Chapter 24: Too Small, The Vision Is Too Small!

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Qi Yun looked at the newly arrived 200,000 yuan in his account and began to ponder. It seemed that not only the money spent on Lian Qingxue counted as an investment in the system’s judgement.

If he helped fulfill Lian Qingxue’s dreams, and if she accepted it, it could also be considered an investment. Qi Yun’s eyes lit up, feeling like he had found a new financial path!

The next day, while Lian Qingxue was reading in the library, Xiao Yu came running breathlessly. “Qi Yun! Qi Yun is here again!”

“He’s here?” Lian Qingxue showed a smile, but noticing Xiao Yu’s expression, she felt something was off.

“Why are you looking like this since he’s here?”

“He didn’t come alone, he brought a lot of people?” Lian Qingxue was stunned, and hurried downstairs.

As soon as she got downstairs, she saw Qi Yun in the yard, surrounded by several workers wearing safety helmets. Director Li was standing aside, his face, calm for fifty years, showing a rare look of surprise. Seeing Lian Qingxue coming over, she quietly pulled her aside.

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“Qingxue, what’s the condition of Qi Yun’s family?”

“His family? They’re ordinary factory workers.” Director Li pursed her lips: “I really can’t see how ordinary they are.”

Lian Qingxue tiptoed to look over: “What are they doing?”

“Qi Yun called them. He said he was going to build a basketball court for the orphanage.” “…”

At this moment, Lian Qingxue heard Qi Yun and the person who looked like the worker’s leader haggling over the price. But the way of bargaining…

“How long will this job take? How much will it cost?” This was Qi Yun asking.

“A basketball court is not big, it will be finished in half a month, let me calculate the price.” The other party took out a pen and paper and scribbled on it for a while. “Look, including the floor, basketball stands, etc., it’s about 38,000 in total.”

Qi Yun didn’t speak, and the other party thought Qi Yun thought it was expensive. “We really didn’t prepare much money. Our boss also said that building a basketball court for the orphanage is a good thing. We can give a little discount, and the workers are willing to accept a little less. It’s all for good deeds.”

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Qi Yun leisurely said: “Actually, you can make a little profit…”

The other party was stunned, thinking he had heard wrong. “What did you say?” “I said, we can’t treat the workers badly, right? They work so hard, we can’t make them bleed and cry!” Qi Yun’s face was full of righteousness. “Um… um…”

The other party didn’t speak, feeling bewildered in his heart. Isn’t he supposed to say these words?

“Your boss is kind-hearted, but we have to talk business! How can we let good people suffer?” The other party was dumbfounded. This haggling plot is too magical, he has no experience! “Then, add a little?” He said weakly.

“Add!” Qi Yun encouraged him.

“Add…add five thousand?”

“Be bolder!”

“Add ten thousand?”

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“Too small, your vision is too small! Go bigger!”

Qi Yun looked distressed. “Ding! Reminder to the host, please read appendix 33, you may not gain an abnormal amount of investment  through methods such as increasing the price!”

Thump! Lian Qingxue couldn’t listen anymore and slapped Qi Yun on the head. “Don’t listen to him, just charge the usual price!” The person in charge breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay! Then it’s 45,000, that’s our usual price!” It must be said that Qi Yun’s way of bargaining put a lot of pressure on him.

The system was indeed not so easy to exploit. He also gave up the idea of fleecing the system. “Tell me, who bargains like you do!” After Lian Qingxue finished negotiating with the other party, she turned to Qi Yun and said angrily. “What’s the matter? You haven’t even entered my house yet, and you’re starting to manage my family?” Qi Yun said with a grin. “Humph! I’m watching out for you on behalf of Auntie!” Lian Qingxue’s face turned slightly red and she spoke loudly.

The basketball court couldn’t provide any opportunities for exploitation, so Qi Yun turned his eyes to the three-story building of the orphanage.

“Director, this building is old, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s been more than thirty years.”

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“Let’s renovate it?” Qi Yun’s eyes lit up, full of enthusiasm.


Director Li’s eyes widened.

Qi Yun thought for a moment: “No, that’s not enough, let’s demolish this building and rebuild it!” Qi Yun felt that he was full of love. Love was about to overflow!


Director Li held her forehead: “Qi Yun, I know you’re a good kid, but our orphanage doesn’t need people to donate for everything.”

She looked at the children in the yard: “Basketball court, library, you’ve done enough. For the rest, I hope these children can be self-reliant, learn to endure hardship, otherwise what will they do after they leave the orphanage?” Qi Yun was stunned.

The children in the orphanage, taught so well by Director Li, with Lian Qingxue being a representative. Her concern was reasonable. Looking at Lian Qingxue, who disagreed with him, Qi Yun also gave up his previous idea. After all, the investment that Lian Qingxue didn’t approve of couldn’t get a return.

As the basketball court was about to be completed, Qi Yun and their winter vacation also came to an end.

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