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"Are we done?" Xhemin whispered to Handmaid Si in the middle of a ritual. She had gone through a couple of things when she entered her room. They had her bath and dressed, then after an elder came to pray with them.

"Almost," The handmaid replied back with a smile. She knew how her princess was becoming impatient with all of this, but it had to be done. Sooner, all the waiting will be paid by things she'd rather not think about.

"What?" Xhemin asked when she saw the look in the handmaid's face.

"You are so lucky princess," Handmaid Si's eyes turned really bright. "The Hero of Somer lands was not only extraordinary handsome…"

With another whisper she added, "He had the finest and firmest muscles too. Craft exactly on the right places. Make sure to own them all tonight as opportunities knock only once!"

"Handmaid Si, you are so shameless!" She chided at her quietly, but her handmaid only smiled at her naughtily.

An hour later, Xhemin was left alone in her room to await her husband. She was so exhausted as everything that happened today drained all her energy, not to mention the long prayers she had gone to. The handmaids too patted some oils in her skin mercilessly making her very uncomfortable, it was like her skin was burning and she thought she needed another bath.

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However, they specifically told her to await her husband as it was the custom and so she did. She waited and waited until it was almost midnight. She wondered where Darryl was as she sat on the floor, her eyes were falling already sleepy.

Was the beast that mad that he decided to abandon their wedding night?

Xhemin held a deep sigh. Perhaps Darryl was indeed mad and so there was no point on waiting since he will not come. Xhemin rose from the floor and went to the bed with the intention to sleep for the night. However, before she could close her eyes, her door flew open and Darryl came cupping his head.

"Darryl?" Xhemin rose from the bed upon the sight of his husband's blushing red face.

Is the beast drunk?

"Where have you been?" She asked, feeling a little upset that he had drunk himself out for the night when they had a wedding night to fulfill. Truth was, despite her express protest, there was something within her that was anticipating it.

Darryl stood dizzily in the middle of the room. He couldn't clearly understand what Xhemin was saying as the wild gin hit him hard. Nevertheless, despite his chaotic state, he could clearly see the outline of Xhemin's body in the silk gown the handmaid's let her wear. He could even see the tips of her two firm mounds on the front seemingly enticing him to feel their warmth in his bare hands.

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Before he could utter a word, Xhemin was already in front of him trying to help him ease his balance as he seemed very lost. He didn't remember reaching out for her but a moment later, he found her in his grip, and that she was gasping.

"You are still as beautiful as I remember," He managed to say as he stared at her face, before he jerked his wife against him. Hot blood teeming in his groin as he felt her warm body against his.

Helplessly enchanted by her candor, Darryl took handfuls of her fiery silk hair and lifted the locks to his face. She smelled goddess-like, as the intoxicating residue of whatever those handmaid's put on her complimented perfectly with her natural scent. He hunted for more scent, drawing it in with deep breathes.

It was addictive.

Darryl's warm embrace sent shivers up Xhemin's spine. The moment Darryl's arm tightened on her waist and his lips began to move from his hair to the curved of her bare neck and shoulders, she knew she couldn't have been expecting all of this—not the stormy rush of sensation that made her gasp and cling tighter to him, nor the hidden want within her to willingly surrender to her husband's unbridled passion.

She wanted more of it, more and more, especially when Darryl had slowly pushed her back to the bed and laid her back at the soft mattress, his big body cowering into hers. Just after a second, she could feel Darryl's entire weight against her body. Xhemin closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of a strong masculine body of her husband despite the hazy feeling that there was something wrong with what she was feeling.

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This isn't wrong. We are already married!

Xhemin panic at the thought but when she had fully convinced herself that moralizing can't help her fate tonight, she heard Darryl's loud snore, and everything fell away just like that.

'Seriously Darryl?" She exclaimed when she realized he had managed to sleep in between those sensual touch. "God I can't believe you!"

Mad and frustrated as she was, she tried to squeeze herself out from her snoring husband, sat on the bed and cupped her face trying to ease the feeling that Darryl had arouse in her.

She held a very deep sigh and held her chest. When she had fully recovered from whatever had overtook her, she turned to her husband cursing.

"F*ck Daryl!" She grunted as she turned to his sleeping drunk husband. "I can't believe you slept at me on our wedding night!"

With that, she stood from the bed, fixed her hair and marched toward the adjacent bathroom. She needed a bath. A cold one. Something that would scratch every inch of Darryl's touch from her skin.

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Damn her husband was!

Damn that beast!

"I can't believe I waited hours for nothing!" She nagged on her way but before she could completely let herself out of the room, Darryl moved slightly from bed and coughed.

Xhemin turned her back to him, only to find Darryl smiling wildly at her as he positioned himself comfortably on bed, crossed arms. He looked at his wife full of charms and with those playful hazel eyes, he feasted on Xhemin's beautiful surprised face. Her eyes almost bulged out to shock when she realized he wasn't asleep.

"Cough.cough.cough," Darryl broke the silence "So, you waited for me?"

Xhemin face sank in humiliation. Did the beast really prank her just now?

He saw Darryl's expression shifted, but still amused. He leaned his back at the headboard and crossed his leg straight on bed. "Should we fulfill what you had waited long for?"

Xhemin just swallowed at the thought, very much willing to be evaporate if there's a chance.

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