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"If the Diamond Prince and my son is insisting it then it could be true, isn't it Young Master Dee?" Zhanglou asked looking calm and poised, for which unknown to everyone, he was making a trap against the Lagdameo heir to take the blame.

Darryl remained phlegmatic without any hint of anxiousness in him. He knew what Director Montreal was trying to do, these things were not new to him. In the world of where they stood, business will always be business and every family must hedged their own. He cannot blame Director Montreal for his actions, in fact he wanted to thank the man for giving him an opportunity.

Collet's fingers dug deeper in his arms, the Chans were even relying on him to clear the heap. He could even see his father, looking at him giving him a fair warning not to do an unforgivable social gaffe.

The question was, can the beast be swayed?

"It's true, I am exclusively dating someone. However, I believe the discussion of my private matters is inapt for today's occasion" He responded politely but the tone of his voice stroked as a businessman trying to brush off some unnecessary conversations.

Everyone was appalled at the beast response. Even the Diamond Prince who showed less concern earlier turned his head toward the beast, his eyebrows rose to a notch in disbelief. All the adults and elders slack-jawed on the beast professionalism. Indeed, the rumors about him were true. Far so true.

"Well of course." Zhanglou replied in an instant trying to back off a little. He had been in the business industry for decades now and the boy's show off today embarrassed him a little.

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Irony was that he was not annoyed, he was rather challenged by the boy's demeanor and wanted to test him a lit bit more.

"I apologize for the confusion, I honestly did think you and Miss Collet are romantically involved seeing you here welcoming guest with the Chan household." Zhanglou added with a non-visible grin.

Collet's face turned ghastly pale. She did think she can have this moment to own him, yet he just publicly declared his affection for someone else. Her eyes were now welling up, yet she suppressed all the tears. She held her high and feigned, as if she didn't hear anything at all.

She is the CGC's heir, she must bear such crown today and must not fail in her composure, otherwise she will be everybody's laughing stock.

Darryl suddenly turned his head toward Collet, who is trying so hard to force a smile on her face. Collet's actions give him an assurance that she will not throw tantrums right at this moment. Thus, before opening his mouth to speak again, he gave everyone a diplomatic smile.

"Collet knows about my private affairs, she is after all my childhood friend. Also, being her friend for a long time, I believe people will not misunderstand me coming here to help welcome their guests. I am after all part of the as Chan's household for I am like a brother to Miss Collet."

Collet not wanting to embarrass herself further continued her act. The beast and her pretended they have the platonic desired affection, nothing less and nothing more.

Everyone who witnessed how the Lagdameo handled the situation adored him more. His ways of handling such a delicate topic was outstanding. Everyone thought he would deny such rumors, but instead he owned it and cleared every confusion everyone had without shaming anyone further. True indeed that the Lagdameo heir plays his trump cards well.

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With that, the Montreal's left the center aisle as soon as they finished exchanging vows with the Chans. After they left, the Montarini stepped in to give their respects. Standing in front now was Senior Hans Montarini, and his only grandchild and heir, Huzey the Diamond Prince.

"Senior Hans, it is good to see you doing well. We have heard of your health troubles." Martin who had enough of the little commotion earlier made his best to shift the conversation. The two adults exchanged handshakes after they bow to each other.

"The heavens is good to me, CEO Chan. Also, Dr. Miles' skills are incomparable" The old man responded full of beans and vigor.

"Oh, the famous Dr. Miles? We haven't heard from him for so long, after his wife died he seem to have isolated himself. Such a shame…." Mrs. Chan who was standing beside Martin joined the conversation. Being in the upper echelon of the society for long, she has heard about the doctor's accomplishment even though she had not known him personally.

"Mrs. Chan, the word isolated is not the best adjective to describe it. Dr. Miles, as everyone knew him, is dedicated in helping people in the community specially those who are in need. He is far too busy and dedicated in his work. Saving other people's life is more important than social gatherings I believe." The Diamond Prince, who says only few words in public suddenly become conversational.

Everyone, although they were stunned by the boy's sudden change of behavior, understood his need to defend the doctor. Dr. Miles after all saved his grandfather's life.

Everyone know who Dr. Miles was, he was the founder of Feather Healthcare Corporation. He was literally one of the well-respected doctor's in this country and a noteworthy elite philanthropist. Feather Healthcare Corporation profits alone was spent on funding so many independent charitable foundations and humanity works. Since most of his profits and earnings go to charity works, he was the least person the businessmen in this country would deal with. His obsessive dedication to charity works was far too much that every elite feared he could not maintain his status in the community as an elite. Nevertheless, he was still regarded as a very honorable man and has gained much respect not only with the elites but also from every social classes in this country.

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However, after his wife demise, Dr. Miles seems to have lost interest in the elite community and retreated to the south of this country. Now, only few people in the elite class has maintained friendship with him.

"Dr. Miles is indeed a very good doctor. The Diamond Prince is even very fond of him" Martin pronounced trying to end the conversation. His wife's tongue was as careless as ever. He had already instructed her to keep a low profile and to avoid formal conversation as much as possible, yet again he failed her.

An hour had passed until the last guest finally took the last curtsey. The crowd hauled in the CGC main hall where the banquet is served and where businessman can finally have the chance to socialize. The beast who was unsure whether to believe Huzey earlier searched the crowd again. Since it was the time for everybody to socialize, he had a chance now to search every corner of the hall, unlike earlier when he was confined to the center aisle.

However, there was no sign of her anywhere.

"Dee!" He heard Collet's call, she was following him.

"Collet not now." He replied, exhausted by her constant appeal. The beast then left the main hall and headed out to the hallway. Since the curtseys were over and now that he was sure that his woman wasn't here, there was no more reason to stay.

"Dee! We have to talk now!" She screamed at him when she realized he was avoiding her again. Good thing they were in the hallway but then where no guest was around.

"What is it this time?" He asked as he turned to her.

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"Are you seriously rejecting the plans of marrying me? Our marriage can be very beneficial to L Empire, can't you see? I can give CGC to your hands… this is what everybody hopes fo-" She started scowling at him, frustrated of his social demeanor earlier.

"… that is not what I hope for…" Darryl said flatly as he cut her off.

"Just because of that girl you are throwing everything that we have? And everything that your family can have? Have you not in your whole life wished to marry me?" She asked sobbing, her tears were now ruining her pretty face.

"I have not wished of marrying you... not before... and not now… most especially now that I have her..." He spilled the whole truth in front of his childhood best friend. It did broke his heart to see how upset she was, but to make her hope for something he cannot give was the worst thing he can do than breaking her heart.

With that, the beast left the place with deep thoughts.

Today, with all that happened, he must be more careful of his actions.

The war between him and his father had just begun.

He must win it in order to have her.

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