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Aviona's pretty face was marred by the tears that were running down her eyes. Melvin's rejection got her pretty bad that she felt like she was losing all the warmth she had. Her hands were cold, so her heart was.

"Aviona…" Donna called on her worriedly. Even the three of them—her, Sophie and Marga didn't expect such an answer from Melvin. There was no doubt that the two both felt the same way about each other, so Melvin's rejection came quite a surprise.

Aviona did not head Donna's call and just walked away, leaving behind the beautiful set-up she made for her proposal. She had thought about it after the senior's ball but didn't expect the outcome would be this hell.

From the rooftop, Aviona walked down the stairs alone, struggling to keep her balance and emotions composed. However, her legs shook tremendously so she ended up falling on her knees on one stairs' step and when her body sank into the cold flooring, she sobbed tremendously.

For the small amount of time she spent with Melvin, she thought she finally found someone who can gave her life some meaning, but Melvin killed her heart without notice and that broke everything she hoped for in just one hit.

She knew he loved her, but she couldn't understand why he had to reject her. Did Melvin bumped his head this morning that finally he was able to see that she didn't deserve his love?

"Aviona…" There was a familiar warm voice that called on to her but Aviona refused to acknowledge the person's presence, she just sobbed her heart out without any slightest care of the people who might see her. In just a minute, she felt huge arms wrapping her into a tight hug, warming her freezing heart. "What happened to you?"

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Aviona lifted her head to see the person who was comforting her, and she saw Martin, with his set of brown eyes, looking down at her in an expression wrapped between worry and hate.

Martin overheard Melvin and Dante's conversation earlier and because it involved Aviona, he became worried right then. However, he missed the fact that Aviona was in the rooftop, so he ended up looking for her everywhere. He finally found her after minutes of searching with a messed-up state and a tear stained face.

"Who did this to you?" Some anger rose into Martin's cheeks. When Aviona announced their breakup and clung to another man, Martin woke up to the reality that Aviona was something very special to him. Just as almost every man at school did, Martin wooed the girl for quite some time not only because she was the most sought-after woman in their school but also because she had undeniably captivated his heart. Only that all these times that they were together, his pride consumed him that he failed to treasure and gave her the treatment she deserved. If he can only turn back time, then he'll probably treat her better than before.

"Martin…" That was all that Aviona had said in between her sobs. She was so hurt and devastated that Martin wanted to kill whoever made her cry.

"Aviona…" Her minions suddenly showed and saw how she broke down right there, with Martin trying to comfort her.

"What happened?" Knowing that Aviona wasn't in a good state, he asked his minions instead. "Who did this to her?"

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The three looked at each other, trying to assess whether it was right for them to tell everything to the Aviona's ex.

"Tell me who made Aviona cry like this!" Martin exclaimed, already mad angry that Aviona's friends stepped back in fear.

"It's Melvin," Marga revealed, "Aviona proposed and that boy, the intern boy rejected her,"

Marga's words drew some unreadable expression in Martin's face. He became more mad with it and his hands suddenly balled into a tight grip.

"Bring Aviona to my car," He immediately instructed the three and threw them his keys. Right then, Martin left bearing a face of a lion ready to haunt his prey.

Martin immediately head to the intern's laboratory room to look Melvin. The door was wide open and all interns where busy preparing for their next class, as for Melvin, Martin found him staring at the huge glass windows, staring blankly at somewhere.

Without words of warning, he made full hasty strides and punched the boy at his face, Melvin who was entirely not prepared of the assault, fell in the floor in an instant.

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"What do you think you are doing?" Dante shouted off to Martin's face before he went to assist Melvin who was stuck on the floor.

"How dare you made her cry like that!" Martin exclaimed. The intern lab was suddenly in a mad chaos.

Melvin didn't reply and only tried to pick himself up.

"Martin, your presence alone is forbidden here," Dante tell him off, "And worst, you came here to make an assault,"

"I don't care about school rules and whatsoever," Martin retorted, his eyes were so mad he lost all the rationality in him. He simply couldn't let the man go after what he did to the woman he loved. "You gotta pay for everything you did to her,"

"Martin, Aviona and Melvin's business is—"

"Dante," Melvin cut of whatever his buddy was about to say, "Just let him. I deserved it,"

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Melvin was able to pick himself up after a while, he was clearly hurt and the part of Melvin's face where Martin hit him, reddened.

"Go ahead," Melvin weakly instructed the boy who came determined to get revenge for Aviona. Melvin was not anymore in his self, his heart sunk down and every fabric of his being loathed himself for hurting the woman he loved the most. This time, he was numb to everything that even Martin's punch didn't hurt him physically.

"As you wish," Martin prepared for another punch but before he could even jive, Melvin cupped his head as if he was feeling utterly sick and right then, blood rushed out from his nose.

-Chapter ends here-

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