The Gilded Cage

Chapter 85

Incense Ash – I’ll Go To Bring Her Royal Highness Right Now (1)

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Xiao Kezhi seemed to have the intention of repeating his old tricks. Before the banquet started, he first said a few words to his nephew Xiao Yu in public with a kind and friendly attitude.

Then, everyone else came up to Xiao Yu to drink with the Emperor and the Crown Prince.

Xiao Yu couldn’t refuse. He could only drink cup after cup patiently, but from time to time, he scolded Xiao Kezhi in his heart for deliberately humiliating him.

Somehow, Chu Ning felt that he was getting drunk very fast today. Although she had already had someone prepare tea and pour it for him from time to time, before half an hour, his face was red and his eyes were chaotic.

These drinks were prepared by the Emperor’s inner servants.

She couldn’t help but glance at the Emperor again.

At the other end, Xiao Kezhi was sitting on the couch, stroking the lines on his wine cup with one hand and resting the other hand on the wooden armrest.

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But just as her eyes fell on him, he quickly turned his head and locked gazes with her again, creating a silent spark.

Under the eyes of everyone, Chu Ning was startled, lowered her head subconsciously, called Cui He, and said softly, “Let someone go back and clean up the bedroom. His Highness needs to go back and rest for a while.”

Saying this, she quietly squeezed the other’s fingertips and winked.

Cui He understood and left.

On the other hand, Zhao Yue was not as conspicuous as last time.

As soon as she entered the table today, she first restrained her sharpness and only sat on the seat in a safe and secure manner. Even her dress was much more elegant than usual.

A few relatives who were familiar with her asked in surprise, “Second Lady Zhao, why don’t you speak today? What’s wrong?”

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Zhao Yue smiled and subconsciously touched the hollow carved silver sachet around her waist, shook her head, and said, “Nothing, I drank too many glasses of wine and feel a little dizzy at the moment. ”

“Should you go back and rest earlier? I can ask someone to prepare a carriage.” One of the ladies spoke up caringly.

“Thank you, but it’s not necessary for the time being. I’ll go outside to get some air first. If I still feel uncomfortable, I’ll go back by myself.” She said, motioning for Chun Yan to help herself up. Go outside and stop by the palace that was prepared for the emperor to rest for a while.

“My Lady, this is the side hall prepared for the Emperor.” Chun Yan helped her to sit down on the side of the road and put on her thick cloak.

It had just snowed a few days ago, and there was still unmelted snow on the rocks and trees by the roadside. The air cut chillingly like the edge of a sharp knife.

Zhao Yue couldn’t help but shiver, looking at the palace gate guarded by only two shivering servants. She handed her sachet over to Chun Yan and took a deep breath, “Go.”

Chun Yan glanced at her, gritted her teeth, nodded, turned around, and said to the two sentries, “Guards, my mistress, Lady Zhao, is unwell and can’t walk. Can you help bring a bowl of hot soup to warm up my lady?”

The two looked at each other, and one of them hesitated, “Then… let me go alone.”

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Chun Yan had expected that the two wouldn’t leave at the same time, so she nodded her thanks and said apologetically to the other, “Can this guard come along to help My Lady?”

As she spoke, she made a “please” gesture.

He hesitated for a moment, and seeing that Zhao Yue was sitting not far away and would not delay his duty, he nodded in agreement and headed over there.

Chun Yan walked behind him, and while he was not paying attention, she quickly ignited the incense in the silver sachet and threw it into the Emperor’s bedroom.

At the banquet…

Chu Ning looked at Xiao Yu, who was drunk and unconscious. She was almost certain that there was something mixed in the wine. Xiao Yu didn’t notice it when he was drinking, but she was watching, and she could clearly feel that he was much more drunk with the same amount of alcohol than he would normally have been.

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“Send His Highness back.” She rubbed her brows and asked a few maids to help him leave the table, and then sat on a palanquin and went back to the sleeping hall.

In the sleeping hall, Cui He had already prepared the bed and sobering soup.

Chu Ning personally served Xiao Yu and went in. After wiping him off and changing his clothes, she helped him lie down, and after barely feeding him some soup, she watched him fall asleep quickly. She walked out again.

“Today is New Year’s Eve, and there are many envoys from Fanbang. His Highness left the table earlier. It would be inappropriate for me to leave so early.” She said, waving at Cui He, “Cui He, come with me back to the banquet, and everyone else should take care of His Highness well.”

The maids did not suspect anything, and they all bowed in response and watched her leave.

When they reached a secluded place, Cui He said in a low voice, “My Lady, just now, this slave  met Head Eunuch Liu on the way back. He said that the Emperor ordered My Lady to go to the Feishuang Hall after half an hour.”

Chu Ning couldn’t help but look in the direction of Feishuang Hall not far away.

Because the Emperor was not there, the lights had not been lit. But under the shroud of the moonlight, its hazy outline was otherworldly beautiful.


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