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Aviona saw it all. She saw all those banners and confetti that Martin's circle made for his senior ball's proposal, including the musician he hired to woo the girl in front of everyone. She balled her hands in a tight grip while she watched in the sidelines with her minions as Martin's act was taking place.

"Who's the girl?" Aviona demanded, trying not to burst into anger.

"She's a freshman in the architecture department," Sophie told her.

"Aviona please don't be mad at this," It was another minion of her, Donna who tried to appease her. "Martin was just forced to do this, the boys had a bet, and this is what they asked him to do,"

"So, Martin foolishly left me out just to fulfill a bet?" She couldn't believe it.

"Martin is a cool guy, of course he cannot say no to his friends and perhaps he thought this will be fine to you since you are such a supportive girlfriend," Donna tried to explain, hoping Aviona will spare both Martin and the new girl with her fury.

"Am I?" Aviona dragged her fiery black eyes to Donna, "A supportive girlfriend?"

"Of course, you are," Donna sighed. She was the kind of friend that give Aviona most of the real talk and she knew within herself that Aviona was trying to get steady with Martin. They were after all in a relationship for two years already "Isn't that the reason why you hold onto the sport writer position in the publication team? You always want to release article highlighting how good your boyfriend was,"

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"Donna, I held into sports writing because I like it," Aviona pointed with a lie. Truth was Donna was right, she thought Martina and her, passed the playing stage already and although she admits that she wanted him at first because he was as popular as she. "Am nothing like the one you describe Donna and if you expect me to be cool with this, you certainly are wrong,"

One of the reasons why this thing was simply unacceptable to Aviona was because Martin clearly was disrespecting her. What would the students say about her now? That she was going to the ball alone because Martin dumped her? And that girl who Martin was proposing right now, everyone will surely label her as the girl Martin used to dump her!

What is Martin even thinking?

Does he really think this was okay with her?

Perhaps Donna was somehow right, she had been nothing like a supportive girlfriend for the last two years and so Martin thought she can be cool with anything, including this godamn fucking proposal.

Aviona, to her minion's shock, started walking in the main ground to where the proposal was happening.

"Aviona!" Margo tried to warn her. A lot of people was watching the proposal and walking in there was like humiliating her own self since she clearly wasn't invited.

[Isn't that Aviona Leigh? Omigod!]

[Aviona will surely humiliate the girl!]

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[Is she going to get revenge because she was dump]

[What is Aviona doing?]

Aviona continued to walk with grace, as if she was not bothered by everyone's stares. Why would she? She's everyone's queen and she's used to all their stares.

With all the gasped and whispers that was happening in the crowd, Martin and his circle soon became aware of the girl that was walking toward them.

Martin's face frowned when he saw Aviona and approached her even before she can lay a hand on the girl he was with.

"Aviona what are you doing here," Martin immediately grabbed her arms, "You are ruining my act. The boys and I had a bet and —"

"Excuse me?" Aviona's lifted her eyes to him as if she was a little bit shock with his announcement.

"Aviona just leave okay," Martin ordered her. "We'll talk later,"

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"Aviona I'm sorry I don't have intention to rose and argument with you and Martin," The girl from the architecture department explained with her innocent face. However, despite how innocent she looked, Aviona could see through her façade and knew she was enjoying how the university queen was being humiliated because of her. "All of this was a surprise, I didn't expect that Martin would take notice of me,"

Aviona let go of a small laugh. If this freshman thought she can climb to the pedestal she was in by snatching her boyfriend, well she hated to break it to her, but she simply doesn't have a chance.

Aviona's reaction confused everyone. They all knew Aviona was a meanie and they all expect her to be harsh with the girl, but her expression and calmness right then was something far from what they all expected.

"Oh dear, it's okay," Aviona chucked, "I don't mind you picking my trash,"

The girls face fell with what Aviona said. Aviona's eyes held something evil in them that she was already doubting the advantage she had right then. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't know?" Aviona faked a surprised face, then she turned to Martin with the same expression, "Didn't you announce it?"

"Announce what?" Martin's face became worried. All these times, Martin thought Aviona had already fallen for him. During the last two years, she had always been supportive with her to the extent of securing the sports writing position so his games will be published well. He had already told the boys—his circle—of how mad Aviona was with him and told them, she will certainly be cool with anything they he does than losing him and he thought the same. However, with how Aviona's eyes shone intimidatingly right then, he was already unsure of everything.

"Oh Martin," Aviona shook her head, "Did you take our breakup to heart that you were still in denial until now that I dump you already?"

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"What?" Aviona's announcement rose a panic inside Martin's stem. When did they broke up? "Aviona what are you talking about,"

"Didn't everyone know yet?" Aviona looked around, trying to be innocent with everyone's surprise faces.

[The broke up already?]

[It seemed so, is that the reason why Martin was asking out another date because Aviona dump him]

[I honestly thought it was Martin who was trying to dump Aviona, it turned out, he was desperately looking for another because he had been dump]

Aviona smiled quietly at everyone's reaction.

"Martin… Martin… Martin…"Aviona's words ring into everyone's ears, "I left the announcement to you because I'm kind of guilty for dumping you but never thought that you had no plans of announcing it. Was our breakup that hard to get over?"

"That is not true! We did not break up!" Martin tried to deny.

"Oh, I see now why you didn't announce it," Aviona sighed deep, "You cannot still accept the fact, I'm really sorry but my decision is final, I can simply no longer wanted your company,"

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