"Well… I just want to tell you that…." She started out hesitantly and was still in the process of storing some strength to tell the fact " I want to tell you that the youngest sire was right…I am indeed…"

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"Indeed what?"

Sam sighed and let go "I'm a gi—"

"That she is in trouble for leaving me all alone in the library" Ziggy voiced out that halted every confession that Sam decided to spill off.

Ziggy was sitting on the horse field fence and it was only now that the two riders noticed his presence. They had been so absorb with their conversation they didn't notice the youngest sire climbed off the fence, sat there and waited for them as they were slowly approaching in his direction.

"Ziggy aren't you supposed to be studying?" Huzey asked as he thought Dr. Dugmoch charged the boy to study on something. That's why he had been locked up in the library alone, not allowing anyone to disturb him including Sam.

"Aren't you supposed to be just at the library door waiting for me?" Ziggy chided Sam, his expression was telling he wasn't pleased with her slip up.

"Dr. Dugmoch told me to have a break while you are still on a study mode" She answered at him. Both of them, Huzey and her, halted their horses near the fence where Ziggy was sitting.

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"Not a very good answer" Ziggy shook his head unconvinced.

"My answers do not satisfy you all the time young sire" Sam responded annoyed that Ziggy's presence has punctured her moment with Huzey. "Nothing new"

Sam's answer only brought more annoyance in Ziggy's face. He had given the girl a laser sharp gaze but Sam ignored his eye threats and opted to ignore his rising fury.

"You know what I am finding reasons to kept you as my bodyguard, but each days that passed by, you've only given me reasons to fire you" The Montreal youngest sire hissed at his employee.

"Apparently young sire, my employment is something that you cannot control" Sam answered back. "If I remember correctly it was your father who hired me"

No matter what her boss will do, Sam will never give him the pleasure of winning against her. She will definitely do her job as told but will not let Ziggy mistreat her again.

"You really are such a—"

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"Ziggy enough okay?" Huzey intervened knowing Ziggy was turning into a monstrously mad.

"I ask her to go horse riding with Huzey for a bit" Xhemin who just came back and witness Ziggy's hostile behaviour against Sam joined the conversation as she was approaching. She moved next to Ziggy and stood on one of the rails in the fence, draping her arms over the top as she watched over the two horse riders. She then looked up to Ziggy who was sitting comfortably on the fence, keeping his balance steady, "Why are you here anyway? You are supposed to be studying"

"I came to bring you this" Ziggy flicked a glance to Xhemin before he raised his other hand to show the document he was holding, waiving it off in the air.

"What is that?" Xhemin curiously asked and extended a hand to reach over the documents that Ziggy just brought.

Ziggy handed her the thing and it only took seconds for the Little Missus to scan through the whole thing.

"Waivers?" Xhemin's head formed lines when she read thought it. "Why does the school need waivers for the three of us?"

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"Must be the camp" Huzey said as he remembered such activity.

Once a year, they were sent off to some camps in order to develop camaraderie and be able to explore with students from other schools.

"Yep. Last year in Rivendell, last camp" Ziggy declared. "We now have one last taste of the camp so we'd better enjoy ourselves fully. We need to complete these documents before the week ends"

"I almost forgot about the camp" Xhemin murmured and started collecting in her head the things she needed to get done before the camp starts. A lot of things had filled their days in Richmond ranch from her birthday party to the accident so she kind of missed the fact that the camp was fast approaching. "I still need to report to coach for this"

"We all need to report to coach. We need to prepare fully for it because this year we will be a part of the camp officers if I am not mistaken" Ziggy added to Xhemin's conclusion.

For the past few years, the camp had been one of friend's highlight each year. Rivendell students had special rules in the camp although most of the time they were not openly declared as Rivendell's students but rather camp officers. The camp was one the gatherings the three looked forward to because they find camping adventurous, so was the activities that goes with it.

"Can Sam come?" Xhemin asked out when she noticed Sam's silence. The girl was left out and was forced to just listen up to their conversation.

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"Of course not!" Ziggy exclaimed in panic. There's no way he's gonna allow a bodyguard to come with him in a camp, that's the worst thing that could happen to him. Imagine the famous Zigorrioh Montreal tagging a body guard along? He would surely end up as a laughing stuff especially when all their classmates from Rivendell will be there. "She's not a student, mind you!"

"Ziggy is right" Huzey interjected "The camp is exclusive for university students. I'm afraid Sam can't tag along"

"Right!" Ziggy agreed confidently. God knew how thankful he was with Huzey's confirmation.

"Well that's too bad" Xhemin pouted, displaying her frustration over the fact.

"It's okay Little Miss. I'm sure the camp will be guarded tightly so there's no need to worry about the young sire's safety" Sam voiced out. She was really curious what's in the camp yet it seemed that she wouldn't have a chance to get a glimpse then. Perhaps next time. "There's really no need for me to come"

"Well if that's what everyone says so then I couldn't do anything about it" Xhemin settled.

"Well the camp is coming! I can't wait!" Ziggy shouted out loud and his voiced echoed off the whole Richmond ranch.

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