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Aviona woke up to the sound of humming pigeons in their veranda. Pigeons were rare in the capital but in the Golden Villa where she and Martin nested, they were abundant. Aviona like pigeons as it reminded her of the South, her favorite place in the country. When Melvin was still alive, she used to visit him in the South and that's how she came to like that part of the country.

Martin was no longer there when she arose and sat on their bed. Her husband went out early today and she remembered him kissing her goodbye while she was still dreamy on their bed. Stretching as far as she could, Aviona took a glimpse of the clock on the bedside table.

"It's nine," She said to herself. "I have to hurry and go,"

She had some important appointments today that she needed to attend to so Aviona did not waste time and prepared for herself for the day. In just a span of fifteen minutes, Aviona was already mounting down the fabricated stairs, ready to leave.

"Madam, I had already prepared the breakfast," Their head maid welcomed her at the foot of the stairs.

"Thank you, Malena, but I won't be eating breakfast this morning. Need to rush in the office," Aviona answered and headed to the door. She didn't wait for Malena to reply as she knew the head maid surely protest. Malena was instructed carefully by Martin to not allow Aviona to leave without eating and that head maid was so obedient to the master of the house, so she always insists on Aviona having breakfast.

Aviona was already on the front door when she heard some commotion back inside. She turned around and check the mess. The noise was coming from the kitchen and so Aviona immediately turned to that part of the house. There she found another kitchen maid, dragging a little child out of the kitchen door.

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"I told you not to come here!" The kitchen maid reprimanded the child. "I'll go and tell your father how you are disturbing the maids in here so he will not bring you anymore,"

"No please ma'am" The child pleaded, squeezing himself out of the maid's hands. Although he was having a hard time, his face did not flush any sign of fear. "I just want to do little tasks for you in exchange of a penny,"

"And work do you intend to do? You are too little to do anything," the annoyed maid replied.

"I can do everything, just let me try it and you'll see," The child insisted, almost rolling his eye to the maid that was trying to dismiss him away.

"What's all this?" Aviona intervened and when the maid saw her, her face cannot be painted.

"I'm sorry madam," The maid apologized in an instant and she let go of the child right away. "This child is the son of our gardener. I already told the gardener not to bring him again as this child is troublesome, but he had no choice but to bring him today. His mother is sick and there's no one to look after him,"

"I see," Aviona answered.

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"This child is making trouble in the kitchen that's why I'm bringing him out," The maid added.

"That is not true, I went to the kitchen to ask if you have some work for me to do," The child denied the maid's allegations.

"You shut up!" The maid glared at the boy. However, the boy was not afraid of her.

"You want to work in here?" Aviona turned to the boy. "Is that so?"

"Yes," The child immediately. "This is a big house, there must be some work that is available for me. My services are cheap, I only ask for a penny,"

Aviona chuckled at the boy's innocent conclusion. Clearly, the child was smart and hardworking too as he came in asking for work. "Well, I'm the owner of this house. You should come to me next time if you need work. The kitchen maids cannot decide on it since it's not their job to hire anyone,"

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"Really?" The boy marveled at the thought, "Oh so that's the reason why you look so pretty. You are rich,"

Aviona chuckled again.

"If that's the case then I shall come to you next time when I need some work," The boy decided. "Do you have any work available for me now?"

"Why do you need to work?"

"I'm saving up for something," The boy immediately told, "My mother owns a little store and she rewards me some penny everyday when I go and run errands for the store after school. But today my mother was sick, so father had to close the store for the day. With that, I'm not earning anything so I thought since I'm here, I might also get some work in here in exchange for a penny,"

"I see," Aviona was clearly amazed about the boy's character, "I might be needing someone to pick up some fresh flowers for the vases in the living room and the hallway. Can you pick fresh flowers from the garden and replaced the old one in the vases?"

"I can do that," The boy assured, "That's easy on me,"

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"Alright then," Aviona settled, "I shall expect that when I come home tonight, you had your work done. What is your name by the way?"

"Clay at your service madam," The boy told and even bowed to Aviona's amusement.

"Thank you clay, you should go and pick the flowers now. After your work is done, come and fetch your salary from this maid,"

"Okay, thank you," The boy hurriedly ran outside.

Aviona took some money from her purse and gave some to the maid with instructions to give it to Clay when his work is done.

"Madam, this to much for the boy," The maid protested.

"Make sure you give it all to him," Aviona insisted. "That boy is hardworking and brave. You should not chase him around but rather encourage him. Give that to him, he deserves it,"

"I will Madam," The maid bowed to Aviona with shame for what she did to the boy.

"The next time he visits again, treat him well. That boy has a bright future, who knows you might end up needing his help in the future," Aviona told as she headed back to the front door where her car was already waiting.

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