"The island is kind of a death zone, that's true. However, a long long time ago, someone was able to enter the place by accident and lived. That person was the first to communicate with the tribe and that person was the one who inspired me to explore the place"

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"Oh really?" Still having doubts about the professor's story, Xhemin questioned and continued "but still it's a very dangerous place. No one comes out alive they say"

"Again, that's true. The chieftain decides on your fate in that place. He also decides if you are to leave or not, that's why I couldn't leave the place even if I wanted to"

"You are not going back there right?" She flooded him with questions "Now that you have escaped you aren't going back there right?"

"Who said I escaped?" he answered giving the girl a silly grin "I went here to accompany the pack to get some Staw Serum. There aren't strawberries in the Island so I can't make the staw serum just how you taught me"

"You mean you still wanted to go back?" Another brick of disbelief went to her "But why?"

"Because there's so much thing to know in that place child, and I'm heck more nosier than you are"

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"What's in that place that keeps you stick in?"

"Plants. Plants of various and rare kinds that couldn't be found anywhere else in the world. I'm studying on those for potential use in the future"

Professor Owens was Xhemin's mentor in botany way back when he was still a Rivendell's professor, and Xhemin knew how obsessed this professor of her with plants and research, so she kind of believe his last statement. The old professor was the kind of person who would willingly give up his life for his researches—that's probably one of the best things to describe him.

"You are a silly old man!" She hissed at him.

"Well, I am an old man and you know there's no treasure that can defeat my yearning for knowledge" He just answered her reproached with a grin.

"But professor if you are going back, you might not be able to come back here" Xhemin reminded him, hoping reality hits him off and would make the professor changed his mind.

"I had no more business here in this country child. Aside from that, the Manggen Island is a paradise to explore, full of rare plants that couldn't be found anywhere. So I'm spending these old days of mine exploring it and probably discover some cure that will help mankind, just like the staw serum or a better medicine than that"

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"But what's the use of the things that you will discover right across these borders? You can't share it here, you said it yourself you can't just easily leave the place and I'm pretty sure there's no phones or any sort of communication technology that's running down the place"

"That's why I had your grandfather" He blew the last of his cigar, made sure to fire off any brittle of fire in it before throwing the last of its stem "In every two years, a pack comes here to get stock of medicines from your grandfather. I had proven them the worth of the medicines that we have here and since then, they regularly come for it without being noticed. Whenever they come to visit, I made sure to send some of my researches, notes and letters to your grandfather. Thus if I discover something great right there, your grandpa will be the first to know"

"…and oh before I forget…" The professor thought of something and went to search for something in the small bag he was carrying on his back "I'm giving you these…"

"What is this?"

"A book of some of the rare plants I had studied and what I found out about them"

"Wow awesome" Excitedly, Xhemin opened the book but closed it afterwards when she realized that the light coming from the moon wasn't enough for one to read through the pages. "When are you leaving?"

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"Got few more minutes I think" He estimated " The Barok and your grandfather must be done discussing some things anytime soon and we have to leave before the day breaks in"


"The leader of the canoe" He answered "That's what we call him"

"What's his business with grandfather?" she asked hoping the professor wouldn't mind giving her away some answers to fill in her curiosity.

"The medicines of course" he answered, aware of how the girl's intention "Still a very nosy cat my dear, you never changed and I doubt you will"

"Curiosity is the key to knowledge"

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"Don't forget it can lead to trouble to. Also it's quite very disrespectful to listen to adults conversation" He reminded the girl.

"I'm sorry, I didn't really mean that. Am I in danger for eavesdropping?" She asked with slight guilt.

"Well, at least were not in Manggen Island. If you were in there and you were caught eavesdropping, you'll lose your head before daylight" He tried frightening her with the fact.

"That's harsh"

"That's their way of living" He answered simply and tried to get another cigar to lit up.

"Professor by the way…."

"What is it now child?" He turned to Xhemin trying to catch some expressions in her face.

"How come I can understand their language?" She asked finally. She had been wondering why she had understood all the adults conversation when never in her entire life did she had any contact with the tribe.

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