The GM Has Logged Into A Different World Chapter 36

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We arrived to the gate to the castle but… the map was filled with red markers. However, that also meant that we didn’t need to worry about dragging innocent people in.

Let’s cut straight through them!

「I’ll open up a path! Rokudou Sen Gomi!!」

Large amount of weapons floated around me. Then, they were all fired like arrows and shot through the enemies. The plant humanoids were filled with holes and vanished. If we left any monster alive, they might pose a problem to us in the future. Corpses couldn’t attack you after all.

Tatsuma and Hayato dashed through the path that I just created and acted as vanguards. Meanwhile, Haruka, Adelle, and I followed from behind. The prince and Akiha were riding the flying dragon and acted as rearguards behind us. With this formation, we advanced towards our destination. We put Haruka in the centermost of the formation, right between Adelle and me,  to prevent the enemies from aiming at her.

As we walked through the city, we noticed that the whole town was covered with thorns with plant humanoids hiding among them. There were several varieties of plant humanoids, there were even the beastman-plant humanoids.

Suddenly, a group of plant humanoids saw us from the distance. They immediately chased after us but…

「Get the hell outta my way oraaAAA!!!」(Tatsuma)


But against our two vanguards, not even dozens of plant humanoids could do anything but being literally blown away.

Some enemies also came from our back, but the prince cut down every plant humanoids that came near while Akiha blew them away with her shotgun.

I hadn’t really seen her fight before, but she seemed to pack quite a punch.

I left the fighting to everyone else so I could look for survivors with my 【Map】. Of course, I was not the only one who had mapping ability, but performance-wise, mine was the best among our members.

When I checked the map, all of our surroundings were still filled with red enemy markers.

Wait… There were 2 yellow markers in that back alley!


「Hayato! Tatsuma! There are survivors in an alley ahead of us!」

「「Roger that!!」」

The two of them sped up, but there were still a lot of enemies surrounding us! Meanwhile, the plant humanoids were getting closer and closer to the yellow markers.

We have to hurry…!

「Summon: Water Dragon!!」

I used to have a hard time channeling my mana while running, but my previous fight gave me enough experience to do so. Water appeared and intertwined around my right hand before spawning a water dragon that mowed down any enemies in its path.

The only thing missing from me was cursed magic eyes.

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The water dragon completely decimated the plant humanoids that stood in our way to the alley. It appeared that the yellow markers was a small child being held by a woman, perhaps the mother.

A plant humanoid was jumping on her!

We won’t make it in time!

「Masaki-san! Let me borrow your back for a while!!」

「eh? EEh!?」

Something hit my back. Looking back, Akiha used me as a stepping stone and jumped into the sky.

ー*pan* *pan* *pan*!!

The plant humanoid who were trying to attack the woman collapsed and vanished.

We couldn’t use magic to save the woman and the child. There was no way we could stop those humanoids without hitting the survivors at the same time.

Bringing Akiha with us was the correct decision.

「Are you alright? My goodness, your leg… Can you feel your leg? Is your child alright?」

「Y-yes! Thank you for saving us… but my leg is…」

There was a cut on her leg.
I guess it’s now my turn.

I wonder what I should use? Perhaps a simple 【Light Heal】 was enough to heal a bleeding cut.

「For the healing-hand-sama himself to go out here… Is this the divine protection from the holy Yggdrasil?」


Yggdrasil, or usually called as the world tree, was a gigantic tree that usually appeared in many fantasy RPG or novels, but to think that there was one in this world as well…

「You heard her right. We have a Church of Yggdrasil in this royal capital. Perhaps she is one of their believer」

「Yes sire. We heard that the church was setting up a barrier, so I tried to escape there with my child… But the plant monsters attacked us…」

A barrier, was it?
Could it even withstand attacks from these numbers of monsters?

I zoomed out the map to check and there I saw it, a large area without any sign of plant humanoids. There were a large number of yellow marks inside.

We could safely assume that it was the Yggdrasil church.

「I just checked the map. It seemed that the church was really safe. Since we can’t take you in our expedition, we will take you at the church first」

On our way to the church, we met several other people who were late in their escape. Even though we had an emergency, we couldn’t just leave them alone. As there was a tenacious general among them, the group’s fighting capability was further increased.

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They were on guard when they heard that we were soldiers from the Kingdom, but after thinking about the Empire’s current situation, they accepted our help in killing the plant humanoids.

At first it was only a person, then it grew into a group of 5 soldiers and 10 civilians. The soldiers paired with each other to handle a plant humanoid, as not to hamper our movement speed.

When fighting with the Empire at first, it was easy for me to blast them away like nothing, but in this situation, it’s nice having them proving their competency.

Upon reaching the church, a lion-headed beastman could be seen blowing plant humanoids away… with his bare hands!

Looking at our dumbfounded faces, the lion beastkin waved his thick arm.

「Ooooi!!! You guys are trying to find shelter too? It is safer here. Get inside, I will keep the monsters away」

The waving beastman then proceed to kick a random plant humanoid and turn it into a star in the sky.

Yep, that totally happened.

We gladly took the ridiculously strong beastman’s offer and entered the church. There were a crowd of injured people lying on the floor. Some of them were even leaning against the wall.

Not to mention the exhausted refugees who just arrived.

The church sisters were busy administering water and medicines, but there was no way they could handle this amount of injured people.

