Dannah Samuelle was outside the operating room walking back and forth. She can't help but worry about what was happening inside that white door with red lights at the top. For once in her life, she never thought waiting could be that dreaful.

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She just came back from Wood bridge and had settled out things over so she can get back to being Ziggorioh Montreal's bodyguard again, but she didn't really expected things would turn out this bad the moment she showed up.

Seemed that bad luck had been following her these days.

She looked at the door of the operating room, two hours had passed since the operation started and every minute that went was an agony to struggle with. Although the trio's were not in any way related to her, Huzey and Xhemin had always been good to her. Apart from that, she had great respects for the Diamond Prince and his amazing crafts. Such a waste if someone like him will end his life just like that, that's too tragic.

Suddenly, Dannah felt her throat dried up. She was feeling thirsty so she went to look for a vending machine to get something to drink. Luckily she found one in just one corner of the hospital and soon one can of soft drink came rolling out the machine which she instantly picked up, cracked the tin can open and drank almost all of it.

She wiped the wetness of her mouth with her own arms like a man. If one had seen her right now, no one will ever believe that she was the Lagdameo's third miss.

Satisfying her thirst completely, Dannah went on her way back to the operating room. However while she walking in the hospital alley, one particular voice caught her attention.

"Dee?" She whispered to herself when she heard someone that sounded like her brother.

Dannah immediately hid herself in a wall to be safe while at the same time peeped at the man who was talking to a nurse in the station.

Even if Dannah Samuelle was dressed like a man, her brother will always recognized her and in case that will happen, she will ran out of explanations why she was pretending to be a man and why was she here. Surely her bother, the ever famous Lagdameo heir, will flood her with too many bugling questions if he by chance, caught her.

But why was her brother here all the sudden? The last time she checked, he was still in Woodbridge with their sister Dian.

Dannah squinted her eyes and tried to come closer to the nurse station, taking serious care that she wouldn't be noticed. With a closer look, she was able to confirm that the man was indeed Darryl. However, seeing how messed up he looked, Dannah's head formed lines in confusion.

What had happened?

Did Darryl have trouble with something?

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What was he doing here?

Who did he bring here?

"How about the Montarini Prince, how was he?" She heard him asked the nurse politely.

"The operation is still on-going sir" The nurse announced sadly.

Dannah realized that not almost everyone was familiar with the Lagdameo heir's face, for the nurse herself didn't suspect anything special with the man who was talking to her right now, although it was obvious in her face that she find Darryl very attractive. The way the nurse blushed and looked upon him give off that fact.

Dannah shook his head with these.

But when did Darryl had some concern with the Montarini Prince?

She don't remember them having any relations with the Montarini's.

Dannah's thick eyebrows drew together in confusion. Even Darryl's appearance right now got her thinking in a while. Darryl's shoes were full of mud, and his beautiful suit was almost ruined, as if he had gone to some fighting or hunting in a deep forest somewhere.

Obviously her brother didn't come from the forest mansion. There's no way he could dress up that messily if he started off in there. Manager Song will not allow it for sure.

Although Dannah had spent enough time with Ziggy, she had really no idea about what's going on between Darryl and Xhemin. She was only Ziggy's bodyguard after all, not someone that the trio should share these things over with. She was their employee, not their friend.

The only thing Dannah knew was that Xhemin was so lucky enough to have befriended two of the powerful elite heirs—the youngest Montreal and the Montarini prince but never did she thought that her own brother, had also fallen into her enigma.

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Also, during the masquerade party, after the moonlight mirror incident, Dannah kind of isolated herself in the music room, playing her favourite piano endlessly, not aware about the commotion that happened in the great hall. She doesn't really care about those things anyway. If not for Darryl asking her to meet him and of him insisting that she should have her attendance during the party, then Dannah Lagdameo should have been missing in action again.

Dannah didn't catch some of the questions Darryl asked the lady nurse in the station but from what she collected, Darryl was here for someone.

