Chapter 21: Lian Qingxue’s Debut Invitation!

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After Qi Yun finished singing, Lian Qingxue’s eyes seemed to hold countless twinkling stars.

“What’s the name of that song?” she asked.

“Short of Words, Long on Love,” he replied.

Lian Qingxue giggled at the name and then asked, “How did you learn to play the guitar?”

Qi Yun couldn’t exactly tell the truth here. He’d learned to play in college with one goal in mind: to impress girls.

“I taught myself,” he answered.

As the two of them whispered to each other, a portly figure interrupted them. It was the chubby manager they’d met before, followed by Director Li and Xiao Yu. Even the male star was with them, looking as wilted as a frostbitten eggplant—a stark contrast to his earlier arrogance. Qi Yun had no idea what had happened.

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The chubby manager, beaming, introduced himself to Lian Qingxue: “Let me introduce myself, I am a manager from the Stars Group. Here’s my card!” He handed her a business card.

Lian Qingxue took it, a bit dazed, unsure of his intentions.

“I can confidently tell you that you have the most star potential I’ve ever seen! If you debut, you’ll definitely be popular nationwide!” The manager’s words left Lian Qingxue in a bit of a daze.

“Me, a star?” She pointed at herself, stunned.

Qi Yun looked at her and knew that while her appearance had changed, her mind hadn’t yet caught up. She might not even realize how beautiful she was in others’ eyes.

“No! You’re not just a star, you’ll be a superstar! A world-class superstar!” The chubby manager was as passionate as a salesperson, truly believing in his words.

Lian Qingxue’s beauty wasn’t the only thing, it was her aura—transparent, crystal-clear, pure as water—that was truly enchanting. The chubby manager was sure that even if Lian Qingxue didn’t know anything, even if she were an idiot, she would still become popular! And this would be the masterpiece of his career as a manager. His dream was to create the most popular star. Today would be the start of his successful career!

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Lian Qingxue, holding the business card, looked troubled and glanced at Qi Yun.

Qi Yun walked over and gently touched her head. “Do you want to be a star?”

“I heard that stars make a lot of money…” she replied.

Qi Yun shook his head. With him around, would Lian Qingxue ever lack money?

“Let’s not talk about money, or anything else. What does your heart say, do you want to be a star?” He couldn’t be sure. After all, many girls dream of being in the spotlight.

Lian Qingxue thought for a moment before shaking her head. “I don’t want to be a star.”

Qi Yun nodded: “Then don’t. What do you want to do?” He was curious about Lian Qingxue’s dream. Would she want to become a domineering CEO, like in her previous life?

“I want to…” Lian Qingxue stopped herself, but in her heart, she whispered: I want to stay by your side forever.

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The chubby manager was getting desperate. He thought he was about to lose his chance.

“You love to dance, right? If you debut, you could dance on the most luxurious stages in the world,” he tried to persuade her, knowing that she loved to dance when she was a child.

“I don’t need that,” she said , looking at Qi Yun. “I did love to dance as a child, but now my love is elsewhere. I’d rather dance for one person than for millions.”

Her indifference left the chubby manager feeling like a defeated dog, almost whining in frustration. She was unyielding, so what could he do? Force her to debut? He imagined the sound of his career collapsing before it even started.

No, there’s still hope, he thought, turning to Qi Yun.

“Was that song you sang just now an original?” he asked.

Qi Yun thought for a moment before answering, “There’s probably no other song like it in this world.”

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The manager’s face lit up upon hearing this. “Then I’ll buy that song! What do you think?”

“Buy the song?”

“Yes, let him sing it!” The manager pointed at the male star next to him. Just from the initial hearing, he knew this song would be a hit.

Even without Lian Qingxue, he could still score a hot song. A professional manager never lets a single opportunity slip away!

He slapped the male star on the back and said, “What are you standing there for? Call him brother!”

Qi Yun couldn’t help but twitch at the corners of his mouth. He was only eighteen, and this male star must be in his twenties.

Call him brother?

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