126. Cinema

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If she was just a regular person, perhaps she could marry Cheng Yimian or Nan Fengyi. If it was them, they would do whatever they could to be with her.

But if it was Liang Ziqian… perhaps they would end in a tragedy like her mother and Yan Lihui.

She was not any normal girl right now, she was Yan Lihui’s daughter, so that situation would not happen to her and Liang Ziqian. But Yan Shi couldn’t act like she didn’t care, once she thought of that possibility, she would feel extremely devastated.

Her grandmother noticed that Yan Shi was spacing out. She asked: “Xiao Shi, what’s wrong? You are spacing out while eating.”

It was then that Yan Shi only came back to her senses. She quickly replied: “I was thinking about something just now. Grandma, eat this, this meat is tender.”


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After she finished eating, Yan Shi helped her grandmother to wash the plates. Her grandmother was tired so she laid down on the small bed to sleep.

After Yan Shi was done washing the plates, she came out to her grandmother with a blanket. Sitting beside the bed, she looked at her grandmother’s old and pale face. Her grandmother had aged a lot all these years because of her. Yan Shi was touched and she wanted to give her grandmother a better life.

After sitting for a while, Yan Shi’s phone vibrated. She clicked it open and found that it was a message from Liang Ziqian.

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Slnldvzu, pbl eked’v xllv Nkydt Hkikyd xwnb yv yzz, xspv sq bla vkxl oyp lkvbla okvb Lyd Wldtuk sa Ubldt Zkxkyd.

Gnvwyzzu Zyd Fbk eked’v alyzzu oydv vs pll Nkydt Hkikyd aktbv dso, elprkvl vbl qynv vbyv pbl zkjle Nkydt Hkikyd y zsv.

Jwv kd vbl lde, Zyd Fbk pvkzz yvvldele vbl eyvl. Nkydt Hkikyd oyp yzalyeu oykvkdt yv vbl csvvsx, Zyd Fbk pyo bkx sdnl pbl nyxl esod.

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Mseyu, Nkydt Hkikyd oyp dsv olyakdt bkp wdkqsax. Tl oyp olyakdt y zktbv-nszsale xsal nypwyz pbkav, xyjkdt bkp yway pllx tldvzla.

“Tso es usw jdso vbyv R’x blal?” Zyd Fbk aykple bla blye vs ypj.

Nkydt Hkikyd pxkzle pzktbvzu, “Mbspl qasx Zyd qyxkzu eked’v nsxl vs qlvnb usw, ps usw xwpv dsv cl kd vbl Zyd qyxkzu bswpl.”

“Fs usw’al wpkdt vbl xlvbse sq lmnzwpksd.”

“Pked’v usw pyu vbyv usw oydvle vs oyvnb Rdhlapl Mayhlz clqsal, R cswtbv vbl vknjlvp.” Nkydt Hkikyd blze Zyd Fbk’p byde rasynvkhlzu.

Liang Ziqian’s hand was dry and warm, it was just the right size to wrap around Yan Shi’s hand. Yan Shi found that she still couldn’t reject Liang Ziqian’s advances no matter what. Now she started to slowly understand why her mother chose to give birth before marriage.

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When you meet an exceptional and unreal person during the time when you were young and youthful; a polite and restrained person who solely treated you with gentleness and lost control for you, most people might fall into it. When your one last connection had to be broken due to reality, the side who had fallen deep into it might truly use this stupid and ludicrous way to maintain the last relation between them.

Today was the weekend. There were many people who came to the cinema, and most came with their partners. Yan Shi passed by the cinema many times but she never entered, since her old self thought that watching movies was a waste of money.

Because it was her first time to watch a movie in the cinema, Yan Shi was acting a little nervous. When she was going into the hall, she almost fell down.

“Be careful.” Liang Ziqian held Yan Shi’s body.

“Okay.” Yan Shi answered in a low voice, her face was burning up.

The inside of the hall was very dark. Yan Shi literally fumbled towards their seats. The seats in this hall were spaced widely apart, giving them more privacy.

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Soon after both of them sat down, the movie started. Yan Shi stared at the big screen seriously.

<Inverse Travel> was a sci-fi movie. It began airing last month and had excellent ratings and a well-received box office. Yan Shi had heard her friends talk about it previously. Everyone praised it a lot so Yan Shi also wanted to watch it, and she briefly told Liang Ziqian about it.

The movie’s cinematography and flow were commendable, the actors’ performances were also top-notch. Yan Shi was absorbed into it as her brain pondered about the big boss’ aim.

The male and female leads finally confessed to each other. They hugged and kissed in the dark room, then they fell into the bed together.

The embarrassing breathing sounds were so clear and audible. There was a clinking sound when the belt was unclasped and fell onto the floor. Yan Shi opened her mouth in a daze, she suddenly understood why her friends put up their thumbs and smiled with such satisfaction. It was actually because they were satisfied with this scene.

The part where the movie was showing their love was s*xual but not vulgar, making people who were watching it feel aro*sed as well. Yan Shi didn’t dare to look at Liang Ziqian beside her as she focused deeply on the screen.

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