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The day after the red moon was a fine one. Maru, the little girl betrothed to Baruk Tam woke up to the sound of morning birds knocking on her windows. She was not able to sleep the whole night as the fear of the Devil's child haunted her. She got up from bed and sat at the edge for a little while as she listened to the morning dew. She hated the morning after every red moon as this was the time when their village will be filled with wailing and panic. However, this morning came quite odd than the previous red moons. It was unexpectedly quiet and she heard no wailing and commotion in whatsoever form outside.

The little girl had her morning routine before she stepped out their house to go and visit Baruk Tam. She packed a breakfast for him and went on her way hastily. On the road, she greeted every Somer family and asked if everything was okay and they all answered her with a yes.

"Odd," Maru said as she was talking to a group of people who gathered at the streets.

"Yes little Maru, it is really odd that none of our livestock was taken or killed last night" An elderly agreed with her. "I want to be happy about it, knowing that the Devil's child might have skipped our village from its wrath but there's something in me that says I should not, as if something might have happened that we do not know yet,"

"You are right Elder Du, although none of our livestock had been taken last night I still am not relieved, I still feel like any moment from now the Devil child will attack," Another shared his thoughts.

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"Are you going to Baruk Tam's household Maru?" Elder Du asked the little girl who was carrying a bundle on her hand.

"Yes I am going to bring my dearest some breakfast," She said glancing to the bundle she had. She made the Baruk a special breakfast as always and she will insist for him to eat it before he attends his tasks for the day.

"Then let me come with you. I have to go there to attend the meeting," Elder Du said referring to the regular meeting that the Somer leaders conduct after every the red moon. They usually make a report to the Baruk regarding the casualty that the red moon caused and come up on how to overcome the loss together.

Maru and Elder Du went together to Baruk Tam's household. When they arrived, they saw the other elders that gathered upon the hall waiting for the meeting to start.

"Where's Baruk Tam?" Maru asked Suma. Suma was a gunta and he was assigned to Baruk Tam's household for years. He had always been Baruk Tam's company aside from Maru.

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"Still in his room Little Maru," He told the girl. "He should come any minute soon,"

"I'll go and check on him," Maru decided on. Baruk Tam's household was small and there were only quite a few servants that attended to him. Usually in the morning, the little Baruk do his morning routine alone without any help and everyone just wait on him to step out from his quarters.

Maru travelled the hall on to Baruk Tam's room and when she reached the door, she knocked to make her presence known.

"Baruk Tam are you almost ready? Everyone is waiting for you at the great hall," She said as she made another knock, but the Baruk didn't give her an answer.

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"Baruk Tam?" Maru called again. She frowned when she received no single answer to her call. Usually when she knock on his door every morning, Baruk Tam answered by shooing her away. Yet right now, his room was quiet as if no one was inside.

Maru waited for a couple of minutes before she decided to open the door. She thought that perhaps the little Baruk might still be asleep. Like her, he must have not slept all night and so he missed on waking up early for the meeting.

The girl carefully opened the door and the first thing she saw was the boy who was still sleeping idly on his bed. She held a deep sighed with the view, indeed the Little Baruk had missed waking up early. She went further the room and decided to wake him up but something in the Baruk's mattress caught her attention and her eyes grew big with what she saw.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Maru shouted as she stepped back away from his bed. There she saw a snake crawling from Baruk Tam's mattress and was now heading into her direction. A rattling sound filled the previously silent air as the snake turned to another fresh young prey.

Maru lost her balance when panic hit her and so she fell on the floor, flabbergasted by what she saw. Fear run down to her neck as the animal was aiming for her. She looked past the snake and saw Baruk Tam's idle pale face and right then she knew that the snake had feasted on his body already. Instantly, tears ran through her cheeks knowing that her beloved was in danger. Even at the last moment of her young life, she feared not for her own safety but for her betrothed's sake.

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As if making its final move, the snake jumped to Maru's direction ready to taste her blood and Maru could only close her eyes. Perhaps if she cannot save her beloved, then she can join him on the afterlife. Baruk Tam might end up being sad knowing that Somer village will be abandoned at his death and it would be better for him if she was there to comfort him.

Maru waited for the snake's bite and hoped it would not hurt much. However, instead of the snake's attack, what came next was an arrow head that hit and pinned the snake on the floor. The animal wiggled continually trying to escape but the arrow that hit him did not only render it helpless but it was also making it weak.

Surprised, Maru turned her head to where the arrow came from and saw Suma still in position with his bow.

"Are you alright little Maru?" Suma asked the girl as he rushed on her, at his back where the elders and servants who heard her shout.

Maru was not able to open her mouth to answer Suma's query. Her mind was stuck on Baruk Tam who was still in his bed. She looked at him with so much worry and fear.

"Baruk Tam!" One of the servants went to check on the young leader and saw the bite marks on his shoulder "The snake bit him!"

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