EP.4 The Contract Process is Thrilling

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If I posted on the hunter community, ‘I came to join a guild and got a confession from the guild master,’ people would probably leave comments like [You’re delusional], [Get out and live in reality!].


But it really happened.


After hearing Choi Soo-jung’s confession, an awkward silence ensued as I didn’t know what to say.


“It’s okay. I understand your confusion, Mr Won-woo.”


Surprisingly, Choi Soo-jung was the first to break the silence.


She then stood up and sat down next to me.


She turned her body slightly and gently stuck her body close to mine as she placed her hand on top of mine.


Choi Soo-jung’s ample chest left a soft sensation on my shoulder, and the gentle yet provocative lavender scent spreading from her long silver hair stimulated my nostrils.


“It is strange, after all, to accept someone you’ve only seen twice suddenly appearing and declaring their love.”


Choi Soo-jung spoke while softly stroking the back of my hand with her slender fingers.


A peculiar sensation, like ants crawling, spread from my shoulder to my back.


“Right, I honestly don’t know what to say right now.”


“Just do as you please. After all, I belong to you, and only you can have me. I can wait, so just follow your heart comfortably.”


Her words, invoking a desire for conquest and possessiveness, made my heart race wildly.


Choi Soo-jung pressed her body closer to me and whispered into my ear. Her voice was no longer the clear, innocent one from before but filled with a sticky allure that stimulated a man’s desires.


In this seemingly insane situation, I managed to endure with superhuman patience, then lowered my head to apologise to Choi Soo-jung.


“I’m sorry. I don’t think it’s right to start like this. We don’t even know each other well, so this is a bit…”


As I politely expressed my intention to refuse, Choi Soo-jung chuckled.


Then she reached out with both hands and placed them around my neck. Her face came even closer, almost close enough for me to feel her breath.


“I really love your serious attitude, Mr Won-woo. That heart of yours is so full of conviction. With looks and a body like mine, wealth, and being just 20 years old, most people would easily fall for it.”


“Yes. I guess most people would.”


I almost fell for the unfamiliar and thrilling temptation. That is if I hadn’t broken up with Han Yura like that.


Starting a new relationship still felt scary and overwhelming. It had only been three months since that happened.


The emotional burden left by Han Yura still remained in my heart, and it hurt whenever I thought about it.

The betrayal from my S-rank childhood friend, who I had built memories with since I was young, and my ex-girlfriend was just that huge.


Moreover, Choi Soo-jung was also an S-rank hunter. She might have been expressing her affection for me actively now, but who knew how she might change once that feeling cooled down.


They already had so much, unlike me. The anxiety that they might just throw a spark at my heart and disappear again.


If it happened again, I might not be able to get back up this time.


I didn’t have enough courage to try such an uncertain love again.


“But it seems like you don’t completely dislike me, Mr Won-woo, seeing how you are seriously considering it and speaking so cautiously.”


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“Well, I’m not sure.”


It was just that I was flustered because this was my first time experiencing something like this.


Her face was getting closer and closer. I forcibly turned my head and tried to avoid it.


Choi Soo-jung released her hands from my neck and grabbed both of my cheeks, forcing me to look at her.


“You’re quite shy, too. If you keep doing this, it’ll be harder for me to hold back.”


I was curious about what she wanted to hold back, but I held my breath and looked at her, trying not to provoke her further.


“I confessed my feelings for the first time in my life and got rejected, so I’m hurt. That means you’ll naturally comfort me, right, Mr Won-woo?”


She spread out a strange, forced logic and slowly brought her face closer to mine.


I involuntarily swallowed, and though I tried my hardest to avoid her, I realised that I couldn’t win against an S-rank, and my brain fell into a panic.


Choi Soo-jung’s face came right in front of my nose. My eyes were naturally drawn to her thick and soft-looking pink lips.


If I just leaned forward or tilted my head slightly, our lips would touch. At that moment, when even that distance was about to close down.


Knock, knock.


The sound of knocking on the guild master’s door…


“Young Lady, the president of the Hunter Association is here.”

Judging by the voice, it seemed to be that secretary from earlier.


At those words, Choi Soo-jung clicked her tongue and moved away from me, looking at the door.


