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Something about the Young Master words made Dr. Piper tensed up. Edgy. The confidence she brought in with her when she entered the room seemed to have tumbled down in an instant.

"Something like what young master?" She asked in puzzlement as her perfectly shaped brows wrinkled. Did the young master knew she was all faking it? Was he trying to make her confess?

"I don't understand what you mean" confused and in panicky she added.

Piper's answer made Darryl frowned in consternation and made him a little bewildered. Doctor Piper's reaction seemed to be unflawed and natural, makes him think that she didn't have any idea at all.

But was she not the one who made the cure?

Certainly, she must know what he was talking about.

But the female doctor seemed to have no idea at all.

Helpless, Dr. Piper turned to Dr. Halsey who was also appalled of the young master's inquiry. She was begging his senior to help her get through it. Her eyes were glimmering worriedly asking the latter to do something or rather speak something to her redemption.

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"Young master…what exactly are you asking?" Dr. Halsey spoke in time just as he captured Dr. Piper's rising fright.

"The horses' treatment…" Darryl started as his eyes narrowed dangerously at Dr. Piper "…they were not just pure hygiene thing"

"I already told you young master, that is all what I did" Doctor Piper said flatly, unamused by the young master's unexpected accusation. Seemed that the rumors about the Lagdameo heir were all true, he cannot be easily swayed, and she found him too speculative and mistrusting.

She was insulted really. To say the least.

"I run a test to the blood samples of the healed horses" The young master spilled on as he levelled unto Dr. Piper's gaze.

"....and?" Dr. Piper wondered as uncertainty clouded her features. Darryl didn't answer immediately, instead he stared at the female doctor quietly scrutinizing her. However, for Dr. Piper, as the young master's silence stretches on, her stomach twist in her guts.

'What did the young master find? She didn't do anything, so it's impossible he'll find something'

The young master's demeanor toward her only aggravated the complexity she felt. She certainly didn't enjoy the pride that the young master takes in her performance in their operations. She was well used to the undivided confidence she had being the great Piper Xu and was hoping for some acknowledgement from him yet, ever since she stepped into this room, the young master had served her nothing but all suspicion and mistrust.

Soon, Darryl had Manager Song disseminate to the doctors the report files he had with him. As soon as the doctors take hold of one, they each scrutinized it immediately.

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Piper Xu on the other hand was a little reluctant when Manager Song handed her one of those, afraid that the information contained therein will be too hard for her to take in.

"The result showed that the horses developed an antibody that fought against the infections" Darryl verbalize the content of it and looked toward Farmer Su's direction, giving him a sign to take over.

"These antibodies is not something we gain from physical maintenance of the horses" Farmer Su continued "They are alien to the horses biological make-up...meaning—

"Meaning they were either injected or drank by the horses, right?" Dr. Halsey cut him by his conclusion.

"Precisely" The Farmer answered without doubt.

Dr. Halsey turned toward Dr. Piper who refused to withdraw her face from the papers that she had in her hand. Either she was avoiding Dr. Halsey reproaching eyes or not, one could not tell. But Doctor Halsey looked at her anyway, with what looked like disappointment or disgust.

He was very aware of Dr. Pipers work ethics, but he didn't mind it because she was a promising doctor and the last few days, she had shown him extraordinary capabilities that deserved some rewards. However, he didn't expect this move from her.

So, she hid away the cure and pretended the treatment was some tending standards only?

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For what reason?

"Dr. Piper what thing did you feed off the horses?" Dr. Halsey started probing her.

"Dr. Halsey... it's just some...I mean" Caught up with the situation, she couldn't make up her words. " I have my reasons for not telling it to the team"

"Reasons? after all this time—" Dr. Halsey wanted to chide on her, but Farmer Su interjected.

"Please doctor Halsey, let's hear her out"

Dr. Piper settled some lump on her throat and composed her once confident self. She was real determined to redeem herself, no matter what it takes. She can't give up now especially in front of the young master.

The reports only proved that something was injected in the horses that healed them. And that 'thing' even though she doesn't have any idea of what that was—was something they thought she made. So basically, what Dr. Halsey was mad about was the fact that she did not reveal to everyone that she was using that 'thing'.

"My formula for the cure isn't perfect yet. I myself is still having doubts on it. The moment I tried it with the horses, it was out of desperation because we are losing all hopes. I didn't expect them to work. Right now, I'm still trying to develop it further to make it perfect—a work in progress, that's why I haven't shared it with the team yet. Also rooting on the horses' hygiene is part of the treatment that's why I implemented it with the team" she explained in the most believable way she could.

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"…Please Dr. Halsey, don't take this on me. I cannot let the team use something that is still undeveloped…" She spoked with so much dismay in her voice. How could anyone blame her on this?

"But Dr. Piper, you should have at least told me" Dr. Halsey maintained, having not moved on from Dr. Piper's blunder. "Then we should have not gone blind over this whole operation"

Dr. Halsey was aware of how his whole team looked untrustworthy in the young master's eyes as of the moment. So instead on lecturing Dr. Piper further, he went on apologizing to the youngblood who was watching all the drama patiently.

"Young master, I apologize for all of these. I'll make sure this will never happen again" he bowed down apologetically and shamed faced.

"I certainly hope it will not" Darryl answered in a neutral voice as if nothing big had just happened. A minute later he turned to Dr. Piper whose face was sour-looking "Dr. Piper you are well aware that this horse dilemma needs to end right away, right?"

"Yes, young master"

"Good" He said in rush "Then you won't mind me looking into your formula to help you develop it, don't you?"

Dr. Piper clamped her jaw shut and right then she can do nothing but nod. For now, she will just pretend that she had all those that was expected of her. Her pride hurt deep today, she can't afford to bleed a little more.

So, the little dramatic meeting ended up with less tension that what was once been. Dr. Halsey assured the young master that the formula will be handed to him immediately and Dr. Piper made a satisfying exit making everyone believe she still deserve the title "The great Piper Xu", although she would end up the rest of the days making a fake formula to hand on to Lagdameo heir.

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