The diamond prince perhaps?

He did mention him earlier.

"What room?" he heard him asked again and his voice was like begging the girl.

"Sir we are not really allowed to—"

"Please I just need to see her. It's not like I'm going to enter the room anyway" Darryl insisted desperately. Right then, Dannah saw how his brother's eyes went weary; he must have been so upset with something.

"Room 130 Sir," The nurse who was hesitating end up telling the boy the thing he needed.

"Thank you" He gave him a curtsy that shocked the nurse before he turned his back on her, heading to the room that she had given him earlier.

"Sir please don't—" She attempted to remind him as soon as the boy turned his back with haste.

"I know" Darryl cut her off again reassuring her that he will not mess up. Somehow, Darryl knew she will be in trouble if he do something wrong, so he gave her his words in gratitude for her help.

Dannah followed Darryl to where he was heading to. She was damn too curious what her brother was up to and who he will be visiting over.

Soon, she saw Darryl halted in one particular room and gazed open through a tiny glass window installed in the door. He looked through the glass intently as if there's something special beyond it that he wanted the most.

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Dannah wondered who the person inside was when suddenly she realized that Darryl was looking through the Little Missus' hospital room. Of course she knew where they put her, that's the peak of being the youngest Montreal's bodyguard.

Dannah's curiosity surged to the highest peak just by seeing how troubled her brother was just by looking through the glass window—the only thing that gave him a view of the sleeping girl who had bandage around her shoulders. Darryl was shaking— with fury or with worriedness—Dannah couldn't really distinguished

But why was he here?

Did her brother know the Little Miss too?

Was she also a friend of him? Did her brother gain too much friendship overtime without her noticing? Not impossible though, since she was barely staying at home and she don't get to see him all the time.

Then suddenly, something dawned on Dannah that left her in awe. Could it be possible that the Little Misus was Dee's woman? That woman everybody was talking about in the capital?

Can't be.

That's impossible.

How did the two met?

Dannah did wanted to dismiss the thought, Dee could never have fallen for someone else. All these years, she had thought he was okay with Collet already. That sooner the famous Lagdameo heir will marry the CGC's heiress and that they will live happily ever after till the end!

However the view of Darryl right now as he watched the wounded Little Miss from afar defeated all the beliefs Dannah had for years between her brother and Collet. Did Dee really fallen off to someone other than Collet and was that someone the little Miss?

Phew! That's too much of a revelation for the night.

The looked on Darryl's faced touched Dannah's heart. She could feel his heartbreak and remorse through the faint sparkles of his hazel eyes. It was obvious from his actions that he wanted to break the door and hold her but he did everything he could to compose himself fully and suppress the urge to be beside her for the night.

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Darryl was in pain. Dannah thought.

In terrible pain.

She could feel it.

Darryl stayed outside the little Miss door for a couple minutes as the Dannah watched him from the corner. Later, Darryl left and went straight to the exit. Dannah followed him through the parking lot where she saw her sister's car. She thought Dian must have been with their brother and she wasn't wrong because in a little while she saw Dian exited out the car and welcomed Darryl with a tight hug, comforting the latter.

"We can stay for few days if you want" Dian suggested, trying to ease off Darryl's anguish as she let go of him.

"No we should leave now," he answered, his tone was emotionless then, as if all the pain he felt had numbed all his senses and as if all the warmth in him had crumbled down to ashes.

"But Dee, Xhemin—"

"Let's leave Dian" he insisted, his expression was becoming cold. His face reflected all the exhaustion he had for the night, so was the fading hope that he was losing "let's leave for once and never come back"

"Oh Dee," Dian gasped as she realized what Darryl meant by his words. She put her two hands upon her mouth not wanting to believe the thing that her brother had decided to do.

Darryl meant to leave, not only the hospital nor in Hampshire.

He wanted to leave not just now…but forever.

He wanted to leave Xhemin alone forever.

He was giving his woman up.

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