“Tell him I’ll be there right away.”




After responding to the person beyond the door, Choi Soo-jung stood up from the sofa and fixed her wrinkled skirt and clothes.


Then, with a face full of regret, she spoke to me.


“I’ll be back soon, so please wait. Okay? You absolutely cannot go anywhere. I’ll definitely come to find you.”


“Huh? Oh, okay.”


As I answered absentmindedly, Choi Soo-jung seemed to be about to leave and moved towards the door. Then, as if she had changed her mind, she hesitated for a moment and suddenly came to me.




I felt a soft and moist sensation on my cheek.

As I stared blankly at Choi Soo-jung’s sudden lip attack, she smiled playfully and said,


“I’ll be satisfied with this for now, even if it’s not enough. Heh.”


Gone was the enchanting appearance from before, and she showed an innocent girl’s shy expression, and then left the room.


I was left alone in the quiet guild master’s office.


It was so silent that it seemed like the thrilling events that had just happened were all lies.


Only the faint scent of lavender and the thin, silver strands of hair clinging to my clothes remained as if proving that what had happened was real.

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“Why do you think the old man came?”


Choi Soo-jung asked Kang So-Young, who was following her, after flipping her long hair back and tidying it up.


“Perhaps he’s here to check if we properly complied with his demands.”

“That sneaky old man! I wouldn’t expect him to give in easily. Of all the times, he had to interfere at the most crucial moment.”


“Still, you have to endure it.”


“I know. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have done such annoying things like attend hunter gatherings.”


Choi Soo-jung had promised to comply with a few demands to appease the Hunter Association, which kept interfering and sabotaging her attempts to establish a guild.


There had been a precedent of ignoring the Association President’s private meetings, so they demanded that Choi Soo-jung attend the Hunter Association gatherings in order to save face for the association.


Next, they hoped for her to donate 2 billion won to help resolve the financial difficulties faced by the association.


While it was called a donation, from Choi Soo-jung’s perspective, it was no different than being robbed.


Hastily walking, the two arrived at a VIP-exclusive reception room. It was a secluded space designed for people who enjoyed special treatment.


As Choi Soo-jung opened the door and entered, an older man dressed in a high-quality suit was leaning on the sofa.


And behind him were two men who appeared to be bodyguards, standing.


The Association President, who was so big he couldn’t hide his protruding belly, greeted Choi Soo-jung warmly upon seeing her.


“It’s been a while, Hunter Choi Soo-jung. The guild building looks fantastic.”


“Thank you for coming, Mr President.”


As she looked at the Association President, Choi Soo-jung hid her feeling of disgust and greeted him politely with a neutral facial expression while sitting on the opposite sofa.


“I had to visit since I am the Association President, and an S-rank hunter opened a guild.”


‘Like if he even means it.’


Choi Soo-jung secretly sent a jab at the Association President while looking at him.


“I see.”


“Anyway, when can we settle the matter we agreed upon? I have places to use the funds.”


The Association President, seemingly in a hurry, quickly finished the pleasantries and moved on to the main topic.

Choi Soo-jung once again cursed his greedy appearance, which was just like his outward appearance, to herself.


Afterwards, Choi Soo-jung casually glanced at Kang So-Young, who was standing behind her.


Kang So-Young nodded and made a phone call. Then she whispered to Choi Soo-jung, confirming the message was delivered accurately.


“The promised donation has been placed in the car you arrived in.”


“Hehe, thank you. Then when is the last request possible?”


“I plan to visit personally soon to resolve it.”


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The Association President seemed satisfied and slapped his knee while chuckling. His dark freckles and deep wrinkles contorted and spread as he laughed.


“Right? As expected of the youngest daughter of the Sungkwang Group, you handle things so quickly!”


At the Association President’s words, Choi Soo-jung’s eyebrows momentarily raised, but only Kang So-Young noticed.


“Thank you for the compliment.”


“Well, staying here for too long would make us both uncomfortable, so I’ll take my leave now.”


As if reading Choi Soo-jung’s mind, the Association President waddled to his feet and left the room with his bodyguards.


