64. Three-person date

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After she came to terms with her emotions, Yan Shi didn’t stay long under the tree. She said goodbye to Wen Tianji and left.

Looking at Yan Shi’s back as she left, Wen Tianji sat on his original spot without moving. He was still his usual lazy self, as if he would fall asleep the next second, but something seemed to change.

An emotion called curiosity surfaced in Wen Tianji’s heart. He didn’t understand why Yan Shi rejected him again and again.

And about the ‘fancy’ in Yan Shi’s words, what was it like?



The camp would end after one more day. On that last day, Yan Shi, Cheng Yimian and Nan Fengyi went on a very special date.

Yan Shi usually had a good relationship with Cheng Yimian, so it wasn’t strange to see them sticking together. Nan Fengyi was Yan Shi’s roommate, so it wasn’t strange too if he was walking with Yan Shi.

But they looked extremely peculiar when the three of them gathered together. Especially when Cheng Yimian kept talking to Yan Shi and didn’t even look at Nan Fengyi, while Nan Fengyi also treated Cheng Yimian like he was invisible.

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Zyd Fbk qlzv vkale sq clkdt pvwnj kd vbl xkeezl. Fbl bye vs alprsde vs Ubldt Zkxkyd’p osaep yde yzps bye vs kdkvkyvl nsdhlapyvksd okvb Lyd Wldtuk okvbswv zlyhkdt bkx swv.

Mbl vball sq vblx oyzjle wr vbl bkzzp, oblal vblal olal y zsv sq qzsolap yde okze qawkvp yzsdt vbl oyu. Ubldt Zkxyd bye pjkzqwz bydep. Tl rknjle y cwdezl sq qzsolap yde iwknjzu nayqvle kv kdvs y qzsola cyde.

“Dkys Fbk Msw, pll, eslp vbkp qzsola cyde zssj tsse? R’zz rwv kv sd usw.”

Xq nswapl Zyd Fbk pyke ulp byrrkzu, cwv Ubldt Zkxkyd shlalpvkxyvle vbl pkgl sq Zyd Fbk’p blye. Ebld bl rwv sd vbl qzsola cyde kv pzkrrle esod kxxlekyvlzu, yde ldele wr yaswde Zyd Fbk’p dlnj.

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“Zkxkyd, kv’p vss ckt.” Zyd Fbk vswnble vbl qzsola cyde, yde nswzed’v blzr zywtbkdt.

Ubldt Zkxkyd obs oyp yzoyup vbknj-pjkddle lhld czwpble. Tl zssjle yoyu okvb yd wddyvwayz lmralppksd yde pyke: “Mbkp kp fwpv yd ynnkeldv, vblal osd’v cl y dlmv vkxl.”

Ubldt Zkxkyd nszzlnvle qzsolap vs xyjl y qzsola cyde, obkzl Lyd Wldtuk tyvblale okze qawkvp. Lyd Wldtuk bye lmrlakldnl ycswv pwahkhyz kd vbl okzeladlpp, ps bl alnstdkgle xydu vurlp sq rzydvp kd vbl xswdvykd.

Gv vbkp vkxl, Zyd Fbk cltyd qllzkdt vbkapvu, ps pbl vssj vbl okze qawkvp vbyv Lyd Wldtuk rypple vs bla.

“Thank you.” Yan Shi smiled and was about to put it into her mouth, but it only touched her lips before a hand snatched it away.


Cheng Yimian squeezed the fruit, looking disgusted, “Xiao Shi Tou, let me help you taste it.”

Cheng Yiimian casually took a bite, when his face crinkled excessively and said: “Yii, it tastes so bad! Xiao Shi Tou, don’t eat it anymore.”

Nan Fengyi then said: “No one asks you to eat that.”

These two guys still didn’t have a liking for each other. They both didn’t back down, and every word they said was cloaked with explosives.

The scene where Cheng Yimian and Nan Fengyi disliked each other pressured Yan Shi. She immediately took a fruit from Nan Fengyi and bit it, then said: “The taste is quite good, I like it.”

Nan Fengyi smiled, then helped Yan Shi to wipe off the fruit juice on the corners of her lips.

“It got on your lips.”

The young man’s rough fingers slid across the young girl’s tender lips. The friction gave it a slight electrifying sensation. Yan Shi couldn’t help but blush as she lowered her head shyly.

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Cheng Yimian snorted. The sourness coming out of his body was comparable to a vinegar company.

The road became narrower going up the mountain. The three of them couldn’t walk side-by-side, so Cheng Yimian was in front, Nan Fengyi was behind, and Yan Shi was stuck in the middle.

Yan Shi was contemplating. She was thinking if such a strange love could still go on? Could it be that in the end, she didn’t want to hurt Cheng Yimian and Nan Fengyi but ended up hurting both of them instead?

