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"Martin I'm telling you our daughter cannot be just second to that fake daughter of yours!" Salsa was seriously pestering Martin about Ava being the heiress of LGC. She doesn't care anymore if Martin would end up hurting her, all she wanted was that she can influence him to do something about it.

"We can do nothing about it Salsa, even if Ava is not my daughter, the shares are under her name already," Martin wanted to ignore all of Salsa's nagging but he simply cannot avoid it specially that her words made sense. How could she let Collet be without nothing when she's his real daughter.

"I don't care, just get rid of Ava so could exploit all her money!" Salsa suggested fully with all the rage in her. "Just kill her if you must! That mother and daughter had brought us nothing but trouble!"

Without warning, Martin slapped Salsa hard. Martin was all shaking with what he had heard and his eyes suddenly dimmed, "You do not tell me what to do with Aviona! If I were to choose, I can kill you instead of Aviona with all your nagging!"

Salsa's nose bleed with Martin's assault. Her tears suddenly fell from what Martin just said. His words were far too painful for her to take, more painful than her red cheeks. Eventhough she knew how Martin loved Aviona, it still hurts painstakingly knowing she can never be Martin's choice.

Martin raged with the thought of Aviona being killed. Aviona was his and no matter where she went, he'll follow him to the end of the world, even in death. He was about to hurt Salsa and lashed on her more but suddenly his phone rang.

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"What is it?" Martin answered, ultimately annoyed but when he had gasped of what the call was about, his body shook. "How did Aviona escaped? You idiots! She's just a woman with a child! Go and chase her!"

Salsa heard all of Martin's cursing and he left without even sparing her a glance as if she's something not worthy of any of his worry and attention. With what happened, Salsa just wiped her tears and dragged herself to a nearby seat. She took her phone and dialled a number while her nose was still bleeding.

"I have something for you to do," Salsa said with a face full of resentment and anger.


"Out!" Aviona pushed the kitchen maid away from the front seat. She didn't want to bring her around for she would only cause trouble for her.

"Madam please don't leave me here in the woods," The kitchen maid begged. The Golden villa was situated in a very exclusive estate few minutes away from the capital. It was surrounded by woodland and so the road was dark and empty.

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"I'm sorry but you are only a burden to me," Aviona said and without waiting for a reply, she closed the door and speed up. Ava was already in the back seat, safely locked to a baby car seat Aviona found in her trunk. She had used her own car on their escape and she remembered she had tucked in Ava's car seat right there previously. Good thing the maids didn't take it when they were both locked in the mansion.

She was few miles away from the mansion now and had finally avoided the villa's security that was chasing them. She wanted to call someone for help but she didn't have any phone with her so she planned to go straight to LGC to take shelter.  Because she had been chased, she had taken few turns making her location a little bit far from the woodland estate's exit. However, she had memorized all the roads in there and so she was confident she can get out without being caught.

However, when Aviona hit the road again in a good speed, another unfamiliar car tailed on her and so she thought she was being chased again. The other car tried to catch her speed and when they almost did, they intentionally banged Aviona's car to her shock. Only then she found out that she was not being chase but rather being hunted.

Aviona didn't know who was trying to hurt them but she was sure they weren't the Golden Villa's security. They were someone else and their business was not to keep them alive and unscratched but they wanted her and Ava hurt, worst, they might want them dead.

Aviona speed up all the more and didn't gave the other car some chance to catch them. She drove with full speed helplessly and panic with the thought of Ava and her being chased to their death. She focused her eyes on the road and somewhat relieved when she saw some lights from afar, signifying a busy national highway leading to the capital. Perhaps they can escape whoever was hunting them when they hit such busy highway.  That would be there saving glory, since it was a national highway, for sure there were several traffic enforcer and police she could ask for help.

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Aviona put her hopes on the lights from afar however,  something crashed them from another direction and sent their car turning and flying! Their car flipped so many times that Aviona became disoriented before it hit into something.  There was some pain that crushed into her but in just a split second it faded off away….

Then there was a fire, a huge one, that the once dark road suddenly became visible.

Aviona found herself lying on a cold ground. She was bathing in her own blood and couldn't move any part of her body as the fire succumbed her.  She expected some kind of pain but unexpectedly she felt nothing and she started in on direction as all the life in her fade away.

"Aviona," A gentle familiar voice called on her and Aviona's tear fell knowing it was the voice she was missing all these times.

"Melvin," She responded to the call and found herself staring at the figure of her first husband smiling at her. His face was so still the same, still as handsome and peaceful as before. Aviona couldn't understand what was happening, whether she's definitely dead or she's dreaming, but seeing Melvin there, there was no other place she'd want to be.

"Come, let's go," Melvin extended a hand which she didn't refuse.  She stood on her feet and took it with thorough gladness. She was actually surprised how she managed to stand after all the injuries she probably suffered from the incident but then when she felt Melvin's hand, she finally understood, he was there to fetch her. "Don't worry this time, we'll be together forever,"

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She smiled at the thought of their forever but as Melvin started guiding her away from the fire of the accident scene, Aviona hesitated and turned around.

"How about Ava?" She asked him, looking through the midst of fire.

Melvin only shook his head and smiled bitterly. "She's not coming with us," Melvin announced and before Aviona could worry about their daughter, Melvin pointed into somewhere, far from the crime scene.

"Look" Melvin pointed. Aviona followed Melvin's hand and found Ava being cradled safely on another man's arms. They were hiding in the woods, watching as the explosion aggravated and how the place turned chaotic with all the flicker of blue and sirens rushing over.

Aviona didn't know who the man was but she knew Ava was safe in his custody. Satisfying herself with the view of her precious Ava, she soon walked away with Melvin, following a bright light into their forever.

That night, Aviona and Ava were declared dead.

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