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" Im sorry" He said before he pushed the door and left the bathroom.

Xhemin remained motionless even after he left. What was he sorry for? Was he sorry for not contacting her the past few weeks? The thought of it bothered her so much that she wanted to call him and ask. But she chose not to.

She picked herself up from the bathtub and took off her muddied clothes. The beast washed her hair already so it was time for her to wash the rest of her. It took her almost twenty minutes to clean up. She dried herself and took some jumpers from her walk-in closet that was built adjacent to her bathroom.

She was fully dressed when she stepped out of the bathroom. She went to find a hairbrush in one of her bedroom's drawers only to find the beast. He was on his phone walking back and forth in her balcony.

She cast a startled glance at him. So, he has not left yet?

Xhemin's panicky nerves came hustling in her head instantly. Is the beast really determined to tell her grandfather about what happened yesterday? Is that why he waited for her? Is the sorry earlier for not sparing her and the gorilla's silliness yesterday?

Earlier while she was hiding from the yard, she did not hear their conversations fully. Thus, until now she thought that the reason for the beast's visit had something to do with what they did. She panicked over the idea again, wanting to evaporate in an instant to avoid his grandfather's fury in case.

She saw him put his phone down and went it. She immediately seated herself in her soft bed and started brushing her hair.

"Do you need help?" He asked when he noticed she was having hard time brushing her hair. Unknown to him, she was trembling inside.

"No need" She replied avoiding his gaze. However, she remembered that his clothes were messed up so she went to one side of her bedroom where she kept the boy's clothes. She just ironed them last night and forgot to bring it to the boy's bedroom earlier.

"You can use these" She said handling him one of Ziggy's clothes.

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Darryl's brows furrowed when he noticed they were boy's clothes. Apart from that, the brand was an expensive one, fit only for a young master. Didn't farmer Su tell him that Xhemin was an only grandchild? How come that there seems to be a young master in the house same size as him?

"They are Ziggy's" Xhemin added when she noticed that he was scrutinizing the clothes eagerly.

"Do they come and visit often?"

"They never leave..."

"And by that you mean?"

"They are both sleeping on the bedroom next to mine"

"You three are pretty close" He said in a not so pleasant tone.

Without a word, he started unbuttoning his shirt revealing his full chest. Xhemin swallowed at the view of it.

" Here we go again" she whispered as her cheeks warm up a little.

" Huh?"

" Nothing" she replied as she looked away.

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Darryl smiled when he saw how her blushed came pretty obvious in her soft cheeks. He continued to unbutton his shirt, revealing all the muscles in his body.

" Just few weeks ago you can't take your eyes from them and now you're looking away?" He said mischievously. He didn't know why but he was fond of teasing her. Probably because his woman looked damn cute that way.

" Just put that shirt on," That's all she managed to say as he handed him the shirt.

Instead of grabbing the shirt, he grabbed her wrist instead. The shirt she was holding fell off from her hand.

" You want to touch them instead?" He said referring to his biceps. Still grinning.

Xhemin eyes grew big with the beast's proposal.

"Young master, we are in my bedroom and I think its- hey!"

She didn't finish her words.

In an instant, he pulled her to her feet. With a gasp, she teetered before him, and he encircled her waist to keep her steady. He had her in his arms tightly, leaving her no chance to break free from it.

"How about I'll give you a kiss every time you say the words young master?" He whispered in front of her. She could feel the warmth of his breathe all over her face. The smell of it was very alluring.

She raised her eyes to his in an instant. The eyes that just grew bigger in surprise of his sudden attack. And she saw them- his hazel eyes that were gleaming in some light that both frightened and excited her. His words made her heart flutter endlessly.

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" God I missed you.." He said and started kissing her hair.

She flinched. She wanted to dismiss him, knowing it was not proper for a Little Missus to have a lover in her room. But she had no courage to do so.

Xhemin's legs trembled and the hairs at the back of her necks stood up. She instinctively clung to his arms afraid that her legs will fail her and she would fall off.

Darryl's lips were on her head now, trailing down to her pretty nose and down to her full lips. She closed her eyes, savoring their closeness as she awaited the warmth of his lips to hers.

They both felt each other's breathing as it danced to the sound of their heart beats. It was a delightful moment; one could wish it would never end.

But then a loud thud racked on the door as Ziggy came in half awake. He was on his pajamas which was as messy as his curly hair. He wore nothing on his feet but the bright pink socks Xhemin had sewn for him a long time ago.

" Xhem, I'm already hungry…" Ziggy said yawning that was cut midway when he saw Xhemin wrapped tightly in a man's arms. In a naked man's arms to be exact.

" Waaaaaah!" Ziggy screamed and run hurriedly back to his bedroom to wake Huzey.

" Ziggy stop screaming!" Huzey protested when Ziggy came in wrestling him in his bed.

" There's a man in Xhemin's bedroom just right now! A naked man!" He screamed in a voice that can be heard all over the Richmond Ranch.

Without a word, Huzey jumped out of his bed and run towards Xhemin's bedroom only to find Dr. Miles holding on to a silver mounted- pistol, pointing towards the entrance of Xhemin's bedroom.

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"Who are you? State your purpose!" Dr. Miles warned in a voice that cannot be ridiculed. He was of old age but certainly in a posture that cannot be underestimated.

Both the boys rushed to his side. They wanted to see the face of the stranger who dared to trespass their dwelling in a broad daylight.

"My Gawd!" Ziggy exclaimed when he saw who the man was. He clearly didn't saw the Lagdameo heir's face earlier. His unscrupulous cry drove the household in an instant chaos and he regretted it.

Xhemin's shock rose to a point which made her feet unable to move. In just two strides, she found herself at the beast back. Darryl positioned himself before her, his body shielding her from her grandfather's gun.

" Grandad relax!" Huzey attempted to pacify Dr. Miles as he tried to slid into Xhemin's room.

" Don't move!" Dr. Miles warned the boys. It halted Huzey's steps. "Speak or I'll shot in the count of three!"

Dr. Miles was a very kind doctor but certainly not to someone who messes up with his granddaughter. His reaction at the moment was normal, provided the fact that he had been through a lot the past few years just to assure her safety.

Also, a half-naked man in a Little Missus bedroom was something alarming. An old man can do nothing but resort to a gun knowing he cannot rely solely on his physical strengths.

"Tell me who you are or I'll shoot in a count of three!" Dr. Miles warned desperately.


"Grandpa no! " Xhemin shouted, petrified. "He's my boyfriend!"

Everyone's jaw dropped!

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