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Martin comes to Aviona in many forms and each time he paid a visit, Aviona had to pray fervently he wasn't in the form of an abusive monster she recently realized he was. Martin's love for her became something else, something all other women wouldn't dare to wish for. The man she married three years ago had died and what's there left was a monster, a possessive controlling wrench who was willing to kill just to keep her by his side.

It had been weeks since she was shut off from the outside world and the previous escape that she attempted to do was paid by a week of being away from Ava, nights of crying and worrying what Martin could have done to her innocent daughter.  She had to beg for weeks before Martin returned Ava to her care.

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Aviona's life in the Golden Villa right then turned entirely opposite than how she lived before. She had no freedom and no life to speak of, and if not for Ava, she would have ended her life too soon.  Although Martin wasn't always successful in hurting her as she always tries to defend herself and right when Martin can beat or choke her hard, his own inner conscience voluntary woke up and making him realize how inhumane he had been. He always ends up apologizing to Aviona for the physical assaults he committed yet still made sure to lock the door after his visit. However, despite the less physical assault, Martin was always successful in tormenting Aviona emotionally especially when he uses Ava as a bait. Aviona was helpless right then and despite all the stress and exhaustion, she kept herself sane to care for Ava.

Today was one of the days Aviona dreaded for. She had heard the news of Martin's takeover of LGC and she knew by now, there was a big possibility that her husband had already realized that she had transferred most of her exclusive properties to Ava. She knew Martin needed money especially that he lived a lavish lifestyle yet he had no company or job to support it. She had already been suspecting for weeks about Martin's empty bank accounts and it only become apparent when previously, Martin came to her forcing her to sign some checks to pay the Golden Villa's bills. Good thing the available check books and cards Martin had found on her belongings were still the ones she used when she was still an employee, so the accounts only hold few millions she didn't mind losing. All the her significant properties she had were already transferred in Ava's name, a gift for her christening, including the top shares of LCG, making Ava the real owner of it.

The reason for such transfer was simple, Aviona was ready to move on with Martin and Ava. When Ava their daughter was born, she had finally found the guts to let Melvin go and in order to do that she had to let go of all the things she built for him and the first on the list was LGC. She was ready to give Margo the CEO position and had already transferred all the shares to Ava to cut all her personal ties to the company she built reflecting all of Melvin's legacies, lifeworks and charities. If this tragedy she was in didn't happen, she was planning to start a new company with Martin and continue living for him and their daughter. However, it seemed that fate didn't like all her plans and so it drew another path for her, a path where she was left in the dark, imprisoned and isolated.  She wondered right then why fate hadn't been good to her, it simply rubbed her all the rights to be happy with every man she tried to love.

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Aviona was feeding Ava while worrying about how their night will become. It was late afternoon already and she knew tonight, when Martin comes home from his first day in LGC, there was a big possibility he will lashed out on her and Ava. She was okay with being physically hurt as she had become numbed to it, but she was not willing to see Martin hurt Ava which he will possibly do since Ava was the reason for his misery right then. Ava's ownership of LCG might trigger something inside Martin that he will not be able to control.

Her mind was in panic, trying to put up another escape plan which was too impossible at this point. Because of her last escape attempt, Martin had doubled the locks and tightened the Golden Villa's security. How will Aviona pass through it all?

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Aviona's tears welled up by the thought of her daughter being subjected to Martin's fury. She held Ava tight and looked at how she was peacefully sleeping, comforted by the milk in her mother's breast. Ava was so innocent with all that was happening to them and all these times, despite their imprisonment, she kept playing and smiling as if she had all the freedom in world where in reality, her world was confined to that master bedroom they were forced into.

"Dear God, please spare my Ava," Aviona pleaded hoping there was a God listening to her somewhere. She had prayed for him for many weeks yet he seemed to have been deaf to all her pleas. "She didn't deserve this. Please… I just want her to live a good life somewhere away from all this chaos. Let her survived this, let my Ava grow up away from all these kind of misery"

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Aviona was sobbing hard when she heard a faint knock somewhere. She ignored it the first time for she thought it wasn't real but then, the knock continued to linger on.

Aviona wiped her tears in confusion and find where the sound was coming from. Soon she realized it was from the veranda's window and so she thought it must only be a pigeon looking for food. She was already about to give up the thought but then, the knock came again, this time it was sponsored by a whisper.

"Madam do you have any work for me?"

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