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Sam sat comfortably on her seat while Adeline tried to put up a composed face. She had to be patient and focused on how to make the youngest sire's bodyguard regret coming here tonight. On that note, since everyone here thought that Sam was romantically involved with her boss and that Sabina had been put aside, she wanted to humiliate Sam and put her where she really belonged.

"Thank you," Sam smiled at the student president, her roguish green eyes subtly glared at the girl as if giving her a gentle warning not to mess up with her.

Adeline smiled back at her and dragged her eyes into the whole room as she announced "Let the dinner be served."

As if on cue, the waiters moved and prepared the meal and the thought of it gave Adeline some sense of victory. Adeline had prepared a fine dining for everyone and so table etiquettes should be observed faithfully. She thought that since all of the academy's student where children of prominent families, then everyone should be able to observe right table etiquette, except for one—and that is Sam, the youngest sire's controversial bodyguard.

 "They served good food here," Adeline's smile widened when she saw that Sam had already noticed the pile of utensils that were laid before here "I'm sure you'll have a good time eating,"

Sabina herself who were beside Adeline and her friends chuckled.  How will Sam be able to have a good time eating when she will be having a hard time guessing which utensils to use?

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Sam of course was aware of all their evil smiles and scrutinizing eyes. If these girls thought they can make her run away crying, well they were wrong.

The dinner had been served and Adeline asked the waiter to serve the food first to Sam as a curtsy being their guest. When the first course was served, the waiter put down a Gazpacho soup in their table.

"Go ahead Sam," Adeline encouraged her when she noticed that the girl just stared at the red hot soup before her. To make everyone in their table halt, she called everyone's attention in guise of a curtsy "Everyone, let Sam taste the soup first. She is our guest and so let's have her taste it first"

Sam's eyes travelled from the soup to Adeline and then to Sabina who seemed so eager to get her attention by giving her some hand signs. Curious, she noticed that Sabina was secretly giving her cues on which spoon to use. There were several utensils and so a person who was not educated on formal dinner etiquettes should not be able to know which utensil to use.

Sam eyed Sabina further and noticed that the girl was pointing to the dinner spoon instead of the soup spoon. Was the girl trying to lure her to use the incorrect spoon in front for everyone?

Gosh, her ways was so low for her kind! So evil but foolish —Sam thought.

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Sam only gave everyone a gentled nod in order to acknowledge their sincere intention of letting her taste the soup first then went to pick the soup spoon—to Sabina's dismay—and scoop out a spoonful of soup to taste it. The thick liquid ran directly to Sam's throat after she had a good taste.

"How was it Sam?" One of the student council whom Sam do not know asked her, not aware of the tension that were surging under Sabina and her friend's back.

To everyone's surprised, Sam coughed tremendously as if something was wrong.

"Cough..cough..cough," Sam deliberately let out.

"Are you okay?" The one beside her tried to pacify her by gently patting at her back "Why? What's wrong with the soup? Didn't you like it?"

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"I'm sorry," Sam put up an innocent face "But the soup seemed odd for my taste"

Everyone looked at each other on the table. Even the people from the other table gathered their eyes on Sam who was coughing. What was she trying to say about the soup? Some of them tried to taste the soup and they didn't find anything wrong.

Sabina whose face was already dismayed upon the fact that Sam ignored her gestures and successfully picked up the right spoon, tasted the soup too and find nothing odd about it.

"Perhaps it's too expensive for your taste," Sabina said as her thoughts where still wondering how Sam learned proper dinner etiquettes. Even when she coughed, she displayed a correct polite demeanor and drank sophisticatedly from her water glass "There's really nothing wrong with the soup. I'm suspecting it was the first time you tasted a high quality soup like this that's why you are complaining."

Adeline also speak up "Sam this is a high class hotel and the food here are high quality and the soup honestly is good. Perhaps Sabina is right—"

"It doesn't mean that because it is expensive and good looking, you can rate it as a high class hotel" Sam didn't withhold her words anymore "One can be rated as a high class by the quality of their service and certainly by the quality of their food. A true socialite don't pay expensively for nothing but for a good experience"

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"Are you saying that we are not true socialites?" Adeline stood from her seat angrily "Do you even know who you are talking to?"

"I don't." Sam replied "The only thing I know is that the one who organized this party certainly don't know about quality food"

"Are you insulting us?" Sabina joined Adeline's anger. How could this low commoner insult socialites like them? Everyone knew that it was them who organized this party and Sam was questioning their capacity in front of everyone "You are only a body guard and you are acting like you are above every one of us!"

"I am just pointing a fact," Sam blurted "If you are hurt by the truth then I have nothing to do about it"

"What is happening here?" One of the Senior Professors intervened when he saw the commotion was already out of hand. Since this event was school related, some professors were sent to monitor the event but because they cannot relate to youngster's activities, they opted to hire another room where they can do whatever they pleased. However, few seconds ago, one of the usherettes called their attention and so they rushed only to witness their two prominent students raging with anger.

"Can anyone tell us what is happening?" Another professor demanded an explanation.

"Professor that commoner was accusing us that we had been negligent in handling this event!" Sabina flushed a pity face in front of their professor as if she had been deeply insulted.

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