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It was chaos after for Xhemin and Ziggy. They immediately called for help and tortured themselves with the sound of a wailing ambulance's siren, the kind of noise that makes them sick to the stomach, since the one loaded in it was their grandfather and Ang.

When the ambulance halted in front of the emergency room, Ziggy stepped out and immediately went to prepare himself for a surgery. He knew Dr. Miles needed an immediate one as the gun shot, he had was fatal and he had lost too much blood.

Ziggy was on his way through the surgery room when Dr. Steven called him out.

"Ziggorioh, I'm sorry but you can't enter the surgery room," Dr. Steven's badly refused.

"But Dr. Stevens, it's Dr. Dugmoch whose—"

"Even so. You are Dr. Dugmoch's apprentice not mine, so I am not taking responsibility on you in the surgery room," Dr. Steven's explained.

"Dr. Steven's please. Just let me help on this," Ziggy pleaded. He knew Dr. Steven's stand was reasonable, but it was his grandfather they were taking about here, and Ziggy would just not stand and wait when he knew he can do something.

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"I'm really sorry, if only you are a resident doctor then I can allow you. But I'm not Dr. Dugmoch and so I don't have the privilege to let an apprentice join the surgery room," The doctor explained further.

"Dr. Stevens—"

"Do not delay me please. Dr. Dugmoch's surgery cannot wait," That was all that Dr. Stevens said and he immediately entered the surgery room leaving Ziggy, helpless and dumbfounded in the hallway. For the first time, he blamed himself for not being able to get a doctor's license and being useless in any way.


Somewhere in Spain

On one side of a busy streets, there was an old apartment building that lies, and its top floor was dreaded by every servant that was hired to do chores in the house. There, the young Señorito of the house stays and he had the worst beastly temperament of all that made all the servants afraid of him. Most of them refused to attend on him and all those who did, they resigned after they did so.

Amongst all the hired servants, one newly hired brave young girl patiently tended on him and right then, she was about to have him drink his medicines and invite him to try and eat. The Señorito hadn't been eating at all since morning and she was to try and persuade him again.

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The maidservant was aware that the boy cannot walk and so she went in his room without announcement, bringing a tray with his medicines and a bowl of soup. She found him lying there with eyes closed, his half gorgeous face looked exhausted while the other half hid behind a mask.

"Señiorito, it's time for your medicine," She said in a low gentle voice seemingly trying to tame a monstrous beast. However, the boy didn't move at all and all she could do at the time was to stare at him, hoping he'll notice her presence even though she knew she was always invisible in his eyes.

The girl's Señiorito was still asleep, it was obvious from his little snores that sounded so heavenly to her. She looked at him curiously as she had never been this close to him ever before, not to mention seeing his naked chest this close. The Señiorito was lying in the bed peacefully with blanket on until his waist, covering whatever was down there while the rest of him was flaunting raw and bare in front her.

Too bad, some parts of his skin were distorted yet the remaining clear skin in his chest still looked invitingly good.

"Seniorito," She called gently again.

"hmmm," He answered with a gentle moan and the sound of it was so captivating she got lost some of her senses and attempted to touch his face. However, even before her hands could touch him, he woke up and shoved her hands immediately.

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"Do not touch me!" He exclaimed, shouting hard at the girl who fell from the bed with the force that had hit her. The tray that she had with her fell too and the glasses broke.

"I'm sorry, it's time for you medicines and I was about to wake you up," She lowered her head at the floor, pressing one hand to her chest like she was deeply hurt.

"I had told you several times not to look at my face!" he screamed at her again and his voice can be heard all over the mansion. "Get out! Get out!"

The girl immediately cleaned the mess she had on the floor while her Señiorito was screaming at her. She had worst experiences with him than this, but still, despite having to be screamed at most of the times, she had never gone used to it and so her knees were still shaking in fear.

"Huzey calm down!" His grandfather soon entered the door. He must have heard his grandson's tantrum and so he went to intervene whatever was going on, "You are giving the girl some serious fright,"

Huzey was still in fury breathing hard on his bed when Senior Hans came, and she turned to girl immediately.

"You are hurt," Senior Hans noticed that the girl's arms were bleeding and attempted to console her, but the girl immediately hid her hands.

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"It's nothing Senior. Some small wound," The girl said and picked up the tray where she put all the mess she collected from the floor. "I'll go and bring another set of medicine for the Señiorito,"

"Are you sure you —"

"Please do not worry about me Senior," She told him politely "It was my fault anyway since I disturbed the Señiorito's peaceful sleep,"

The girl then left, before Senior Hans could say anything else. And so, the old man was left with his grandson alone in the room. He sat at the edge of his bed and looked at him with patience.

-Chapter ends here-

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