"Miss are you okay?" One of student from Huzey's group asked, looking at Xhemin's feet after she took it off from her camp boots, then that person squeaked "Oh my, that looks bad!"

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Xhemin face grimaced as the pain of her swollen feet hit her. She gritted her teeth regretting the fact that she had been careless on the way.

"ouchie!" Xhemin screeched again as she held on to her sprained feet. She did try to pick up herself but as soon as she was able to get up, she fell back to the ground miserably.

Darryl saw how Xhemin fell in her feet and hurt herself. His natural instinct made him wanted to run to where she was and check her wounds yet even before he could move his feet, he saw the Diamond prince already cowering before the girl who was pasted to the ground.

"I'm fine" Xhemin wave off to the prince " I just had a small scratch"

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"That's not a small scratch" Unexpectedly, the youngest Montreal managed also his way to the girl. "Let me see further"

Everyone knew that Ziggy is in the medical field so they kind of approved his interference even though they knew Xhemin wasn't his responsibility. Ziggy lowered his body to the ground levelling the hurt Xhemin and moved to inspect her feet. He had bandaged the sprained area to compress it.

"You shouldn't force yourself to walk or you'll hurt yourself further" Ziggy warned and thought of piggy backing Xhemin to the camp. He thus positioned himself ready to carry her "I'll have you in my back till we reach the camp"

Ziggy's offer shocked everyone who was with them.

"Is the Youngest sire going to carry her?" a student exclaimed, his face was full of surprise. Why the heck would the youngest Montreal burden himself to carry a careless insignificant camp attendee?

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" Looked like so!"

"O my God! He was so gentleman but the girl was totally not worthy of the Sire Ziggy's kindness!"

"Totally agree!"

Xhemin who was aware of the situation and the student's disapproval hesitated Ziggy's offer. She certainly didn't want to get Ziggy in trouble especially when she knew how the Montreal's was very concern of their social status. If Ziggy will be rumoured to have associated himself with a commoner, then things wouldn't come good—especially for the fact that they can't reveal the fact about Xhemin.

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In the middle of commotion and disapproval, another surprise crushed in after the first when Darryl intervened.

"I'll carry her" he said and his words pass through everyone's ears like a hot mess! Everyone's eyes bulged out. Even Darryl himself was surprise upon his words but he can't help it. He had been trying so hard to contain himself yet it seemed that he hadn't master the art of totally ignoring the girl he cared the most.

The San Sebastian student who had been mocking Xhemin earlier couldn't hide the astonishment in their faces and suddenly they kind of regret laughing at her. Just one look in their coach's face can send one flying through hell and even though they weren't sure about Darryl's intentions, they still didn't want to play on someone he would soon take an interest in.

Darryl walked steadily toward Xhemin who was clinging to her feet, hurting. All she cared for the moment was her swollen feet, as every second passed another wave off pain came knocking in her skin. She even missed Darryl's announcement and thought only of nothing but some dose of pain relievers.

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Darryl was one step away when an unexpected response made his face dimmed than what it previously was. Before he reached for Xhemin's hand, he saw the diamond prince carry off Xhemin immediately at his back, totally ignoring his declared intention of carrying the girl himself. In a quick smooth succession, Huzey was able to put Xhemin on his back securely. Ziggy who was also ready to carry the girl wasn't able to protest and just gave way for the Diamond prince without a word.

Xhemin who was in pain and was becoming unaware of her surroundings and the fact that three boys was trying to win off the privileged of carrying her—welcomed Huzey's arms immediately. She clung to him comfortably and rested her head on his shoulders weakly. She was exhausted and in pain physically and emotionally and Huzey's warm shoulders served as her comfort.

"She's part of my team. She's my responsibility" Huzey declared as he settled the girl at his back, his words dismissed every other man's intention of being the Little Misus' knight and shining armour at the moment. Without waiting for another man's approval or intention, he started his hike again in a fast pace to avoid the incoming confrontations.

"Team, let's go and follow me carefully to avoid getting knock off by the stones" Huzey instructed again to his team totally ignoring their surprised faces. Everyone who was present thought the prince was mad for carrying off a random girl, however as he had said himself, the girl was his responsibility, him being her camp officer so they tolerated the fact.

Darryl didn't like the view of Huzey carrying off his girl away from him. He gritted his teeth as he stood on his ground and dwelled rather thoughtfully on the figure of Diamond prince getting away—with Xhemin on his back.

Huzey's team went on the slope, followed by Ziggy's team leaving Darryl stuck on the trail unable to move, his hazel eyes held a distinct menace as if like a volcano soon to erupt.

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