After sinking the empire’s ships and releasing the prisoners, a victory banquet was done. I think there is still the future to think off but it is also important to thank my subordinates who followed my absurd orders for their services. While adjusting our course with a few waves, we docked out ship on the shoreline. We did the banquet in a chamber inside my 『Room』[TN#1]. The magic 『Room』 can only be used in a town, but such regulation doesn’t matter in this world. If it’s like this, then it can be used as an emergency refuge at critical moments.

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When I called everyone from the pirate troupe in the 『Room』, everyone was surprised all at once. Not being shake by the waves, luxurious furniture was lined up. The installed beer server was the thing that everyone was surprised the most. The heavy drinker Barbarosa shed tears while tasting the ice-cold beer.
「Kaaaaaaa! Delicious! This cold beer is delicious!!」
Are you crying?
And Roxas who I first encountered wearing an apron was willingly cooking in the kitchen. He was surprised at the kitchen that produced fire without any firewood, but when I teach him how to use it he immediately learned it. I think it’s amazing that he has a great adaptability.
「Big Boss, this thing is great. It also has spices that I haven’t even seen before, and there are pepper too. There is now worth in exercising my talent!」
Though my subordinates were surprised by the softness of the sofa, their exhaustion was satisfied. I’m now worried that they may never get up again if I give them something like this useless sofa. I will install it as a trap later. I may also be a captive of my useless sofa. [TN#2]
The meat and vegetables was put in the storage room by Roxas, a short while ago we collected food from the fleet, I then prepared the bath. I think that this isn’t a work for the Big Boss, but if I don’t take a bath then I can’t simply calm down. My hair is too itchy. After me, it’s good to let those guys use it. It’s important to keep things clean.
While cleaning the bath, it reminded me of my original world. I’m full of apologetic feelings for sempai.[TN#3]My parent’s doesn’t seems to be able to understand my work on net games, we haven’t has much communication. It seems they though that I’m only playing games. I wonder if my friends are doing well? If I meet them in someplace in this world I want to help them, I would like to but I’m not the one to talk. I should be in a more peaceful world.
「Big Boss! The food is ready!」
「Yeah. I’m coming now」

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I ended my reminiscence. I’ll go to those guys and eat my fill. Even if I dirtied my hands with blood and killed many people, I will still fell hungry. A war is not possible on an empty stomach, even with Invincibility.
「Oh… it’s a nice smell. Looks appetizing」
There are five of us who decided to have our meal in the largest room. When I enter the room, there was a smell of appetizing fragrance. My stomach unintentionally soundly grumbled.
「A magnificent banquet was done today with the tableware I got from Big Boss and the meat we were loading. It was so long since I cooked this much dishes, it was fun」
Roxas has a satisfied expression while sweating. I can cook to some extent, can’t say that I like it to that extent..[TN#4]But…… indeed it looks appetizing. I quickly want to eat.
「Yoshi, you. Let’s toast. Have a beer mug!」
An ice-cold beer, everyone enters while raising their wooden beer-mugs but for those guys who is weak with alcohol has an orange juice (manually freshly squeezed).
「For today’s victory, for our journey on tomorrow, Cheers!!」
With my signal all members begins to drink from their beer-mug quickly. I quickly drunk half of my beer. As for the alcohol it is the one which can be drink well enough. I was the biggest drinker in our company, I had a drink with a Sempai and decided to have a drinking contest but Sempai ended up drunk instead and I ended up having to escort him back to his wife.[TN#5]

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Next was the meal. I had Roxas make deep-fried chicken and French fries by my order. In this world there are dishes that looks the same but seems slightly different.
I taught him how to make a Karaage[TN#6]with sauce. I took down the notes in a parchment, soy sauce, miso and this world also seems to have garlic. And while I’m at it I taught him how to double deep-fry.[TN#7]When it was finished, the outcome was crispy and delicious. I savor the meat’s juice when I stuffed my mouth with the Karaage, then in one gulp wash it down with beer.
I’m fully revived. My body seems to be filled with vitality. When I showed a satisfied expression, they gather around the Karaage all at once. I have to secure some for my share and everyone thoroughly enjoy taste afterward. This sure will become an addiction. The French fries was fresh from the oven and was also delicious. In my prison live I was able to process a good bread[TN#8]but it became a mystery bread and I missed such as junk food-like things very much.[TN#9]
Rabbit meat was also served as everyone was used to eating this meat. I was sautéed and was very tasty. Barbarosa who’s face has become red, was using the knife and fork while speaking which breath’s reeks of liquor.
「Which reminds me Big Boss. The name of our pirate troupe. Haven’t you decided on one. What will the name be?」
「It’s because you made me the Big Boss without my permission. I was desperate on escaping from the empire and had put it off…Is it necessary as expected? Because your formerly the pirate troupe, I liked it as it is…」
「Is that so…*gokugoku*[TN#10]…puwaah! As ecspected[TN#11], I want Big Boss to deshide[TN#12]! Purresh[TN#13]!!!」[TN#14]
I bowed my head with force as it seems to add a head to the table.[TN#15]It was originally Barbarosa’s pirate troupe and Roxas supplemented it. In that case, I want to name it as to not be defeated by it.
「I don’t know if my naming sense is good… I’ll think about it」
I received another helping of beer from a subordinate and was think while drinking. Because I’m still not getting drunk, I can be lost in my own thought.

