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In order for the Chieftana to rise in power, a ritual must be done and so the Elder Nan was called to conduct it that same day. The men who were present at the gathering and the tribe Elders, was the witnessed to the assumption. Professor Owen and Baruk Tsu could only pray to the Highest God—pleading that the Chieftana would be just and reasonable on all her actions, as she was rumored to be a very vile and cunning woman—they both hoped that the rumors were somehow untrue.

When the ritual was over, everyone gave their respects to the new leader and went to celebrate the occasion with a banquet as a tribute to her.

Professor Owen's thought that the banquet was unnecessary because it was like an insult to the death of the chieftain's heir. His death as a custom, shall be mourned for a week or more but right now, the Chieftana threw a feast in the excuse of thanking the Gods for the new leader. They knew how the Chieftana despised the chieftain's heir because he was not her son— the chieftain's heir was brought to this world by a concubine which the Chieftana failed to give, and thus, the said concubine was her downfall all these years.

However she died giving birth to the youngest princess and the Chietana couldn't be more happy as she  lost her greatest foe for the people and the Chieftain's love and affection —with the exemption of course with the previous Chieftana, the first wife of the Chieftain— whose memory was still haunting her even from the grave.

In the midst of the celebration, the Chieftana called Professor Owen's attention. There was another thing she had to settle with him.

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"Aki, is it true that the healer is already well?" She said with a gentle smile that hid the woman's vileness.

Professor was surprised of how fast the news came out when Xhemin only woke up today, but he tried to put a straight polite  face "She woke up today in a good condition Chieftana"

"Is that so?" She replied. Professor Owens studied her face but he saw nothing, not even a hint of apathy "I know she hadn't fully recovered yet but I think it is time for us to decide on what to do with her"

The professor almost choked from what he have heard. The thing that he feared the most had already come and it made his insides tremble. The Chieftana hated roux blood like him and Xhemin. Also the healer came as threat to Chieftana's power so she wanted to put off her fire before it burned her down. "What do you mean Chieftana? The chieftain was the one who awarded her the sunstone. He gave it to me as a present to her on the last voyage we had"

"I know and she is welcomed here…" The Chieftana flushed a gentle look as if she wasn't scheming against the healer. Truth was that, even before Xhemin came to the Island, she already gained the love of the people and the Chieftana was jealous of the respect they gave her. She had enough of roux blooded, they were always a nuisance to her.

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 "…My concern is that she came here without a status and that fact was making a quandary amongst the chieftain's household. The princesses are complaining that the people give importance to the healer than them" She added.

"Then let the princess know that the healer meant no harm. The love of the people for her is nothing compared to how the people loved them" Professor Owens persisted desperately trying to reasoned as much as he could with the new tribe leader.

"I hope it was as easy as that. As you know Professor Owens, status in the tribe creates a balance and stability. The healer do not have a status and that alone creates an imbalance" She discussed outwardly with her brilliant wit  "I'm afraid that in the future, when the people are torn between the healer and the princesses, the people would chose to betray their princess for the healer"

"We cannot change the love of the people for the healer" Baruk Tsu intervened hoping the Chietana can spare the healer out of her nonsense claims "The healer is just a little girl, she could not possibly create chaos as big as that"

"But she already is causing one. We should determine and provide limitations for her so that she won't be a threat to the tribe's household" She suggested as she make a taste of her own cup that was prepared on her table.

"Chieftana, the healer have no plans to go—"

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"Our history alone can prove that a roux blooded without a status can tear a tribe down" She blurted out right away hating the fact that everyone was trying to save the healer from her "The devil's child is the proof of that all" She added cutting off professor Owen's completely.

"Chieftana, I will take responsibility for the healer please do not harm her she's only a child" Baruk Tsu promised. It was the chieftain's intention to reward the healer that was why he gave her a sunstone, hoping that someday he could see her. With that, Baruk Tsu ought to protect the healer as much as he could even against the chieftain's own wife.

"Am I that evil to you Baruk Tsu? I meant no harm for the healer" she said.

"Chieftana then what should we do about it then?"

"Elder Nan, since Baruk Tsu was obviously implying that I am making trouble for the healer out of my selfish intentions" She intentionally heightened her voice and put up a hurt face "Why don't you decide Elder nan on the healer's fate?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"The roux blooded has indeed created an imbalance within us, our history can tell it. However we owe a great deal to the healer and so we must let her stay if she wished." The Elder Nan voice out.

"Your point elder Nan?" Elder Nan was one of the elders in the tribe where they sought advices most of the time. Apart from all the elders he was considered to be the oldest and was believed to attain the highest wisdom above them all. That was why his words were taken into account seriously. However for Baruk Tsu and Professor Owens, they were aware that somehow the Chieftana had an influence on him as they belong to one family.

"Give the healer a status then as a reward for her good contribution to our society" The old man answered and hearing the words, a devilish smile flashed across the Chieftana's face before she blurted out "But what status can I give the healer? That wouldn't come easy because unlike Aki Owens, the healer is a girl. We cannot make a girl an Aki like the Aki Owens"

"Give her the highest status that for an ordinary person who is not a blue blood can have" Somebody from the crowd of men suggested.

"And what exactly is that?" Professor Owens worriedly asked hoping it wasn't as bad as he was anticipating.

"A handmaid" Elder Nan dropped the words without doubt. "Send her inside the Chieftain's household as a reward and for her protection too."

"Very well" The Chieftana happily agreed and looked to Professor Owen with a mockery "I shall see to it that she will well protected under my care.

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