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Ziggy woke up feeling heavy, tired and warm. He kept his eyes closed, relaxing against the two pillows under his head. His hospital duty today starts at one in the afternoon, so he practically is available the whole morning.

He got up feeling like the night before where he acted like a complete asshole and utter jerk. Half of him wanted to talk to Sam and apologize for how rude he was. The other half of him thought that Sam was really an insignificant bitch in his life, so why should he be sorry?

However, guilt was eating up his own conscience because he knew within him that he had gone totally far with her and that somehow the girl who saved his life deserve more of his gratitude than hostility. Even if he completely disapproved her, she was after all, the person who saved his life.

It took Ziggy almost half of the morning contemplating what to do. Would he apologize to Sam or just let it pass? Thinking about it, he knew he really needed to apologize but his pride was pretty too high to succumb into guilt. Then, for the sake of his manners and dignity, he thought it would be best to just apologize even if he does not mean most of it.

He took a morning shower and went downstairs, his body brimming with tension. This was the first time he ever considered apologizing to an enemy, so the feeling was rather odd. He briefly mentioned the situation to Huzey, searching for some sympathy but the diamond prince just made a less than tasteful comment. He wanted to seek Xhemin's support, yet she will surely nag at him for being such a total dick and ungentle with Sam, so he opted not to inform her about this scrape of him.

At the foot of the stairs, he could hear the TV played on and he knew by then that Sam was at the living room. The Young Montreal sire went further into the room and found Sam at her back leaning on the sofa. She was quietly reading a newspaper that covered her whole face while the TV was running a noontime program. She seemed to have not noticed his presence, so she didn't move at all from her current position.

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Ziggy positioned himself just at the back of the sofa, hands in pockets, hair tamed and off his face and was clearly still composing the right words to make up for his apology. It's unlikely for Ziggy to apologize to someone and so this charge was a little too hard and compromising for his pride. However, he thought it would rather wise to say his apologies now while Xhemin was still not around or else, he might end up saying sorry in public which was much worse for his pride to bear. Good thing only Sam and him was living in his apartment so nobody will know that he made this desperate move.

He waited for Sam to notice him, but she seemed very much drawn to the news section of the paper. As Sam was leaning on the sofa, only half of her hair was visible, and the rest of her face was covered with the bulk of newspaper she was holding.

"Cough.cough.cough" Ziggy started making a sound so that Sam would notice his presence.

Although, the place was filled with the television's audio, he made sure his sound was a little too loud for the girl to hear. However, to his dismay, she didn't move at all. It's as if she had not heard anything and that annoyed Ziggy a little.

"Hmmm.. Sam.." He called but the girl refused to acknowledge him. "About last night…" he continued further without waiting for her to respond. He thought maybe she's still mad about their argument and wouldn't want to make a conversation with him yet.

Just after Ziggy's last sentence, Sam moved a little, carefully trying to fix the way she sat on the sofa but didn't say any word at all. For some reason, Ziggy's mind reeled, and he found himself wondering what the hell was this bitch thought she was doing. The hell does she had the nerve to ignore him when he did practically swallow all his pride to talk to her first after the incident. However, he chose to be patient and continued with his intentions.

"I'm really sorry about last night" He drawled, rolling his eyes freely because he knew Sam couldn't see it.

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Sam remained nonchalant with Ziggy's apology and the boy felt like he needed to say something more to convinced Sam that he really was regretful of how he acted that night.

"I know I acted like a real jerk and have been ungrateful with the fact that you saved my life and as I said, I am really feeling bad that I hurt your feelings" Ziggy continued, and he really meant what he said this time "I'm sorry again"

"Can you forgive me?" He continued as casual as possible but he was welcomed with nothing but a cold shrugged.

As the girl remained passive with his effort, Ziggy's face went hard. Was the bitch determined to ignore him completely? How the heck could she? He was still her boss for Christ sake!

"Sam…" he called in a voice that was so determined to get a response, but the girl remained deadpan. "Can you at least talk to me? I'm being genuine here, hello!"

But for the nth time, Sam remained unaffected and Ziggy had enough of her drama. He went straight to the sofa, grabbed the newspapers away from Sam's face and was ready to trash out on her.

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However, in a minute, Ziggy jolted in surprise to the thing that welcomed him.

"Ellie?" With a horrified facial expression, he added "Why are you here?"

'What the heck was Ellie doing here? Did he hear my apologies to Sam? Of course, he did! Damn!'

Ellie, his butler settled some lump in his throat before he answered, "Young Sire, Sam took a leave so I'm here to personally watch on you while he is away." Not knowing that Sam was a girl the butler continued to address her as a man.

Clearly, it wasn't Ellie's intention to pry in nor ignore the young sire, but he came in pretty unexpected and started babbling that it was too late for Ellie to disturb him. Therefore, he remained phlegmatic hoping Ziggy will soon stop. Also apart from that, the youngest sire never once said sorry to anyone as far as he could remember aside from his best friends so he was kind of thrilled to witness this rather rare circumstance—that probably was one of the reasons why he didn't tried to disturb him at all.

Surprised and feeling a little embarrassed he asked, "When will she come back?"

"That I cannot tell yet, but it will be very soon" He said. "Don't worry young sire, I'll personally say to him your apologies" The butler added teasingly but in a professional tone.

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"Never mind" Ziggy said and went straight back to his room feeling very much betrayed. Now it seemed that his lowly servants had been flocking together against him and they were very successful at it! Heck!

Also, why did Sam left without giving him a heads-up? Was she that mad to him and went away so not to see him for a while?

Perhaps not or perhaps she does.


My grandmother died over the holidays so I have to fly back home to attend the burial rites. I'm still not over the bereavement yet but I was force to fly back to the capital because my graduation is only 2 1/2 months away. Please bear with me. I might only be posting once in a while because I can only prioritize my school atm so I can graduate and I'm sorry I can't multitask provided my belly is already big. Please help me pray I graduate so I can focus on the novel after but I do promise I wont be dropping of this novel since I'm already done with creating the plot. (I'm just lacking some details but I have completed the whole story line already. Also, I had created another plotline for the 6th character in this story and I'm planning to make a separate kick-off book written in his/her perspective. That character was already introduce but I guess you haven't notice that her/his character was already developing. So yeah, there was another character that most of you haven't notice yet but was already in the story.

Also, Pgimz is helping me with the edits now so please greet him if you see him in the comments section. Thank you for your patience.

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