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L Empire, London

In about few hours, Darryl will officially take over L Empire. A conference was already set and media flock into the hall where the event was to take place. All of L Empire's elders were expected to attend the gathering, as well as the important personalities of the said corporation. Right then, a history was to be made.

Darryl was on his hotel room, fully and professionally dressed. It was the end of his tour and before the day ends, L Empire will be his responsibility. It was a huge responsibility but comes with it was also power, a great power and influence he was hoping to use to protect his woman and her family.

"All had been set young master. In about few minutes now, the elders will arrive, and the program will start" An assistant's voice disturbed his solitude.

"Can I have my phone now?" He asked. His tour forced him to give up any communications and access to whatever was happening outside L Empire. This was set because during the tour, L Empire's president-to-be should be ultimately focused on every matter of their different branches, leaving him no time to think of anything else. Even so, the memory of the wife he left was always running in his mind and he hoped she had faithfully waited for his return.

"After the conference young master," The assistant replied politely. "All your gadgets shall be returned to you right then,"

"Good," Darryl stood from the corner of the bed where he sat and fixed his sleeves. He turned to the assistant and said, "Let's go to the hall, I do not intent to be late,"

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"Alright young master, please follow me,"

Darryl's hotel stood adjacent to L Empire's Corporate Center in London and there was an exclusive bridge meant for L Empire's access toward the hotel. The assistant lead Darryl to that same bridge and they walked in there toward the hall.

Any minute from now, L Empire will welcome their new president.


Xhemin was sitting on the backseat with Dian, pressing her hand toward each other. She didn't know why but she wasn't feeling good that time, perhaps it was wrong to leave Ziggy at all. She should have just gone with them and make sure they were safe before she went with Dian.

"Xhem," Dian saw her distress and so she took her hand, "Don't worry they'll be fine,"

"I don't know Dian," Xhemin said with honestly, "But it felt like something wrong is going to happen. Perhaps I shouldn't have left them to tend for themselves,"

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"The youngest sire is very capable. I have high hopes in him," Dian knew the Dugmoch's family was undergoing something right then. Even thought Xhemin won't tell and she deeply respects that, her deep ink eyes says it all.

The news about Dr. Miles death hadn't made it to the news yet and Dian probably don't have any idea about the late doctor's relationship to Xhemin, so she was blind with all the details. Despite such, she was determined to help Xhemin, specially that she was carrying with her another Lagdameo heir.

She wondered by then what her father's reaction will be if he knew.

And the elders, how will they take this news?

If this information will reach his father's ears, the future of the child will be certain, Dian just didn't know if she will like how such future would turn out.

"What month are you in your pregnancy?" Dian asked, staring at Xhemin's belly.

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"Running seven," Xhemin said "I might be even more than seven months by now. I'm not entirely sure. I never got the chance to have it checked and on the island the elders count it by moons,"

"I see," Dian tried to feel the baby within, "Do you know if it's a boy or girl?"

"No to be honest," Xhemin shook her head, "Back in the island, the elders said they cannot determine the gender of my child. Some claims it was a boy, other says it was a girl,"

"His future in L Empire will be bright if he turned out to be a boy," Dian said in a blank expression, his hazel eyes was like somewhere else, "But I'm not sure that is the future you like for him—to be like Dee. Another Lagdameo heir,"

"I'm not really sure how to feel about that," Xhemin said. It never occurred to her the status of her child will be knowing that he or she can be the next Lagdameo heir, nor so the fact that this child might have the same fate with her husband—bound to L Empire all his life. Nevertheless, Xhemin hoped only one thing, that her child will not grow up like her—parentless.

Dian and Xhemin's conversation halted when their car came to a full stop without warning. She and Dian almost fell from their seat with the force and Xhemin instinctively held her tummy for protection.

"What is that?" Dian asked their companions.

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"The road is blocked," The driver said to Dian's surprised. They had men with them on same car and another set of men was following them with another car.

"Turn around immediately," Dian instructed but then one of her men knocked on Dian's window. She rolled it to down to entertain him.

"Second Miss don't worry its safe. I'll have them clear the road but for now you need to answer this call," Dian's men told. He extended a phone to her which Dian hesitantly accepted. "It's the young master Second Miss and he said he cannot contact you,"

"Oh, I see," Dian then accepted the phone, but no one seemed to be answering from the other line. "It must be the service," Dian suspected and so without further words, she stepped out the car to connect the call without hindrances and she walked a couple steps away from it before she heard the line get through.

"Dee," Dian called on her brother. "I have Xhemin—"


A loud thundering sound settled in, almost hurting everyone's ear. Dian immediately turn to where the sound came from and the view made her lose herself, the phone fell from her hand.

Another speed demon car burned rubber down the stretch where their cars had a full stop, causing multiple crashes, including the one where Xhemin was loaded. The aftermath was a dreadful sight and Xhemin's car ended up being slammed into a big trunk of tree, its front side was deformed and was smoking something from the broken engine.

"Xhemin!" Dian shouted dreadfully and ran to the accident scene, together with all the other men who stepped out the car like her earlier.

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