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Xhemin honestly don't know how to respond. She cannot explain what she felt but she was very afraid to take her veil off to see the Lagdameo heir's face. She hoped fervently that this was all real and that fate shouldn't take this moment away from her by waking her up, in case it was a dream.

Her tears were already ruining down her soft cheeks when Darryl took her hand and placed carefully her bracelet. Xhemin let him but when the bracelets' lock was sealed on her wrist, she withdrew her hand right away inside her veil. She was literally in panic as Darryl's hands caressing her skin was bringing back same old feelings, she thought she had forgotten, the only difference was that, this time those feeling came intense.

"Brother Dee," Enoch steal Darryl's attention to confirm whether the last princess was the one he had chosen.

"Enoch…" Darryl turned to him and dragged his eyes to Chieftain who was also waiting for his confirmation "…Chieftain, this is the princess I want to marry"

Enoch rose from his seat and stood beside his father. The guests also came closer to see if Darryl had guessed right.

"Take off your veil princess," The Chieftain called but Xhemin was in a certain state that she was having hard time to pull off her veil and so Darryl took the initiative.

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Carefully, the Lagdameo heir pulled the long veil covering Xhemin's face. The silkily clothing rub against Xhemin's cheeks wiped away some of her tears and so when her beautiful face was revealed, it was as if she had never shed one.

The first thing she saw was his hazel eyes, the one that got her too attracted when she first met him. Even until now, they glowed just the same, soo beast-like. It was obvious from Darryl's face that he had grown, but his growth only made his once appealing face looked more attractive. If previously he looked devilishly handsome, now he looked like a devil ascended into heaven, bestowed with the gift of a heavenly far fetching gorgeous face.

"You had impressed me far too much today," The Chieftain was so amused after what he had witnessed. He had forgotten his fury and was laughing with joy and relief as he sat back to his seat. "Good, good, the hero of Somer lands is go good,"

Everyone looked at each other, not only with relief but with admiration. Baruk Tam of course couldn't be prouder. For the first time, the Somer lands had been the talked and envy of every people in the great hall.

"Brother you don't know how happy I am but I'm also soo curious of how you had been able to identify the healer?" Enoch gasped from where he stood. He was wiping his jaw frustratedly as he himself who was Xhemin's adopted brother could not identify which one was which.

"I also want to know" The Chieftain said as he relaxed on his seat. He cued something to a servant and a good wine had been served to him and to the guests while they were questioning Darryl.

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"Enoch do you remember the things I asked you earlier when you went to my chambers?" Darry was forced to cut off his eyes away from Xhemin and face the audience that were anticipating his answer.

Enoch tried to recall "You just asked me the usual routines of the princesses like what they do and where they go most of the time,"

"And what did you answer me?" He inquired further.

"Well I told you that the princess does not go out of the palace and spent most of their time on practicing their music or embroidery," Enoch remembered it well. Darryl indeed asked these things earlier and he thought he just wanted to know how Xhemin's life as a princess that's why he asked. "But brother do enlighten me. How did my answer help you in choosing the right woman?"

"I know my woman very well," Darryl's expression brightened when he said this. "When princesses do their music and embroidery she must have been sneaking into a garden to farm,"

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"That's true!" The Chieftain confirmed amused and laughed hard when he remembered something "She asked for my audience one time just to request that she be allowed to farm"

"And?" Enoch still didn't get it. How does a princess who do farming differed from all the others in a way that you could identify one when they were hiding under a veil?

"Enoch, since the other princes do only music and embroidery, there hands are soft and smooth since these are all menial task. However, farming is a tedious job and when you do farm every day—"

"She has calloused hands," The Chieftain gasped in disbelief and laughed even more when the answer hit him. "A princess who have a calloused hand,"

Everyone laughed at the Chieftain conclusion. It was indeed funny as it was very rare for a princess to have a calloused hand. They were all sheltered, and servants do everything for them and yet despite such, Xhemin had shown how unprincess-like she was.

Xhemin glared at Darryl for his revelation and hid her hand at her back. She can't believe that after two years of not seeing each other, the first thing he did was make fun of her in front of everyone.

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Darryl noticed the Little Miss' reproaching eyes and so he turned to met her trying to keep his hands clean on the matter.

"It's not me who said it," He defended, and everyone laughed even more.

This beast! He's picking on me again!

"Oh dear, don't be mad at him," The Chieftain called for Xhemin's attention. "It was I who criticized you, forgive your father. I'm an old man already"

"Chieftain you have never wronged me," Xhemin politely bowed her head. Her voice was almost as magical as Darryl first heard her and how he wished he can just lock her into his arms right then, but they were on a different place now and modesty was required in there, so he choose to control his urge.

"Very well" The Chieftain said and stood at his seat "Let the weavers enter, let's have the wedding at first daylight"

The room was then filled with cheering and right then, a group of adults came and started measuring Darryl and Xhemin's body sizes. Several clothing was throne on the floor and the weavers played on it, trying to match them to the couple's colors.

Everyone watched with delight and right then the wedding feast began.

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