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Xhemin dropped jawed at Darryl's words. Her head ached after a second thinking about her fate with the kind of husband she tied knot to.

"Seriously Darryl?" Xhemin said, utterly exhausted with Darryl's folly. "I couldn't believe that you are thinking of such kind of thing right now!"

"I'm actually thinking more things than that," He said with his most gorgeous playful grin. "More than kissing,"

"Darryl!" Xhemin could only say his name. Her blushed became pronounced and her cheeks instantly warm up.

"What? Were already married," He said right thought her face with a wink.

Xhemin shook her head. "It doesn't mean that because were married you can get whatever you want!"

"And by that you mean?" Darryl anticipated her next words.

"We are not going to make it," She concluded and held her head high, trying to finalize her conclusion.

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"You mean you are planning to deny your husband his wedding night?" Darryl whispered in her ears and Xhemin's heart leaped out of her body with she felt his warm breath.

Good thing Baruk Tam and Enoch came forward to approach them if not, Xhemin could have not escaped from Darryl's instigation about his wedding night.

"Is there something wrong?" The little boy asked the adults. His question came a little loud that the Chieftain and few guests turned to their side.

"The princess was planning to deny me—"

"I'm planning to deny my husband leaving tonight," Xhemin cut Darryl's words right away without noticing that she had spoken something shameless.

"Princess!" Handmaid Lin who was there with Princess Song abruptly covered the latter's ears and only then did Xhemin realized that she had said something awkward. Her already blushing face glowed more red.

"I mean, I mean—" She tried to correct her words.

"Don't worry my wife. I don't have plans of leaving tonight!" Darryl declared and everyone, from the Chieftain to the guests laugh hard with it.

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Xhemin face sank, very much ashamed for what took place. She looked at Darryl with a mad raging face and the latter only smiled at her thoroughly.


The wedding banquet was held right after and it was a grand one. The tables were filled with golden cups and bowls. Trunks flooded at the bottom of the certain aisle too—these were gifts to the couple.

Xhemin and Darryl together with their guest lavished their selves with delicious foods and the men had continued their drinking sessions that was halted when the ceremony took place. Everyone was celebrating and there were dancing and singing all day.

When the afternoon was wearing its end, Baruk Tam approached the couple's table to give them a gift.

"As the Baruk of the Somer village, I congratulate fully the newly wed. Since Brother Dee held a special place in my heart, I hereby gave to the couple the Pearl Haven, one of the islands in Somer isles," Baruk Tam announced, and his revelation gathered shock and whispers amongst the crowd. They couldn't believe that Baruk tam would actually give one of the Somer Islands to the Hero of Somer lands.

"That's a good gift Baruk Tam," The Chieftain praised him. "One of the Somer Isles is just right for the Hero of Somer lands."

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Baruk Tam smiled and raised his cup to give the couple a cheer. Since Darryl had no properties in the island, it was just right that he gave him some of his lands. Besides, the Pearl haven like all the other island in the Somer lands were not developed and explored. He was hoping that in Darryl's hands, this treasure will not go to waste.

"After the wedding feast, let's go and build your home brother," Enoch told Darryl excitedly. Darryl get an invitation to enter the Manggan Island and he cannot get out unless the Chieftain says so, therefore, it's just right for him to have his own place since like Xhemin, he might have no chance of getting out. Besides Darryl drank Enoch's blood and so the Chieftain's heir thought he rightfully belonged in the island.

"Enoch don't hurry on making Darryl settle in the Pearl haven. Do you intend to separate me from your sister?" The Chieftain protested. Xhemin was her favorite daughter and he was very fond of the girl so as much as possible he wanted her to stay in the central village.

"Father, I'm now a married woman. I cannot stay in your house forever" Xhemin interjected. When she heard that it was possible for her to live outside the palace, of course she grabbed the idea so she can have the freedom to go and look for the plant she sought for. "Don't worry I will visit you all the time to bring you strawberries"

Darryl of course noticed this, and he gave Xhemin a questioning look which the girl only ignored.

"Very well. I don't think I can still withhold your wish to go and live with your husband," The Chieftain retreated easily as he knew it was also not good for the princess to stay living with them. "However, I just wish you could grant your old man one wish for the last,"

"What is it father?" Xhemin asked curiously.

"I am an old man already princess and you are the first daughter of mine who got married," The Chieftain started "Therefore please hurry and give me a grandchild as my sun is almost setting,"

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Xhemin almost choked at the Chieftain's request but she tried very hard to kept still. The blushed travelled back to her face as she tried to keep a straight smiling face.

"Father you are still young, your sun—"

When Xhemin tried to her way out, the Chieftain dragged his eyes to Xhemin's husband who was sitting on one table beside her.

"Hero of Somer lands please grant your Father in law this wish," The Chieftain desperately begged.

"Don't worry Chieftain, I'll work hard on it," Darryl to Xhemin's surprise and frustration answered confidently. She dragged her eyes onto his husband who was very unwilling to cooperate about her plea.

"That's the spirit brother!" Enoch raised another cup and the two—Darryl and Enoch, together with the Chieftain drank some more.

Xhemin of course was left bewildered with Darryl's actions.

With all that been said, the Little Miss wondered if Darryl does intend to make something on their wedding night.

The thought only gave her chills.

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