Because she was walking ahead with her head down, Yan Shi didn’t notice the tree root under her feet. Her leg tripped over the old tree root that was protruding upwards, so her body fell forward uncontrollably.


Nan Fengyi caught Yan Shi’s waist abruptly, then he quickly asked: “Little Guy, you okay?”

The feeling of sudden weightlessness made every hair on Yan Shi’s body stand up. Luckily Nan Fengyi was there to pull her.

Cheng Yimian also turned around after hearing the commotion from behind. He looked at Yan Shi with concern.

Yan Shi shook her head, and stood up straight, as she said: “I’m fine, it’s my fault for not watching the road while I walk. Don’t worry.”

Cheng Yimian saw that Nan Fengyi’s hand was still hugging Yan Shi’s waist, and he hated that sight.

“Hey, time to let go.” Cheng Yimian tugged on Nan Fengyi’s sleeve to pull it outwards with disgust.

Nan Fengyi didn’t let go, but bent down and directly lifted Yan Shi into his arms instead.

Yan Shi let out a scream, and subconsciously circled Nan Fengyi’s neck.

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This slightly dominant move made Yan Shi recall back to when she first knew Nan Fengyi. At that time, Nan Fengyi would deliberately tease her and pin her at the corner of the wall, and even tell her some light jokes. But she didn’t know when Nan Fengyi started to become prudish and she hardly saw him around.

Now Nan Fengyi finally looked like himself in the past.

“Nan Fengyi, this is foul!” Cheng Yimian grinded his teeth and glared at Nan Fengyi, but he was thinking in his heart about why he didn’t act first to hug Xiao Shi Tou.

Nan Fengyi hugged Yan Shi and walked ahead casually, “I’m just worried Little Guy will trip again.”


Cheng Yimian snorted heavily. He didn’t walk ahead anymore, but opted to walk behind. Cheng Yimian had great talking skills, although Yan Shi was hugged by Nan Fengyi, he still had the skills to make Yan Shi put her attention on him.

Later Nan Fengyi secretly increased his pace. It wasn’t obvious at first, but at the end Cheng Yimian needed to jog to keep up with him.

Yan Shi was crying out loud due to their childishness, but she still felt unexpectedly happy.

Nan Fengyi’s arm was firm and powerful. Although the road wasn’t smooth, he walked like he was on flat ground while still hugging someone.

“Hahaha alright, don’t run anymore. Aren’t we here to hike, but I’m the only one loafing. Nan Fengyi, put me down, I can walk on my own. This time I will look at my feet and won’t trip again.” Yan Shi said and wanted to get down from Nan Fengyi’s arms.

Nan Fengyi agreed, then put Yan Shi down to the ground.

After Yan Shi came down, the scene looked more normal and didn’t look weird like just now.

A couple days before, although Yan Shi got lost in the mountains with Nan Fengyi, the sky was almost dark at that time. Yan Shi didn’t dare to go around recklessly so she never looked at the scenery of the mountains in detail.

Now that she was hiking with a relaxed feeling, Yan Shi saw many things that she didn’t notice earlier.

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All plants in the mountain grew so disorderly but there was a sense of freedom that couldn’t be found in the city built of metal and bricks.

Yan Shi was walking along when she suddenly saw a small, round mushroom growing from a rotting log. She couldn’t help but to take a couple glimpses at it.

“Such a cute mushroom.” Yan Shi bent down in front of the rotting log. Her eyes were locked firmly on those small mushrooms.


Just as Yan Shi wanted to use her finger to poke the mushroom head, Nan Fengyi said: “It’s cute but poisonous.”

Yan Shi was shocked by Nan Fengyi’s words that her finger trembled. She quickly pulled her finger away.

Cheng Yimian snorted in disdain. He inched bit by bit closer to Yan Shi. When facing Yan Shi, the smile on Cheng Yimian’s face was always so sweet.

“Don’t care about him, what does this kind of person know? Xiao Shi Tou, the small mushroom is cute but you’re cuter!” Cheng Yimian said, then kissed Yan Shi’s cheek, grinning like a cat that successfully stole a fish.

Yan Shi touched the place where Cheng Yimian had just kissed her. Cheng Yimian’s lips were soft but also flexible. Her beautiful small face was tinted in red, as she smiled with pursed lips.

This time, Cheng Yimian won the round.


During this three-person date, Cheng Yimian and Nan Fengyi had been consistently jealous and competing with each other but the end result wasn’t that bad.

The three days and two nights camp had ended. The students began to remove their tent and pack their things to go back to school.

At the same time, it also created a problem. Yan Shi and Nan Fengyi stayed in the same dorm. Cheng Yimian had the disadvantage in this three-person love affair.

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