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"She is not your child! You knew that. You have seen it yourself and the elders' prophecy had proved it. Do not equal her to princess Tang as she was not born a human but a monster. Please my dear husband, stop this foolishness now and give Princess Tang the treatment of a princess" She screamed out of her lungs.

"Should I also punish you for disobeying me?" The Chieftain warned her. "Before I forget Chieftana, where were you all these times that you were not able to guide Princess Tang well in her household obligations? Was it not the Chieftana's task to make sure my household did not make any mishaps?"

The Chieftana quieted at this. Although it was the Highest Princess task to manage the household, she was supposed to oversee everything as she was the Chieftana. Nevertheless, she had let Princess Tang do what she pleases and everything break lose after that. Ever since Enoch came, she had spent more time covering up for the Highest Tang's careless mistakes that she had even forgotten to make sure the Chieftain will not be able to recover anymore.

"I..I.. I had been busy leading the people. Enoch went away and I was left with no choice but to take the throne," She reasoned for herself now, because it seemed that the Chieftain wanted to punish her too.

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"And after Enoch came what did you do?" The chieftain continued instigating her.

"I helped Enoch with his tasks," She replied. "I am the Chieftana and you were sick. There was no one to guide Enoch"

"If that is the case then let me make a rule today for your own benefit" He said and gathered his eyes to the crowd that was expectant in front of him. "Today I make a law that the recent Chieftana should take no more role in the political affairs of this island. You had seen how my household suffered because the mother of my children took my role in my absence. Therefore, in case of necessity and no heir was there to take the throne, the council will be the highest seat until they will be able to choose a new successor to the throne"

"My husband you cannot do that to me!" She gasped astounded. The recent law allowed every Chieftana to take their husband's place in case of emergency and to be a part of the political affairs of the country. If the Chieftain will take that privilege from her, she will have no more chance of leading the people. Her power will only be limited on the Chieftain's household. "You cannot do such a thing!"

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"I can" The Chieftain said "You had given me enough reason to"

Everyone who knew how vicious the Chieftana was sighed with relief. Baruk Tsu and Professor Owens looked at each other with victory. Now that a new rule had been said, what happened before will not happened again.

"As for you my daughter. Your schemes against your little sister will not be taken aside. I will strip you away from your status as the highest princess permanently, guilty or not. Even if you did not mean it, your carelessness had cost me my younger daughter's life and so you had proven that you are not worthy to become the Highest Princess. In case you will be cleared by the trial council for your sins, you can only get back your status as a princess but not anymore as the Highest Princess"

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"Father! You can't do that to me! I am the Highest Princess, I earned it as a right being your first born daughter" She reminded him. In the island, the first born—male or female—were given much importance and their rights were fixed by law that even Chieftain's cannot take away.

"You are not my first born daughter everyone knows that" The Chieftain sighed. "The love of my life gave me a daughter. Thus the right given to you is not a first born right that no one can take away but rather a privilege. A favor I give you since you had once given me pride. Nevertheless, you had replaced that pride with shame today and so you will be punished"

"No! You can't! Father I am your daughter! Please do not let the trial council have me. That monster the first Chieftana gave birth to was not your daughter. She's a monster! How could a chieftain be a monster's father?" She wailed as the Guntas dragged her away. "Mother help me! Mother do not let them take me!"

The Chieftana watched Princess Tang as the Guntas took her away. Although she loved her daughter, she cannot do anything at this point as she too was being watched by the chieftain. If she insisted on fighting for Princess Tang, she might be dragged into prison like her.

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"Princess Wang. You shall take your sisters place as the Highest Princess" The Chieftain spoke once again and when she heard it, Princess Wang suppressed a laugh. It seemed that her sister's foolishness gave way to her success.

"I shall not disappoint you father!" She responded with a blank face. Of course she could not express to much excitement and happiness at the moment, for her foolish sister had just been recently dragged. If she will, people might criticize her being so heartless. Unlike her sister, Princess Wang was smart, so she had been cautious with her actions.

"Enoch, today you had failed me" The Chieftain tore his gaze to his heir. "Nevertheless I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. Prove to me that you are worthy to be called as the chieftain's heir"

"Thank you father. I shall make my very best," He promised. It was hard for him to accept the truth that he failed for protect her sister and made her father upset, yet he was thankful that unlike Princess Tang, he had a chance to correct his faults.

"Consider what transpired to today as a lesson. You have to know who you should trust and who you should depend on. Blood ties does not guarantee loyalty. Trustworthy companions are hard to find, so if you even find one in your life, do not anymore let them go" He breathed out to Enoch words of wisdom. He knew Enoch can be a good Chieftain one day, the boy just needed more experience and more learning.

"Everyone. I know you were all surprised to see me healthy but I believed the Highest God sent me back to you healthy for a reason. Let us all be thankful, let's have a feast!" The Chieftain instructed and the tension that lingered earlier evaporated in an instant and all that were heard next were cheers, laughs and a good music.

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