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Before I was even completely aware of what was happening, I was horrified to see a body sprawled across the sidewalk.

I was transfixed with shock for a second or two.

Is that the beast?

The man was in a coach's uniform lying unconscious, his face and shirt was covered with blood coursing from the open wound on his head.

'Nooooo!' I screamed in my head as I covered my mouth with my trembling hands.

Our love story has not started yet and now it is ending? Tragically? This can't be!

People started to gather around the motionless body making me lost sight of it from where I was standing. With my body shaking and my heart beating a million times a minute, I managed to run toward the most horrible scene of my life.

"Excuse me" I cried picking my way through the crowd of people bigger than me. My normal pale face had gone as white as a tissue paper, and I was breathing hard.

"Miss, do you know this man?"

I nodded with tears running down from my eyes.

They all made a way for me, a minute after, I found myself on my knees at the beast's side looking completely horrified.

Hey beast, don't leave me yet.

I still want to date you.

I still want to have many unusual encounters with you.

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I still want more kisses from you.

I still want to see you. Always.


" The fifth and the last. If you will not be able to see him, you will surely cry our out of loneliness. That's it bow."


Coach's last sign from yesterday echoed in my ears. I panicked over the thought of it. I looked at the man beside me. His chest was not moving— he was not breathing anymore! He was unconscious, or dead I think— oh please not yet! His shirt was torn right trough.

"The ambulance is coming" Someone standing few feet away shouted.

I needed to embraced him and begged him not to die. He might somehow listen to me right now. I was already considering whipping off my own shirt to use as a bandage when I noticed the ocean of blood splattered across the whole scene.

"Blood" I mumbled, terrified.

My hemophobia came in gushing to my nerves shifting my whole focus from the accident to my innate fear. Yes, I'm afraid of blood!

I dazed over a nightmare where I saw myself in a pool of blood.

"WAAAAHH" I ran knee-jerk away from the dreadful scene.

"Miss wait, we still need your stateme—" Someone called me over me but I'm way too horrified to heed their request.

I ran, farther and farther away from the scene of the crime. Perhaps by exhaustion or body thirst, after few minutes of running, I felt my aching legs that made me withdrew to a sidewalk in the middle of nowhere.

I sat there on one corner, hands on my knees sobbing wildly.

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"I'm really sorry beast, I'm such a coward"

He needed me right now but how could I fight over my blood phobia? How tragic was his fate. He was such a promising youngster, I even considered him as one of the best assets of mankind. I also thought of how unfortunate our love story had been. How could it ended suddenly by his demise?

In an instant I meet him.

In an instant we shared our first kiss

In an instant we hurdled each other in bed.

In an instant we had a MU. (Mutual understanding)

In an instant we had a LQ. (Lover's quarrel)

Then in an instant he died?

What kind of ending was that?

"What's with that girl?" Someone bubbled from somewhere.

"She looks crazy, how unfortunate, she's too pretty to be a crazy"

I heard people criticizing me as they passed by. I didn't mind it. There were so many things happening with me right now, the least I would care was what people think about me.

The beast.

The beast was gone!

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"He's so unfair he just left me…sniff..sniff… like that..just like that.." I cried helplessly.

"But you knew I was coming back right?" I familiar voice gently answered.

"Huh?" I lifted up my head slightly and my eyes landed on a pair of sneakers in front of me. Then my eyes traveled to his legs wrapped by his jeans and on the small plastic bag he was holding.

The beast was standing in front of me looking gorgeous in his coach uniform. His eyes were full of worries and sweats dripped off from his head to his delicate face, like he had been running all along.

"I bought you a strawberry sandwich" He smiled and offered me the plastic bag.

I started blinking up at him, wondering if what I was seeing was just some weird hallucination, but then I was reminded of some movie film scripts. I knew these type of scenes— the popular horror movie plot line. It was like a standard rule in horror movies that lost souls do not depart from the this world when they still have unfinished businesses.

In the beast plot line, he has indeed an unfinished business and that was my strawberry sandwich. I believe he must have gone to heaven already when he realized that he was still holding that plastic bag. So he excused himself and rushed back to earth to personally bring it to me.

"Did you come back to earth to give me those? … are indeed something..sniff…sniff..even if you are dead you are still so sweet.. sniff..sniff..thank you..sniff..sniff.. May you rest in peace..sniff..sniff.." I said while sobbing hard. Now, his death will haunt me forever because of my own guilt.

He knelt down to level down to my gaze. His hazel eyes bore into me like pair of head lights.

"I'm so sorry.. sniff..sniff..I have hemaphobia...sniff..sniff..I can't stand blood… I was not able to help your body..sniff..sniff..I ran away from it..sniff…sniff.." I continued with more tears this time.

"'s okay" He said, reaching out for my cheeks to wiped out the tears. I felt his warm hands. I frowned knowing how books and movies had been lying – ghosts were always described as something cold. Lies! His hands were warm.

"Don't cry.. I'm not yet dead" He said.

What? What was he saying ? He wasn't dead yet? Did he make a deal with Lucifer in order to come back to earth? Heck! That was the worst plot line I think!

"…I'm not the man on the street that you cried on" He smiled easing all the sorrows away.

What? I froze, my tears stop falling in an instant. I closed my eyes trying to repeat what he just said making sure I heard it right.

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"Huh?" That's all I manage to respond. Swift right? After those series of mental turmoil, I finally added. "Really?"

"Yeah" He nodded, giving me the sweetest smile the world could offer.

I think I just swallowed my tongue right now. I recollected my thoughts and I realized I wasn't really completely certain that it was the beast— the one who got into an accident. Though they have the same shirt, but it was a coach uniform, of course there were a lot of coaches who wore the same uniform today, right?

I shivered.

I become suddenly conscious of my surrounding now. Where are we exactly? I just ran randomly earlier I wasn't completely mindful enough to care about the path I had taken. This place was crowded with a couple of people whose eyes were fixated on me— with pity. I made myself a fool again!

I looked unto my left side, a lot of people were staring at me with confused looks and some were gossiping under their breathes. I can clearly read their lips as they exchanged the words— 'I think that girl is crazy'.

I glanced at my right side. There were girls dripping their saliva at the sight of the beast. It was as if they wanted to snatched him away for themselves.

I looked up ahead. I can imagine an angel peeking from heaven giving me a V sign.

I looked at in front of me. Wrong move. The beast was smiling with tenderness in his eyes. Suddenly my cheeks felt warm. Did I just blushed?

I looked away in an instant and tried to fix my hair, pretending to fix my hair I mean. Wait! My hair was on bun so there was nothing to fix. I cursed myself for being such a fool for nothing.

If this happens again, I will never eat strawberries again! I tried to bet my greatest kryptonite aside from blood. Though after a minute, I must say, regret such bet.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nod. I didn't look in his eyes, I was not up for an eye to eye battle today especially that my eyes sored, I cried so much earlier. I comforted myself saying that it was okay to have cried— there was someone who got into an accident today after all. That was still a sad story worthy of my tears.

"Let's head back to the building." He pulled me carefully to stand.

Suddenly, something came spilling into my thoughts one by one. My jaw dropped as realization dawned on me.

" OH NOOOOH!" I screamed in hysteria.

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