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Masaki’s Pirate Troupe… It’s too similar. Barbarosa has a stronger impact. Then I’ll just borrow the name of the original online game, BURITARIA Pirate Troupes…. I want a little more impact in place. I caught sight of 『Seven Arthur』 that was on my waist and considered something that rhymes with it.
「The Round Table of the Pirate Troupe…」
I absentmindedly muttered with my voice. It doesn’t sound bad. For now the round table it’s just a table for eating meals. It’s the mark that my companions who surrounds it are important.[TN#16]
「The Round Table of the Pirate Troupe……It’s a good name ssu ne」
「Yeah. The feeling of the unity power here does more than the name brings in」[TN#17]
「Even the meaning can be easily link to the following ssu ne」
I think it’s inevitable even if I think of the following, I stopped my hand where I drank liquor while everybody nodded in. They don’t seem to imagine that I may think too much. Let’s believe my murmured intuition.
「Now then, all of you. Is there any objection on The Round Table of the Pirate Troupe?」
All the members greatly nodded on my words.
「Yoshi, For now on we are The Round Table of the Pirate Troupe!! Let us toast once again!!」

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We fill ourselves with ordinary beer 「The Round Table of the Pirate Troupe」 will escape from the empire, the party continued till late at night.

GM’s Note:

1).Just to remind you that the 『Room』 is a GM skill that connects to a subspace in a form of a very big room
2).RAW TEXT: 俺がダメソファーの虜になるかもしれないけどな。
3).RAW TEXT: 先輩には申し訳ない気持ちで一杯だ。
Credits to “IamMe” for the explanation.
He is full of feelings of being apologetic to his Sempai as he just vanished from work without warning. Meaning his workload is going to fall onto someone else.
4).RAW TEXT: ここまで好きとはいえないな。 Credits to “IamMe” for the explanation: Roxas seems to greatly enjoy cooking, the MC can cook some but doesn’t enjoy it to the extect that Roxas does.
5).A little help here, my translation here was totally literal… RAW TEXT:会社で一番飲めるから酔い潰そうとした先輩を逆に酔い潰して嫁さんの元へ送り届けた事もある。 Credits to “IamMe” for the explanation: Masaki is the biggest drinker in the company so when his Sempai tried to get him drunk the Sempai ended up drunk instead and Masaki ended up having to escort him back to his wife. Basically, Masaki was challenged to a drinking contest by his Sempai and won, then had to take his Sempai home.
6).deep-fried chicken
7).RAW TEXT: ついでに二度揚げの方法も伝えた。 Credits to “IamMe” for the explanation: This is probably double frying. You put the food in the oil once to partially cook it, take it out and let it rest some, then put it in again and finish cooking it. This should result in the outer layer batter becoming crisp without making the meat inside too oily. The battering would have hardened from the first frying and the oil would have a harder time seeping through to the meat inside, the heat of the oil would still have been transmitted through though so the meat would be properly cooked.
8).Remember this? 《White Bread: A bread hot from the oven that is soft and fluffy. A valuable food which only high-ranking noble can usually eat.》
9).RAW TEXT: 牢屋生活では良いパンには加工できたが謎なパンにもなったりしていて、こういったジャンクフード的なものが非常に恋しくなっていた。
10).Gulping down water
14).Barbarosa is getting drunk lol
15).RAW TEXT: テーブルに頭を付けそうな勢いで頭を下げてくる。
16).RAW TEXT: 皆で囲む、仲間を大事にするという点では有りだろう。
17).RAW TEXT: 名前を入れるより団結力があるような感じがします」

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