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Ziggy hurdled into the darkness right after the incident. He was awake, but he was too weak to move his body nor open his eyes.

His consciousness brought him back to the horrible incident he suffered earlier. Was he dead?

He remembered someone saved him, and his thoughts brought him to such person. He couldn't be more thankful.

But who was it? He tried to search his thoughts even though his head hurts.

Their bodies tangled earlier when he lost balance after the person grabbed him away from the edge of disaster.

The person was strong and fast, but as he landed on such body, it was ironically soft. The body was wrapped in a leather jacket, but he felt the hourglass curves of it. He was taller and bigger than the person yet probably because they both lost balance, his face landed on the two mounds right in front of such person's chest. They were the softest parts in that whole body.

It was a body of a woman. He can't be wrong with that.

Even her natural scent was very feminine, and her skin was very shiny and soft. Those delicate skin must have been full of scars now after she saved him, what a shame! Even her hands bore the innocence of a young girl, so soft and feather-like.

As their body pressed into each other, he didn't feel any bump between the person's thighs. He only felt her muscular legs that went on forever. He was definite, the one who saved him was a woman.

She asked him if she was alright, she had a strikingly beautiful voice. It was soo alluring, soothing gently into his ears defeating the physical pain he felt.

Ziggy suddenly remembered seeing her face. The person who saved him. He remembered her looking down at him, her green sparkling eyes was full of apprehension and fear. Her lips that were ripe for kissing were already chapped and bleeding.

He gazed into her vivacious tender eyes before his eyes closed. He remembered they were so clear and unique like nothing can compare to it. However, those eyes were very familiar to him.

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He saw this eye somewhere!

He knew who saved him!

He dug deeper into his thoughts as the face of the person who saved him became clear.

His consciousness shook when he recognized who that person was!

It was him… or rather her?

It was that boy.


He saved him!

It can't be!

How can a boy have a woman's features? Unless of course if she was dressing up as a man!

That's it!

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Samuelle… that Samuelle was undeniably a woman!

Suddenly the gratuity that he felt for the person who saved his life became a horror instantly.

Although Ziggy had dated a couple of girls in Hampshire, he had never been intimate with them.

Yet that woman, Samuelle, touched almost everything of him!

Ziggy thought about how Samuelle grabbed him, hurdled to him and pressed his body to hers. It was horrible, disgusting, he wants to vomit in disgust!

That woman harassed him! She took advantage of his poor beautiful body!

" Waaaaaah" Ziggy shouted as realization dawned on him. His shock made him rose to his bed in an instant.

"Ziggy boy you are awake!" Xhemin's face greeted him, her eyes were red. She had been crying for days.

"I'll call the doctor!" Huzey flew out of the room immediately.

Ziggy noticed that he was somewhere else now, not anywhere near the local bar where he was, the night the incident happened.

The rays of sunshine from the window nearby lights up the whole place he was in. Everything in the room was white. From the walls to the curtains and even the bed's linen. The bedside table has several cards and bouquet of flowers. There was even an IV solution hanging beside his bed.

Suddenly his head ached. He cupped his head with his free hand, he noticed his head was wrapped in a bandage.

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"Does it hurt?... what had you been doing in a bar?" Xhemin asked as he caressed his head gently. "I told you many times not to got to places like that, you never listen to me" She started nagging at him as she cupped his head.

A minute after she planted a kiss on his head and hugged him. She sobbed quietly.

Ziggy felt his best friend's hug. He realized he was alive, he escaped the tragedy. He tapped Xhemin's back gently cheering her up.

"Hey, I'm alright. Also, I didn't go to the bar purposely. I was on my way to your ranch but I saw Sabina and that man" Now, the memory of Samuelle touching his body popped up in his head. "Xhem!"


"Xhem… that night! that night!" He said in an almost a scream, he was in a panic.

"What happened? c'mon now tell me…" She said bursting into tears. She had not stop crying for the last two days that Ziggy had been in a coma.

"Xhem… you wouldn't believe it but it's true!" He exclaimed, trembling in disgust.

He wanted to puke.

"What is it? I'm going to believe everything you say!"

"I was molested!"


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Xhemin's tears suddenly run dry. She looked at him in displeasure. She had been worried about him for the last two days and all he did was joke around when he woke up.

This gorilla never learned!

"It's true!" He said in defense when he saw Xhemin's expression changed. "The person who saved me… that girl… she molested me!"

Ziggy couldn't help but put his two arms around his chest, feeling sexually mistreated. He checked every inch of his body with pity. How could this peerless sexy body fell into a woman's trap!

"The one who saved you is a man." Xhemin said flatly. "Also, he looks more dignified than you"

Xhemin met the person who saved Ziggy earlier. Ellie, the Montreal's butler introduced her and Huzey to him.

"It was just an upfront. But I'm telling you! He molested me… I mean she molested me!" He said almost crying as if the world was going to end any minute from now.

Xhemin walked away from Ziggy and retreated to the sofa beside his bed. She needed to be away from him because she might lost her control and poked his head. Hard.

Now she knew he was okay, there's nothing more to worry about.

"I'm guessing the accident made your IQ into a gorilla's IQ" She mumbled as she raised one of her brows. She picked up the book she was reading earlier and pretended to not listen to Ziggy's silly claims.

Her emotions had not been stable for the last two days, she was not ready for his silliness just yet. Maybe she should not have prayed for him to wake up sooner. He was easier to deal with when he was asleep.

"He isn't a man… he is a girl… I'm telling you...That man is a woman!"

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