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Business News: L Empire, toppled over by a small farmer in Hampshire over strawberry sales

Ang, the son Dugmoch's stable master couldn't let go of his grip in the newspaper he was holding. He had just recently picked up the papers at the Richmond ranch's gate as he forgot to pick them early this morning. For the last three years that Xhemin was gone, Ang was the one who had been maintaining her fields under the instructions she left him. The strawberry fields had been doing well and because of their consistent bountiful harvest, Dr. Miles allowed Ang to sell them to Hampshire market. The profit they earn from it goes to Ziggy's fund as an additional support for his research.

For over the years, the Richmond Ranch strawberry business had boomed to a great extent and their demands increased which lead Ang to extend Xhemin's field. Since he had been with Xhemin ever since she started the fields, he kind of mastered himself on how to grow them following through Xhemin's notes.

For Ang and the Dugmoch's household, the strawberry fields had been an innocent attempt to strengthen Xhemin's research.

For the locals of Hamsphire, the strawberries from the Richmond Ranch gave them an economic relief as it was sold off for a much lesser price than imported strawberries.

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However, for L Empire, the strawberries from Hampshire caused them a severe injury specially now that the media made it known.

"Ang," It was Dr. Miles who had called him from behind. "Don't worry about it. Just continue your tasks as they used to,"

"But Dr. Dugmoch's, it is L Empire we are against off," Ang replied worriedly. Few weeks ago, agents from L Empire made some offer in exchange of the strawberry fields and that was when Ang realized that the strawberries, he maintained had crossed the line. If only he knew L Empire will end up showing into Richmond Ranch because of the Little Miss experiment, he should have never trade them off in the market. Nevertheless, back then all his concern was to help fund the young sire's experiment and Dr. Miles approved of it. It was unintentional on his part.

"I already know that this will happen eventually" Dr. Miles admitted bitterly "But still I let it happen. It was not your fault and there is really no need for you to be threatened. L Empire can do nothing if we say no,"

"But L Empire is ruthless," Ang recalled what he had heard previously from the streets about the said corporation.

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"There's no truth in that," Dr. Miles assured him and tapped his head. "Why don't you go to your father and help him with the horses?"

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about that," He hollered scratching his head "I'll shall go right now"

Dr. Miles only followed the boy with his eyes as he went to the stables. Then his eyes turned to the strawberry fields that Xhemin planted, imagining her own granddaughter playing around over the fields. She had gone for long and there was only a small hope of her coming back. Over the years of Xhemin's absence, Dr. Miles thorough regretted of withholding her back in her attempts to make known. She had been invisible and so when she left, she barely even left some trace.

Xhemin had always been the child that was kept away, locked in the Richmond Ranch ever since she came under his guardianship. Previously Dr. Miles was so afraid that her existence will be known, and their peaceful lives will be disturbed but when Xhemin left never to returned, he regretted having locked her down, he should have allowed her to make full of her young life, the life that he ruined even before she was born.

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That was exactly the reason why he allowed Ang to maintain Xhemin's field and allowed it to be traded in the market. Dr. Miles had regretted shutting Xhemin off from the world and so he thought of allowing what she had left to go far beyond his own restrictions. Perhaps by that, his conscience can find some small relief.


"What did you say again?" Franco raised his head to question Dannah Samuelle as her question hit him. She came to him to report an errand and unexpectedly, Sam had asked him an intriguing question.

"I'm asking if you are behind the consistent attack on the youngest sire's research" Sam asked bravely. She had been wondering for the last three years who was sabotaging Ziggy's research and thought to ask if it was L Empire. But their intention was unclear to her, so she wanted to know.

"You are accusing me of those attacks?" Franco threw off his cards on the table in an obvious annoyance. He was playing cards with several members of the syndicate and he suddenly lost his mood with Sam's confrontation.

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"I am asking Mr. F. Asking a question is entirely different from accusing," She explained herself in a manner that was rather telling the onlookers that she was determined and prepared to face the consequences of her audacity. In her three years of working for Franco, Dannah knew that orders should be followed without questions, but her conscience had gotten fat over the years that she cannot anymore loathe the things that were happening to Ziggy.

Ziggy tried his best to finish his stem cells research ever since Huzey had been injured and she had seen his struggles over the years. Every time he was close to getting his research done, someone sabotaged it and Ziggy had to pick up what's left and start again every time. Dannah thought the youngest sire do not deserve such hostility and whoever was behind the consistent sabotage was a monstrous evil who do not deserve mercy.

Franco wiped with his fingers the hot sweats in his nose and leaned to the sofa. He looked at Sam with a contained hurt and gave her the answer she sought.

"I am not,"

Sam looked at his uncle as if she was bound to find the truth in his eyes. Franco let her take whatever she can and when she gave up, he spoke again.

"You had grown feelings for the boy," Franco hissed and turned to lit up a cigar to smoke.

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