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The Cheitana was caught in a serious predicament. If Enoch wasn't standing beside her, then she could have easily shooed the Lagdameo heir right away. However, she was in situation where she badly needed to get Enoch's favor for her own protection. If things come to worst, Enoch's love for her should be her shield. However, Enoch wanted the give the intruder a permission that she must not—in all circumstance—allow.

On the other hand, the council was already divided. If she votes in the negative, the one who wanted to give Darryl permission might be offended and if she votes for the affirmative, the other half of the would surely take this against her.

So, what will she vote for?

She thought thoroughly. She didn't really expect that things will lead to this where she had to turn against her own wishes just to continue her act. She will be the tie breaker and whatever she votes for—and the corresponding consequences for her votes—would surely affect the tribesmen perception about her.

"I want to say that the roux blooded that were able to enter our island were not ordinary ones" She started, breaking the silence that was looming in the place. "Aki was a great and brilliant man who had brought tremendous benefit to us, the healer on the other hand was a very intelligent child who saved our horses…"

"…therefore, I come to the conclusion that Enoch's new-found brother, who wish to enter our island should also be someone who is as brilliant and wise like the Aki and the healer." Her eyes then sparkled with viciousness as she plotted a scheme to block Darryl's entrance.

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"Cheiftana what do you mean?" One of the Baruk's asked.

"I wished not to vote" The Cheiftana revealed and with her head held up high, she added "I therefore challenged our guest to a riddle to test his brilliance…"

"What a great idea" The child Baruk hollered as his whole face lit up. He knew how the Cheiftana dislikes roux blooded, like the way he does and so he knew she will give the intruder a riddle that will be impossible to solve.

"A riddle?" Enoch stared at the Cheiftana with confusion. He was undecided whether challenging Darryl into a riddle would solve the matter before them. Nevertheless, he knew how smart the Cheiftana was and thought perhaps her idea was for the better.

"Yes, my dear a riddle" The Cheiftana gave him a gentle glance, flushing a face with a fake promise of adoration for the heir. "This is the only way to know whether the healer's lover was someone worthy of like she was"

"What do you say?" The child Baruk gathered his eyes to Darryl who displayed no of emotion in his face.

"I am willing to take whatever test the Cheiftana have for me" Darryl wasn't stupid enough not to notice the fact that the Cheiftana wasn't thrilled with his presence and thus he knew the riddle will be quite challenging. However, he was already decided that he has to follow Xhemin and no one can stop him even the Cheiftana herself. He will climb every mountain if he needed to, that's how desperate he was.

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"Is the council approving my suggestion" The Cheiftana sought permission.

"Aye," They all agreed to her as they gazed upon the Cheiftana with awe, wondering what riddle she was going to give the boy and whether she was playing a trick on him.

"Very well," The Cheiftana's lips curled upward. "Then is my challenged to you. I will let you enter the island if you can pass through this ocean not like a fish and not like the birds"


Xhemin and Handmaid Lin bowed their heads at the front gate when a royal carriage came. They had both made sure that Professor Owens will not be visible for their unexpected guest, afraid that the central village will have knowledge of him treating the princess.

"Handmaid Lin, who could our visitor be?" Xhemin whispered.

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"Healer, I don't really have any idea. It had been so long when the princess was visited by anyone from the central village"

As the two were giving their respects in the entrance, a female handmaid stepped out the carriage immediately.

"Handmaid Lin, it is I!" The girl called and when Xhemin saw her, she first noticed that both of them—the new comer and handmaid Lin shared the same type of clothing.

"Handmaid Tan?" She gasped as she realized who the girl was, and some horror pronounced on her face "What brought you here? You shouldn't have come the highest princess will definitely punish you for this!"

"Handmaid Lin do not worry about me. It is the highest princess who sent this carriage along with Princess Song's ration. I asked her permission to come" The girl narrated right away. When handmaid Lin heard this, she wondered right away what made the highest princess changed her heart. She was the one who sent princess Song here and probably the culprit behind her missing rations, so her actions right now was suspicious.

"Handmaid Tan, we both know that the highest princess—"

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"The chieftain's heir has returned" Handmaid Tan revealed. She knew what handmaid Lin was trying to say and to ease out her doubt and worries, she brought the good news.

"Oh, good heavens! Are you sure about that?" She gasped almost not believing it.

"He came home last night and went away this morning with the Cheiftana and the council to tend on some important affairs" The second handmaid revealed "When the news came, I was already certain that the highest princess will send ration to Princess Song right away to cover her dirty deeds. I asked permission then to come because I wanted to see how you had been, as well as the princess. Of course, she gave permission right away"

"We are fine" She told her. "The highest princess was wrong to sent us the healer. She took care of me and princess Song"

"What? She sent the healer to you? Wasn't the healer still recovering? Where is—"Handmaid Tan then noticed Xhemin who was with handmaid Lin "Oh, don't tell me you are…"

"Good day to you handmaid Tan," Xhemin greeted.

"Highest God! you are so pretty," She covered her mouth with her hands out of shock "No wonder the highest princess was so insecure about you. You are like a goddess!"

Xhemin and handmaid Lin looked at each other with handmaid Tan's words. Was the reason Xhemin became a handmaid was because the highest princess was jealous of her beauty?

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