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Xhemin surely did not expect that the place she thought was a vegetable garden turned out to be a graveyard. To make this discovery more astonishing, the Acamilla Apparaus itself was standing above a graveyard as if its roots were holding into the dead body of a person beneath it.

"I didn't expect that," That was all what Xhemin managed to say in her shock. "Well it indeed is a graveyard. So, the one who previously lived here lies here peacefully,"

"Not all of them I can say," Darryl's revelation came as another intrigue. "Someone alive had buried them here"

"Good point," Xhemin agreed with her husband's words. Scrutinizing the place further, Xhemin noticed that there were two cross that stood in there, in parallel to each other. Curios, she cleared the vines that wrapped and covered the cross and found something written words on it.

"RIP Dada" She voiced what she had read. She then turned to the other cross and did the same thing and found another set of words "RIP Nana"

Upon a careful thought about the words, Xhemin turned to her husband to express her thoughts. "Mother and Father?"

"I'm not sure but it could be," Darryl thought about it too. Just like Xhemin, he was suspecting that the Dada and Nana means father and mother. But one side of him thought Nana means a nanny and Dada means something else. "These things are personal to the one who buried them,"

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"Well it would be rather reasonable for me to assume that with these names carved on the grave, the one who lived here is a family," Xhemin carefully thought.

"I didn't see a couple's room," Darryl pointed another fact. "Back in the house there were three rooms and none of them looked like a mother and father's bedroom. So, I'm having second thoughts,"

Xhemin was so amazed on how Darryl's mind worked so well. Indeed, the Lagdameo heir was one of a kind. Even before she could, Darryl had already carefully assessed the place by details and so he was able to thread up sensible facts about the Devil's lure and the one who previously lived here.

"Well whoever there were, I just hoped they were resting in peace and won't mind about me taking some of the Acamilla Apparaus," Xhemin hollered and went to the first grave where the marked RIP Dada was written. It was the tomb where the Acamilla Apparaus grew and she planned to uproot some of the plants.

She grabbed a big stem and started pulling when she heard Darryl speak again.

"I don't think that's the correct way to handle that," Darryl told her.

"If there is any specific way to handle this plant… well… no one among us know…so I'll handle it the way I want," She replied to him.

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It was the first time she had seen an Acamilla Apparus and although she had been looking for it for a long time, she barely knew anything about it as the information that Dannah once gave her didn't say that much.

"Well someone knows," Darryl revealed that only made Xhemin looked at him accusingly as if there was something, he knew that she didn't. Darryl only grinned a little and pick up a book from the ground and turned the pages "And that someone wrote it in here…"

"Where did you get that?" Xhemin asked immediately.

"From the file of books, you collected at the stairs," He answered while scanning the pages. He went back the house earlier to check for his wife and saw the blanket of books she collected and out of curiosity he picked one to read. That was before he heard her scream from the outside. "It says here you need to pick the flower together with its roots and some soil from this grave. If not, it will die in few hours. The soil is very important to its survival"

"Seriously?" Xhemin questioned.

"Its all written here," Darryl showed her.

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"Why do we need the soil from the grave? What's so special about it?" Xhemin wondered further.

"A dead body beneath it," Darryl pointed to her. "Or maybe the soil here in the devil's lure is different,"

"Alright…alright," Xhemin settled and went to grab some empty pots from the kitchen.

She went back to the grave and with Darryl's help they transferred some Acamilla Apparaus to the pots and secured it. They had grabbed three pots in total as Xhemin thought she needed a couple of samples to study, while the rest, she will send to Ziggy.

After that, Darryl carried the stuff they needed to bring back to Pearl haven to their boat. When everything was ready, he went to call for Xhemin who was still in the graveyard. He found her offering prayers in the graveyard and saw how the two tombs was already filled with freshly picked flowers. Darryl of course didn't disturb her and waited for her to finish her prayers.

"Is everything ready?" She asked when she noticed that Darryl was already there waiting for her.

"Yes, come—" Darryl halted his own words when she saw her picked something from the bushes. It was another cross, a third one, but unlike the other two it was just laying somewhere in bushes with no tomb to mark on.

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"There's a third cross?" Xhemin wondered and looked in every direction, trying to find the third grave. When she didn't find anything, she turned to check whether the cross had some written words but there was none. "Weird, so this is just an extra cross with no tomb,"

"There is another tomb if I'm not mistaken" Darryl told her and went closer to her. He then cleared the deep rectangular hole where Xhemin fell down earlier. "That cross must be meant for this grave,"

Thinking about it, Darryl was right. The hole that Xhemin fell earlier indeed looked like an empty grave. Aside from that it was dug in parallel with the two other graves and its only difference from the two was that, it was an empty one.

"A third empty grave," Xhemin whispered. "I wonder whose body should be lying here?"

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