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Entry 18

Aviona decided to stay and I could have never been happier. For the last six months we tried to spend more time with each other even when I had to get back to Rivendell to attend my last semester. Aviona came to visit me in Hampshire every weekend and when she failed to, I'm the one who goes to the capital to see her.

This by the way is my last day in Hampshire, I am an official Rivendell Alumna. The next big thing for me is to get my license. I had asked the medical board for a clearance to take the medical exam and soon, I'll be a doctor, just like father. My research for feather health care is almost finish too, I hope I can get it done before my time ends.

Aviona graduated in XU with highest honors and I couldn't be prouder. I told her not to slow down and pursue the career that she wants but she said she didn't want to rush it. She wanted to go and travel with me for a while which I think is a good idea. So, I think, for the next six months or so, Aviona and I will be together travelling around the globe.

Can't wait for the adventures that awaits ahead of us out there!

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Entry 19

Aviona and I started travelling together. At the moment, we had gone through three countries already, away from home and away from the buzz of the elite community. Back in the country, a lot of Aviona's classmates wondered what could have kept Aviona busy these days, not knowing she was with me. Although Aviona is popular, we managed to keep our relationship in the low, away from the scrutiny of everyone.

Everyone expected Aviona to start pursuing her career. Her emails were flooded with invitations from company who wished to hire her, but she ignored them all. She was determined to give me company for a while, until she can.

To be honest, travelling with Aviona was probably the happiest days of my life. Everyday, although exhausting, was worth every penny and time. We had learned a lot from our journey and wished to explore more that's out there.

Entry 20

Aviona and I reached Africa and so far, this was the only country that touched my heart. When I step foot, I suddenly felt the connection and knew right then, this is where I belong. Seeing their need, I wanted to give them hand and help them further. I'm definitely going back someday.

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Entry 21

I finally got my license, I'm an official doctor now. I told you I can do it!

Father arranged things in the company so that I can work as a residential doctor in Feather HealthCare hospital, but I told father I don't want to. I want to go Africa and volunteer there for a while. Aviona and I went there few months ago during our trip and I told her I want to stay there to help. She wasn't pleased with that of course. Aviona wanted me to slow down and rest for a while but I am already determined to go, I hope she'll come to understand my decision. There's something within me that says helping people in Africa was something I am destined to do, and I shall fulfill that.

Entry 22

Aviona followed me through Africa. Well I'm really happy that she's here but I think she had been sacrificing a lot lately for me. Aviona is a smart girl and she have a bright future ahead of her, but she chose to follow me here instead of pursuing her dreams. I feel guilty for being the reason why she was withholding herself from pursuing the career she wanted for herself and yet she told me, she still has a lot of time to pursue her dreams in the future while our time together might be running out.

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Entry 23

With the help of Aviona, we had managed to build a mobile clinic and we roamed community to community to provide medical services for the people in Africa. Aviona was very good at this—managing. I think if she's going to build a company in the future, her company will be of total success. She was a total advantage in this trip of mine and I certainly didn't know how to have survived this all without her. She's my lucky charm and the one that had help me do the things I wanted to do before I leave this world. I just pray that when I leave, somebody will also be there to take care of her just like how she did to me.

Entry 24

I had been sick lately and Aviona was worried like hell. We had stopped the mobile clinic services until I recovers so Aviona and I stayed indoors most of the time. I know she wanted to bring me home to get treated but I really wanna stay here until I can and I'm very thankful that she respected that decision of mine.

I could never imagine how the university mean queen had turned entirely into a different person after her graduation from XU. She previously wanted the crowd and craved the popularity and approval of other people, now she was just soo satisfied being with me, in our small rented hut in Africa, far away from home. Each day, she had let me feel loved, well cared and most all, she kept me happy all the time.

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Entry 23

I felt sicker as days passed by and was confined in bed for more than a week now. Aviona stayed with me in bed, because I wanted her too. These days its her warmth that I needed. I knew she was feeling sad, seeing how I was fading slowly in front of her, but she was still positive about everything and have kept the smile of her face, despite everything.

-Chapter ends here-

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