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"Do not touch her!" Darryl surprised everyone again by snapping out the command.

"Young master please, she is just a little girl!" Dr. Cyan appealed in hope for some sense of reasonableness in the young master's heart but he instantly flinched when Darryl leveled his gaze to him. His stares were like that of a lion ready to devour his prey.

"Leave-her-alone!" Darryl gritted out savagely that shut down all of Dr. Cyan's attempt. The latter lowered his gaze on the ground and was hopeful the Little Missus will still have a way to escape this mess.

Darryl had his hands kept under his pockets and strode down past to Dr. Cyan, his eyes never departed from the doctor whose head shifted somewhat, lowering his eyes on the ground afraid to level his glacial gaze. He was scrutinizing the doctor thoroughly wondering where he had all the guts.

Touching his woman in front of him is far more unforgivable than him touching his horse.

Darryl went further till he was between Dr. Cyan and the stable master, whose eyes were both on the ground and with his horse now in front carrying his woman at its back.

"What's with you?" He asked Xhemin as he frowned sullenly. His voice was tender and warm that appalled everyone in the field!

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They were not expecting his warmth toward the girl—they were kind of expecting from him the opposite treatment, the savage treatment the Lagdameo heir can ever give.

"Huh?" Xhemin answered uncomfortably, sounding so much concern over what show off will Darryl bring in. She had enough trouble with him few nights ago and she don't want a repeat performance for that.

Everyone pulled all their stares from the ground and watched the warm exchange of the couple. Head formed lines as everyone was quite confused what's going on. They were expecting a not-very-good scene when the Lagdameo heir emerged, yet the scene right now was far from expected. Dr. Piper even dared to come closer to the couple now, curious of their conversation and Dr. Cyan raised his head to watch the couple's exchange, also confused.

Darryl held on to the horse rope and dragged it a little bit toward the stable master's side who was kneeling on the ground.

"Young master I—I am really am sorry for this —" The stable master uttered carefully.

Darryl turn his eyes to him and dug to him his devilish hazel eyes before he snarled "Make yourself useful"

With that, Darryl raised one foot and stepped into the stable master's shoulders to mount in his horse. His footprints left a good mark on the stable master's clothes, as if marking him with utter disgust.

Everyone shook on Darryl's hostility toward the man, but because they knew how bad the man was, they never felt any pity for the latter. The man deserves it, they thought.

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But then….

What is the Young master's doing?

Why did he join the young lady on the horse?

As much as they wanted to ask and clarify things out, no one dared.

Even Xhemin herself was shock with Darryl's unexpected move. Now that he was at her back, her nerves started to tense up and her body was warming as their body glided against each other. His perfume even reminded him of so many feelings, particularly the one she had the night he was in her room.

"What are you doing?" She managed to ask.

"Riding my horse…" The fascinating voice behind her was now calmer than everyone had expected and drifted over her like a gentle caress. "What's with your hair?"

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"Oh that…." Xhemin getting the thought of what he meant flush a little and answered shamefully "I messed it up while horse riding…"

Now aware of how scruffy she looked, she quickly straightened her clothes and fumblingly comb her hair with her fingers.

"Let me…." Darryl said and his hand move up toward the hairs that were falling at her nape. Xhemin nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt the first tentative, wholly unexpected touch of his large hands at her back. She froze her breath as she felt the small tingling of little sensations rising on that part of her body.

Everyone's jaw dropped right there and then, and eyes were tauntingly growing big and bulging out as everyone's curiosity surge upward. What's the hell was going on?

Dr. Cyan almost swore viciously but managed to shut his mouth.

The stable master's face was filled with more horror at the scenery while Piper Xu gaped and raised one shaking hand to her mouth to stifle a shocked cry that caught Darryl's attention.

Dr. Piper terrified of what she would see on those hazel eyes dropped her gaze right away from the couple. Her inside was shaking and for once in her life, she thought this was the scariest thing she had to get through.

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"Give me that one…" For once Darryl spoke to Piper Xu.

"Young master?" The female doctor managed weakly, lifting her head and met eyes, even though it terrified her "What is it that you need?"

"That black one in your wrist" Darryl made an impatient sound and extended an open palm asking her to give him something he demanded instantly.

Confused, Piper looked unto her wrist and noticed the black rubber hair tie hanging around it. It was hers and it was what the Darryl demanded of her.

"This one?" bewildered, she asked and met her cold hazel eyes head-on. She quaked before him.

Darryl nodded.

Reluctantly Piper Xu pulled the rubber out from her wrist and handed it to Darryl.

'How cruel is this man to have scared me over a hair tie? Damn him!' She thought as she gritted her teeth in silence.

She still doesn't understand what's going on but the way it looked right now, she was certain the girl was more than Dr. Cyan's assistant. She was something not ordinary and she regretted for dragging the girl to her plans—it all ended not to her favor.

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