「All Area Heal」

I equipped Asclepius’ Staff and cast the wide area healing magic. The injured people were surprised to see that their wounds were closing in an instant.

「Oooh… My wounds!!」
「Ah… did I just died?」

It appeared that some of them were on the brink of death.

Thank god I made it.

「Sir, were you the one who just healed them? Thank you. Thank you very much!! If I may ask, what made you came to this place?」

「We are soldiers that came to see the current state of the Empire. For now, can you explain what on earth happened here?」

「Yes certainly… I was one of the castle’s gatekeeー Eeh!? Aren’t you the Wei Warlord Tatsuma-sama!?」

「Ah it’s you. I’m glad… 
safe and sound, huh? 
We can save the chit chat for later. Just explain what happened here」

「Yes… What actually happened was…」

The gatekeeper started to tell his story. Right after the big battle at Raafu, the generals and soldiers were busy preparing the defense when suddenly, a huge towering tree appeared out of nowhere.

At the same time, thorn and monsters appeared from inside the castle and broke the wall down. They attacked the soldiers and civilians alike.

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The gatekeeper’s timid nature proved to be fortunate in this scenario, he ran as fast as he could towards the church. And now, he was helping the survivors who came to the church.

He chose to help healing the injured people as the job was way safer.

「So it all came from inside the castle…?」

「Yes sir… I… Tatsuma-sama! I am deeply ashamed with my cowardice… I ran away despite being the gatekeeper… I don’t deserve to be one…」

「No, you didn’t ran away.
You escaped. And you did a very good job at it.
Just by not dying meaninglessly is worthy enough of a praise.
Besides, you did well in treating these people.
You should value yourself more」

「Sir, I… y-Yes sir!!」

The gatekeeper was drenched in tears.

It was not wrong to be a coward in this situation.

Cowards were more sensitive in detecting traps and ambushes. As a gatekeeper, having that kind of ability to sense danger was a must.

But… what in the world was causing that huge tree to suddenly appear…?

But I guess it was useless to try to find any survivors inside the castle.

It appeared that every single person there had been annihilated.

「Masaki, that trick of yours using that room, can you use it and take us right to the middle of the castle?」

「I couldn’t use it back when I was still imprisoned… Perhaps there was some sort of anti-magic barrier surrounding the castle. Do you know anything about it, Tatsuma?」

「I remembered using healing magic in the castle’s infirmary. Besides, I had seen people using healing magic in that room for quite some times」

「Please tell me where that room is. We’ll make ourselves invisible and fly there」

「Of course…… But that is one hell of terrifying ability to have as an opponent though. I’m kind of glad that you are on my side this time」

「Just having it has its own share of problem though…」

Being too strong had its own share of problems.

Being able to ignore any kind of damage, can cast every single spell in existence, and can destroy a country on a whim. Meeting that kind of person would make any country to raise their vigilance to the highest level. In the worst case, that person will be branded as the enemy of the world.

By having the overpowered abilities like in games, people will start aiming for their lives. The mass will target those who share a shred of goodwill towards them and they will lose important people in their lives. There’s a good chance that the world would probably call that person as the demon lord in fear.

Some country might even call that person as the god of destruction or something. But if I was branded as the enemy of the world, I don’t want to lose any of my important friends and everyone I knew.

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That was the reason why I never talked about my 『Invincibility』 to anyone.

I’m sorry, but I refuse to suffer that kind of  treatment……

「I get what you’re trying to say, to some extent at least. But for now, I will rely on that power of yours. I will never disclose any information about your ability to another soul. I will swear on my title as 『Wei Warlord』」

「I believe that you will keep your words true. It’s for the dear princess right? Let’s go and save her」

「I see, so you fight for a woman that you hold dear. Then I shall lend my limited power and assist you in your ordeal」

Was this the previous lion’s voice?

With him here, it must be that the monsters in front of the church had been eliminated.

So he really has the ability to keep this place safe all by himself.

「I appreciate the offer, but would it be okay? You are saving the princess of an empire that attacked the beast countries, you know?」

「It won’t be a problem. After all, I quite understand your wish to save this woman of yours. For I am also the same. I became a mercenary solely to protect this kid that I have. We have our own reason to not staying in our own country, so we moved to the Empire for convenience sake」

As the lion stated, a young child in maid dress came approaching us.
She had silver hair and blue eyes.
Her beast ears were perked straight up.
She might possibly the incarnation of moe-ness.

Ah damn, I messed up.

I couldn’t let myself play the “stupid adult” role here.

「I’ll be gone for a while, okay? Can I rely on you to stay and help everyone here for my sake?」

「Yes. Nemea-ojisan, please be careful out there, okay?」

So the lion’s name was Nemea.

The maid girl smiled gently as the Nemea patted her head. Rather than parent and child, they looked more like a random neighborhood uncle with his kid acquaintance.

The general that we saved before came by. He said that his soldiers should be able to handle the enemies outside.

With this, we should be able to leave this place.

Unfortunately, the flying dragon couldn’t go inside the room, so the prince left it perching right above the church to defend.

First we gather inside an unused room so I could open the door to the 『Room』. I preferred to not use this magic recklessly… but it’s an emergency after all. Nemea jolted in surprise, he was staring vigilantly while watching us entering the 『Room』. After I confirmed that no one was left behind, I closed the door from outside, revealing the original dusty wall behind it.

This marked the start of my second infiltration mission.

The objective was to get rid of the source of the giant tree.

And rescue the princess.

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