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Ziggy gave Xhemin a hard look, refusing to accept her words.

"Xhem I know Huzey's death was hard for you to accept, but he simply was dead, and we cannot change that fact anymore. We buried him. I saw his casket slowly being covered," Ziggy tell her off.  

It was simply hard for Ziggy to accept Xhemin's words because he knew they were both hurt and Huzey's death was simply unacceptable for them. However, Ziggy was there when they all buried Huzey and he understood that somehow, they needed to move on from it.

"How sure were you that it was him?" Xhemin insisted. She knew there was something off with Huzey's death. She couldn't tell which of it was wrong, but she knew within her heart that something was not right. Huzey even until now seemed so alive for her and even when she saw his grave—that same grave felt nothing but an empty stone for her.

"No, I won't tolerate this anymore," Ziggy was trying to dismiss Xhemin's stupid suspicions. Ziggy knew she was just having hard time accepting the fact and the more she remained like this, the more messed she'll be, and Ziggy would not allow that. Not to Xhemin, not to another best friend of his. "Let's go home and just stop all this silliness,"

Ziggy retreated and started climbing up the cliff, ready to leave the duck and to dismiss their recent conversation. If only he knew Xhemin would ended up being this way, he should not have checked the Loch. The thing that he found there only made Xhemin hoped for something that was not possible.

"Ziggy, I get it, you buried him!" Xhemin followed him, still trying to convince him, "But you also told me you let him wear a mask on his funeral. Was it you who put the mask? How sure were you that it was him?"

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Ziggy had enough of it and because he was so messed up, he ended up shouting back at Xhemin frustratedly, "Enough!..."

His shout quieted Xhemin right then, and soon tears fell from her eyes. When he saw her tears fell, he regrets what he just did. It was uncalled for; he did not mean it. Nevertheless, he explained her side to her.

"… I know it was him Xhem because there was no reason for Huzey to let us believe that he died. Do you think Huzey would want us to suffer like this if he was still alive? He will never do this to us, not to us…"

Xhemin cried all the more.

"…I know. I know Huzey will never hurt us this way, but he must have his reasons. We all have our own reasons…. I would never ever leave you and grandpa like I did, but I had to because I have reasons on my own… You on the other hand would never ever want to put the Montreals to shame but you did, for exactly the same reasons that I had…I know for a fact too that I must have only been acting up like this because I'm too in denial of his death but I'm just like this because I didn't see him die and he was just so alive…so alive in my heart that I could not take the fact that he's dead. I need a closure Ziggy… please… please… just let me have this,"

Ziggy could not take Xhemin's plea. The Little Miss had always been one of his weakness, his and Huzey's, and seeing her begged was something he could not just bear at all. Nevertheless, thinking through it, he also realized Xhemin was also right. No one else knew how to make the underground museum aside from Huzey and that he too had never seen Huzey's face when they buried him.

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"What do you suggest us to do?" Ziggy asked and went to comfort Xhemin who was still crying. "Don't cry anymore,"

"I want to dig his grave," Xhemin asked. "Allow me to see the face of the man you buried…if it was Huzey then at least I can say my goodbyes right then…"


CGC Tower

CEO Martin Chan was running through all the reports that was sent to him. He was such in a good mood the past few months as CGC had been above L Empire, but his happy days had ended when the Lagdameo heir announced his intention in stepping over all of the Lagdameo's businesses. Few weeks from now, the Lagdameo heir will end his tour and officially be declared as new L Empire's president and who knows what will be CGC's fate after that.

Thinking through all the possibilities, Martin contemplated in his office. Previously, when he heard his daughter Collet was getting close to the Lagdameo heir, he was furious. There's just no way he would allow his precious Collet be associated with his ultimate nemesis but then later on, CGC had not been doing well and so he thought of using Collet to tame the Lagdameo heir, yet such plan had failed miserably when that Lagdameo woman came into picture. Good thing, he had prepared for back up plans and so, even when CGC was on the rocks because of the Lagdameo heir, he knew it will only be temporary. Soon, CGC will get it to the top with no more competitions.

While still drowned in his thoughts, he heard a faint knock and soon, his executive assistant emerged from the door.

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"CEO Chan, there is a call from one of your assets that needs your immediate attention," the latter revealed, "Your presence is needed on the third floor,"

"Which one?" He demanded without giving his assistant a look.

"The old one. The one named Sauro,"

Martin flinched a little when he heard the name. It was such a long time that this person had not made any contact with him and he wondered by then what could be his business to him this time.

Martin did not say a word as he knew who this asset was and the type of work he gets done. He immediately left his office, together with his assistant and went down to the third floor which they used as stock rooms.

When the elevator opened, they made few turns until they reach one huge stock room where the asset was waiting. He was dressed in an outfit that resembled one of their deliver men and he stood there waiting for him, standing beside a something that was all covered with tarpaulin.  When he saw Martin approaching, he greeted him with a proud nod.

"Its been a long time," The assets welcomed him and did not delay his errand "I have a delivery for you?"

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"I told you not to come and see me again," Martin said in a hard tone as if he was not pleased to see the guy. As far he could remember, their transaction had long been over, and the dues had been paid. "This will be the last time that you—

"Oh no, no," The guy cut whatever he said. "You haven't seen my gift yet,"

"I'm not interested at all," Martin refused. He was ready to call the conversation over and leave when he heard his next words.

"This is a gift from the past," The asset said with a vicious grin, seemingly aware of how Martin's insides twitched. He was not really afraid of the man, but his presence reminded him of something he feared.

-Chapter ends here-

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