In contrast, Choi Soo-jung remained seated on the sofa even after the Association President had disappeared.


“Young Lady…”


At Kang So-Young’s cautious call, Choi Soo-jung muttered softly.


“Did that damn pig-like bastard deliberately provoke me…?”


She held back because it was an obvious provocation, but from Choi Soo-jung’s perspective, touching a part that should never be touched inevitably upset her.


If it were her original character, she would have flipped everything, but considering her hardships so far, she couldn’t do that.


Kang So-Young, who had been watching for a long time, also knew Choi Soo-jung’s personality well and had no choice but to watch, knowing that she was holding back.


Sitting still and cooling off her anger, Choi Soo-jung seemed to have calmed down a bit and asked Kang So-Young.

“There are no more appointments for today, right?”


“Yes. There are no special events.”


“Then wrap things up and leave work. I’ll be finishing the contract with Mr Won-woo.”


“Understood. I shall leave first.”


Following the instructions, Kang So-Young opened the door and left.


After Kang So-Young had left, Choi Soo-jung thought to herself.


Today, she felt it would be okay to give herself a little reward. So she decided she would not let Lee Won-woo go back home.




“It seems like a lot happened today.”


I covered my face with one hand and recalled the events of the day.


I came to join the guild, only to clash with the building’s security guard.


When I casually asked about the guild leader’s excessive interest in me, the guild leader punished me with a confession as if she had been waiting.


Moreover, the behaviour the guild leader showed earlier was completely different from her usual atmosphere.


It was neither the sharp image often shown in the media nor the attentive and kind image she had shown when we first met.


It was as if she was born to seduce men, actively appealing her charm and approaching me without hesitation.


An alluring, sensual posture that could hardly be seen as a girl who had just turned 20.


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As if she had been born with an S-rank talent in even that aspect it was so attractive that it took my breath away.


She was the epitome of the cunning fox that is commonly described. Moreover, she was not an ordinary fox but a nine-tailed kumiho.


Whenever I tried to have a calm conversation, I couldn’t help but be dragged along by her continuous offensive.


‘I need to have a proper conversation with her when I get back.’


For now, I was curious.

Why she was so affectionate and proactive towards me, and if there was something I didn’t know that led her to have such feelings.




At that moment, the door opened, and Choi Soo-jung peeked her head in.


“I’m sorry. Did you wait long?”


“No, it’s fine.”


“Tsk, I would have preferred if you had told me you missed me. I wanted to come back quickly because I missed you.”


Choi Soo-jung entered the room with a sly comment, and fortunately, she sat on the sofa across from me, so I was relieved that there would be no further temptation.


“I have something to tell you.”


“Ah, please go ahead.”


Sitting on the sofa, Choi Soo-jung spoke with a stiff expression, unlike before, which made me slightly tense.


If she had a change of heart due to being rejected or decided to delay the contract, it would be a tricky situation.


“I would like to start your treatment right after signing the contract.”


Fortunately, Choi Soo-jung brought up good news for me. I accepted the proposal immediately, thinking I had been unnecessarily nervous.


“It would be good for me. Do I need to be hospitalised or anything?”


“Yes. Since we will proceed with it today, you’ll have to stay here for about a day.”


“Then I’ll go home and prepare some clothes.”


“No, don’t worry about that. Everything is prepared here.”


Although it seemed somewhat hasty and suspicious, I had no intention of delaying it since I had already decided to sign the contract.


I wouldn’t be able to say anything if she suddenly changed her mind and said it would take time because she was busy.


Regardless of this fragile relationship with Choi Soo-jung, I was not foolish enough to reject the hope of treatment that was now right in front of me.

“Alright, let’s sign the contract.”


“Then, please read through it and sign here.”


I carefully read the contract I was handed. The conditions were the same as those I got via message. The only thing that was added was the invalidation of the guild membership, which was written in by hand.


After signing the contract with very faint magic power in my thumb, I handed it back, and Choi Soo-jung also signed the empty space next to it.


“Hehe, congratulations on becoming a member of the Crystal Guild.”


As she greeted me with that welcome message and subtly licked her upper lip with her tongue, a very slight doubt arose in my mind, wondering if I had made a big mistake.

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