They didn't find anyone aside from the girl so if Huzey was there, then where the heck is he?

"He fell….in the cliff…to the water…" She managed to narrate despite her almost fading off senses. Her weak eyes sparkled with defeat and fear, probably afraid what could have happened to her best friend.

Some of the guests who understood what Xhemin said instantly directed their flashlights to the lower part of the cliff, hoping at least they could have a view down below, but the distance was too far for the light to travel to and so they only caught the view of the disturbed water and some things floating above it that looked like branches and leaves.

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"What?" Ziggy questioned the girl but she was too weak to answer now. But one thing Xhemin said for sure, Huzey was there and that he fell in the water when the incident happened. Right then, Ziggy looked down below the water worriedly.

Without second thoughts, and knowing that Huzey might have had an injury before falling, Ziggy jumped from the cliff into the water and the view of the Montreal young sire jumping left the guest screaming for his name. What he did was totally dangerous; there was no doubt to that. The cliff was high and no one from the guest could tell what probably was down the water.

"No! Young sire!"

"Young sire stop!"

Almost everyone attempted to halt Ziggy's attempt yet it was too late. The young sire's body made a loud thud and splash into the water and the water swallowed him off completely.

"What happened round here?" The fainting Xhemin heard Senior Hans Motarini's tensed up voice.

"The young sire jumped off to save the prince!" Someone answered sobbing.

"Call for rescue now" The old man charged someone before descending into the stairs to check on Xhemin before directing the person that was carrying the girl "Dr. Miles had called for immediate aid, bring the Little Miss to him"

After that, Senior Hans descended on the cliff's stairs into the duck with few of the guests. The place was empty and there was no sign of anyone in there. Immediately, Senior Hans' companions charge off their flashlights on the water, hoping they would find either Huzey or Ziggy floating in there but they found nothing, apart from some woods, leaves and sticks that were floating above the water.

The old man's jaw tightened. How could this incident happen under his watch?

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His grandson was missing and the Little Miss was hurt. Now the youngest Montreal cannot be found. How did things turned out into a mess tonight? They were celebrating and were not expecting anything like this to happen at all.

"Call for the coast guards and have them send a special search and rescue operation down here in the loch" The old man charged again some of his servants that was with him. His old weak nerves were trembling yet it wasn't time to panic now, he must compose himself fully or he will not be able to decide accurately.

Where is his grandson?

Where is the diamond prince?

While everyone was busy searching the water and waiting for the rescue to arrive, someone noticed that the water become unstable and in just a minute, Ziggy emerged from the water, breathing hard as ever.

"It's the young sire!" someone called everyone's attention. Then all the lights that they had were directed upon Ziggy's almost breathless face. Someone descended to the water and help Ziggy out on his way to the duck, his face was all pale and he was exhausted.

"Young sire, you shouldn't have done that" Senior Hans chided him gently. "What am I going to tell the Montreal household if you had hurt yourself?"

"That I had rescued my best friend perhaps?" He answered while trying to catch his breath "How was Xhemin?"

"Dr. Miles had probably brought her to the hospital by now" Senior Hans said trying to calm off the boy. He knew how afraid he was about his two best friend's safety and so was he.

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"Huzey" Ziggy tried his best to utter such terrible news "Huzey isn't in there…"

Senior Hans' nerves tensed up even more and his once composed self was almost trying to give up "What do you mean child?"

"I've search down there" Ziggy said, looking straight into the old man's face "There's no sign of him. I'm sure he wasn't down there"

"Then where is he?" Senior Hans almost screamed.

He knew how good the trio when it comes to diving and swimming around, and the fact that they had spent all their childhood playing in this part of the loch as well as the waters round the property, proved that the Ziggy's words of conclusion had some strong truth in them.

"Where is my grandson?" Senior Hans repeated in horror.

His words of dread filled the entire place and the old man sunk into despair. He was on his knees now as the news become so hard for him took in.

"Senior Hans please" Ziggy pleaded the old man to calm down. He dragged himself toward him and hugged his senior, not minding the fact that he was all wet "We'll find him. The strong current might have taken him somewhere or Huzey had swam himself to safety"

"Young sire" the old man said almost like sobbing his heart out "I only had one heir. I can't lost him"

"I know" Ziggy encouraged him further as he could "You'll not lose him. We will not lose him nor anyone tonight"

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