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An old apartment in Spain

"This is what we saved from the fire that took place in the youngest sire's laboratory," Huzey's informer said as he brought to him a bulk of papers and a pot of healthy white flowers, "This is what he had been working on for the last couple of months,"

"And the funeral?" Huzey asked.  

"Your friends were there at your funeral. Both them, its just that the girl arrived after the service." The informer relayed to Huzey. "No one suspected it, and everyone was utterly devastated especially—"

"That's all I need to hear," Huzey cut him off entirely. He didn't want to hear everyone's reaction of his death because he was afraid of the emotions that might rushed on him and changed his mind. "You are free to go,"

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The informer made a polite bow and left Huzey's room. He was sitting on his bed right then, leaning his back at the wooden headboard.

"Señiorito, it's time for your medicines," the girl came in, the one who had her arm injured yesterday. She had bandaged the wound already and just like always, he was holing a tray on her hand.

Huzey could not see her clearly from afar as his sight was blur. The mining incident had also damaged his sight so he can only tell figures, shapes and colors from afar with minimal details. Nevertheless, she knew it was the same girl who came, her voice tells so as well as her red hair—the only thing that separates her from the rest.

"You heard it all," Huzey told as she put the tray on the bedside table.

"I…I…" she tried to lie but lying wasn't part of her ways, so she ended up admitting the truth, "I'm sorry Señiorito. I am already at the doorway when both of you talk. I did not intend to eavesdrop, and I did not hear everything,"

Huzey grab her hand by force that she ended up sitting on his bed, close to him. Her body was leaning on his chest, her left hand locked on his and her face was too close she could feel his warmth breath.

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"Do you know that what you heard is a confidential information?" Huzey told her in threatening raw voice, "You can die because of it,"

"Death is something I do not fear," She said in an almost a whisper and her voice was devoid of any expression as if Huzey's treat didn't work in her in any way.

"Good," Huzey said to her, their face was closer than he was aware of. "Because I can kill you right now, if want to,"

"If you are indeed to kill me Señiorito, then can you grant this servant answer to a question she wanted to ask," She dared to request to him, searching Huzey's deep blue yes wondering if she was still invisible to him, "You can kill me right after,"

Huzey didn't know why but there was something interesting about this servant and she intrigued him in ways that made him too thirsty for something he couldn't define.

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As if captivated by her mystery, Huzey nod in agreement. "What question do you want me to answer before you face your death?"

"I wonder why the Señiorito is here, hiding away alone and lonely while he can be with his friends who love him deep," She asked in front of his face while breathing a fragrance of peppermint to Huzey's nostrils.

Her question quieted Huzey and for few moments they remained on that position, seemingly feeling each other's warmth and counting each other's breathing.

"I don't want them to waste their youth for me," Huzey's voice bear the struggle of pain within him, "My friends had ruined their future just to find a cure for me. I had to die so they can start moving on and continue the future the dreamed for themselves,"

Huzey's words bear the truth in them. Everything that happened to him was devastating, he was stripped of his legs, his inheritance and future because of the mining accident but there was nothing more painful than to see his dear friends, Ziggy and Xhemin go down with him. Xhemin sacrificed her own future and life by going to the Manggan island for his cure and Ziggy had ruined his reputation and integrity because of the research he continually pushed on despite all the struggles. Both of them just never stops, and he cannot just keep on watching them go on.

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Aside from that, when all that happened to Montarini Mining Inc. and all their other business, Huzey suspected that someone big was behind it all. Someone wanted to bring the Montarini's down and he do not want his friends to be involved with it. He had to cut ties with them to make sure they were safe. With all that, Senior Han's brought Huzey to Spain secretly few months before he was declared dead. When they heard that the voyage from the Manggan Island was coming over, they declared his death right then so that the voyagers can bring Xhemin the news. He knew Xhemin will do everything she can to attend his funeral and she did not fail him. Now that Xhemin was back, he hoped she can continue all the plans she had that was halted because of the mining incident.

"Sad," The girl dragged back Huzey's attention to his room. She was about to say something more when they heard someone climbing off the stairs, so the servant immediately pulled herself away from him.

In just a minute, Senior Hans entered the door with puffy red eyes and a messed-up expression. When he saw that the servant was there, he dismissed her.

"Please leave us for a while dear," the old man instructed, which the servant obeyed immediately. She knew Senior Hans was to bring some real bad news with the prince and she dreaded whatever the news was. She just couldn't imagine the emotional and physical pain he had been struggling with for the last three years and another tragedy might make him become worst.

The servant slowly walked away from Huzey's room and just as soon as she was about to unmount into the stairs, she heard Huzey's scream and cry.

"That simply is not true!" Huzey's cry filled the top floor and the girl who was at the stairs had to cover her ears as she could not withstand to hear him severely hurt, "My grandad is not yet dead!"

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