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Darryl balled his hands into a tight grip as he steps out of his father's office.

"It's either you choose your dream, or you choose her" he halted a bit and close his eyes as he remembered those words exactly.

His veins are bursting in anger, but he chooses to control himself. He cannot think clearly if emotions will fill him. Never did he ever imagined that things would go this complicated.

He did not plan to meet her, but it happened. For the first time in his life, he let loose. However, it seems that losing himself to much is not good at all. He let himself get intoxicated with those unfamiliar emotions that are hard to control. That made him vulnerable.

He cursed himself, but can he blame his own heart? Nobody told him love could be a weakness. Or maybe his grandmother did, but he didn't believe her.

He felt stupid for allowing her enigma to consume him. But such kind of stupidity is very enchanting, addicting- he wants to commit such stupidity again and again.

Love indeed is dangerous. It can shudder your propriety, his propriety in particular- that had always been intact ever since he could remember.

However, he did really believe his father give him total freedom to do whatever he wants before he turns twenty-five. This could be his mistake, he trusted his father's words too much, never did he thought that his father would use his own cunningness against his own son. But then, today he confirmed that his father would only let him do the things that is good for business. So, his father had been watching all his actions all a long? How far does his father know about his plans?

He cupped his head with his hands as he continued to walk, he planned on leaving the mansion immediately but for some reasons he went to the young master's bedroom. His bedroom in this mansion.

The room is still the same, clean and neat the way it was two years ago when he left this house to pursue his dream. The stone wall panels and dim lightning in the room create a mysterious impression that enhances the bedroom's appeal. However, there is a bike artwork just above the luxurious bed that suggest an adventurous spirit of the one that owns such.

The grey curtains that hangs in the beautiful architected windows dance in the wind as he goes deeper in his bedroom's study area.

His things are still the way they are, it was untouched- yet there is no single dust on every furniture that suggests such room had been constantly cleaned up.

He stops on one of the bookshelf and pulls something in there. It was an old leather notebook. He opens it and scan through the pages, it is filled with shapes and calculations. He stops at the page where a blue print is drawn.

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He smiled a bit when he remembers how he burn midnight candles to create this blueprint, way back then when his grandmother was alive.

She was the most brilliant woman he adored. His grandmother loved him dearly, but she left him early too.

" Dee?" A young woman's voice wakes him up from his deep thoughts.

" Hey..I'm here" He replied to her call. He recognizes her voice instantly – it belongs to her sister Dian.

He heard her footsteps as she walks toward his study room, a minute after he saw her cheerful face. She was so happy to see him.

" You should come here more often, I'm starting to miss you" She said while giving him a kiss on his cheeks. His brother returned her kiss with a tight hug.

" Where's Dannah?" he asked, as he remembered their youngest.

The smiles in her face was gone in an instant. She halted her movement in a minute to construct the right words to say. She let go of a deep sigh before answering.

" Well that sister of ours is exactly like you…as father says…. you both are hard headed. She left for almost a week now and haven't been back ever since. " She replied.

Darryl frowned but he was not surprised at all. He completely trusts his youngest sister's capacity to care for herself yet, he didn't expect her sister will just leave home without giving him a call. She usually informs him her whereabouts.

"Did she call?" He asked.

"Well she did, and she told me relay the message to you that she is in the south right now doing something relevant. And that she called you, but your phone is off and that she can no longer call because she will be going to a remote area where there is connection at all…and I'm sorry I forget to tell you..." She said apologetically.

"Well that's fine" His sister had been always like this, so their family had been accustomed to her constant disappearance. There is nothing to worry anyway, she had already proven her survival skills a long time ago.

His father's stand to this behavior of course is not welcoming but he had already become apathetic to it through time. Probably because of the reason that she is not a male- and her demeanor as a woman is not something useful to the L Empire. It's the other way around actually.

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"Is that the amusement park you used to draft for grandma?" She asked suddenly glancing trough the notebook he was holding.


" Are you going to construct it?"

" Uhmm"

" For real?"

" For real"

Her smiled widened. Her siblings and him were so closed to their grandma, and she left them so many beautiful memories in their childhood they hold dearly deep inside them.

" Will this be your Legendary masterpiece?" Her face was full of amusement as she scanned to the pages. Growing up, the three siblings are close, so they know about his ultimate dream of creating a legendary masterpiece.

" No, it's grandma's legendary masterpiece"

"Oh, of course....I remember grandma also wants to be an engineer and she wants to build this amusement park"

"I know"

"But then she married to grandpa and she is force to give up her dream. Lagdameo's do not allow girl's like me to be a part of the industry" She narrated trying to remember the details of this old story. Her reactions to such story is neutral, as if she is not affected at all.

Darryl didn't say a word, in this family the only dream a girl can attain is to marry a well-off husband. Nothing else, but it seems that this sister of his is good with it so he was relieved that she won't go through the same dilemma their grandma had experienced.

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"So, what will be your legendary masterpiece?"

"Haven't made up my mind yet"

"Well, you are graduating in the college this year and sooner you'll have your license…so I bet you should hurry in making up your mind"

"I will" he replied as he tapped her head.

"Did you enjoy the conference?" She asked him, without noticing that she was already flooding him so many questions; yet he let her because for him, he owes him some time for not being home always.

"I did"

"I heard they are still planning to hire you as a coach even if you graduate…"

"That's good, so I can still be there for the next conferences to look after you" He smiled teasingly. Her sister's face grimaced in an instant. She was clearly annoyed by his conclusion.

"Did father called you to congratulate you for your incoming graduation?" She shifted the topic after a while.

"Nope" His face turned pale when he remembered his father's words earlier. He let go of a deep sigh. This didn't escape Dian's scrutiny.

"Was it because of her?" She continued trying to be sensitive on his brother's sudden uneasiness. Darryl look at her probingly.

"Do you know her?" He started comfortably- knowing it's his sister he was conversing.

"She was the friend I used to tell you, the one I met at the cartooning event"

"I see"

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"How did you two met?"

"I saw you on the first day of the conference, so I chase you in the hallway. She was there, and the rest was history. You probably knew about it by now"

"Well." She nodded her head confirming his brother's statement. "I'm sorry I didn't warn you about father" She suddenly become serious remembering his brother's dilemma. "I already knew by the time the pictures were taken down one by one in an instant in the web… he must have been guarding all your actions ever since you left"

"It's okay...don't worry about it. I can handle father's outburst" He said trying to appease his sister's guilt. She must have feel bad about what happened, but these kinds of things are something she shouldn't worry about - he thought.

"Do you think father will harm her?" She asked, worry filled her eyes.

He was stunned by his sister's words. He hasn't thought about it. He still trusts his father's sense of humanity until now, he is not capable of doing such thing. But why did his sister come up to that idea?

"Father is not like that…" He comforted her sister as he caressed her midnight black hair.

"Of course!" She answered in an instant – it's like she regrets saying the words she uttered earlier.

"Shall I get you something to wear for tomorrow's event?" She shifted their conversation as soon as she remembered the reason why he came looking for him.

"Tomorrow's event?" He asked trying to remember if he missed something.

"Well… don't you remember? Tomorrow is CGC's Memorial Day. Father wants you to come."

Chan Group of Companies Memorial Day? It was clearly not in his calendar. It is one of the highlights each year in the elite's social event. Even though it is just a Memorial Day- businessmen would not waste such opportunity to make connections as it is being attended by significant personalities.

So, his father wants him to come. For what reason?

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