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The feast in the Somer Village lasted for a week and so the Darryl stayed there longer than he had expected. Nevertheless, he had enjoyed learning new things from the tribe and of course tasting new variety of food. The Somer people had been so fond of him especially that he was a good looking man and very smart too. During his stay, he had seen how raw and basic was the lifestyle in the Somer lands and because he was an engineer, he had suggested a couple to things to Baruk Tam in order to make their daily routine convenient, for example was the use of solar panels to get electricity and to make canals so everyone can get an access to water.  Baruk Tam was of course thrilled and was looking forward to try out new things from Darryl whom he considered already as an older brother.

On the last day of the feast, a big banquet was held and everyone gathered in the great hall for it. The great hall was adorned with colorful curtains and the people too whole variety of clothing that can be found only in the Somer lands. There everyone gave thanks to the Highest God for healing Baruk Tam and for sending them a savior from the mainland. They were also thankful that the Devil's child spare them and that they had a good harvest for the season.

In the middle of the celebration, the Chieftain stood from his seat holding a cup of drink.

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"Everyone, as we are celebrating Baruk Tam's health, I would also like to celebrate the roux blood who come and joined us. The hero of Somer lands" The Chieftain nod at Darryl and he encourage him to stand at his side and Darryl did so.

The crowd cheered for a while until Baruk Tam stood up and made everyone stop.

"My brother," Baruk Tam turned to Darryl's side, "To you I owe my life and the life of the Somer people. You are a roux blood, but today I declare that you are one of us— the Somer people and you belong to the Somer lands"

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Another loud cheering came through and in the midst of the loud noise, Baruk Tam continued "I hereby declare that today, the Somer people is responsible for you as you are responsible to the Somer lands and to make this declaration unbreakable… I give you this…."

Baruk Tam pulled a knife and to everyone's surprise he wounded himself. Everyone became quiet at what transpired before them as they knew that Baruk Tam was doing a ritual, a ritual that had been done again for many decades.

Baruk Tam's wound bleed and he took a cup to filter the blood that gushed out from his wound. Several droplets more and the bottom of the cup was filled. Right then Baruk Tam raised the cup filled with his own blood into the air, said some prayers before he reached it out to Darryl.

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"I give you this brother, my own blood. Drink and you'll never be a roux blood anymore. Drink and you'll become one of us," Baruk Tam handed it to him, but instead of Darryl, Enoch himself took the cup and everyone was surprised even more with this.  The Chieftain's heir took the same knife that Baruk Tam used and wounded himself just like the latter did and filtered his own blood on the same cup.

"I Enoch, also give my blood to you brother, the blood of a chieftains. Drink this my brother and you'll be forever bound to the Manggan Island. The Manggan Island will be responsible to you as you are responsible to it and to me" Enoch announced. His father had constantly lectured him of the value of friendship and so he wanted to put more value and trust to Darryl not only as a friend but also a trusted brother.

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Darryl knew how important the ritual was as everyone's expression changed. He accepted cautiously the cup that was filled with blood and without any display of indifference, he drank the contents of the cup until it ran dry. The tasty fluid ran through his throat down to his stomach. When everyone saw that the cup was now empty, they all cheered again.

The Chieftain was astounded to what took place. A memory came to him where he did the same thing to a roux blood before, to the one he considered as a brother, several years ago and he couldn't be happy to have witnessed the same with his own son, as if history had repeated itself.

In his joy he went on and announced. "To strengthen the brotherhood that we celebrate tonight, I shall bestow to the hero of Somer lands one of my daughters, as a bride!"

The Chieftain and Darryl had talked few days ago of Darryl's request to marry one the princesses and he knew which one of them. Enoch told him before the reason why Darryl wanted to enter their island and that was because he was trying to follow his love, the healer. When he heard this, he was deeply touch as Darryl had even made a bridge and went through a lot in order to follow her. He had never once seen a love so faithful and it reminded him of his golden years and the time had had spent with the love of his life. With that, he had agreed to let Darryl marry the princess he wished to become his wife.

When the marriage announcement took place, Princess Wang couldn't be more thrilled. Since she was the highest princess, she thought that she was the one to be marrying the Somer land's hero. She blushed at her seat and smiled as she lavished herself with everyone's cheering assuming that it was all for her. She couldn't believe her fate, she had become the highest princess unexpectedly and now she was set to marry the hero of Somer lands—a very gorgeous looking gentlemen and she couldn't be more lucky and proud.

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