Chapter 30: Mr. Xu: You talk too much!

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The diagnostic test of the senior year in Spring City No.1 High School was scheduled for the fourth day of the new semester. Almost all the students in Senior Three Class One knew about Qi Yun’s “big words” before the exam.

“I’ll come in first!”

Most people didn’t take it seriously, after all, they knew about Qi Yun’s past performance. Therefore, their gaze at Qi Yun these days was somewhat mocking.

Early in the morning of the exam, Mr. Xu brought a stack of test papers and slammed them on the lectern.

“Everyone sit tight! The papers will be distributed soon!”

“I’m telling you, I noticed you’ve all played too much during the winter break! Your minds haven’t come back yet, I’ll see what kind of performance you’ll give today!”

“The questions on the paper were not set by me, but I’ve covered all of them in my lectures. If anyone does poorly, I’ll ask how you’ve been listening to my classes!”

All the students in the class were frightened, creating a solemn atmosphere.

The bell rang, and Mr. Xu distributed the test papers. The classroom was filled with the sound of writing, and no one dared to look up.

Mr. Xu sat at the lectern, brewed a cup of tea, and slowly read through the test paper, calculated the answers, and estimated the difficulty of the test.

He clicked his tongue, thinking the exam was quite challenging this time. Mr. Xu speculated that the school was trying to send a wake-up call to students, intentionally suppressing their scores.

Half an hour later, he began to move.

He walked back and forth in the classroom corridor, the sound of his leather shoes echoed loudly in the quiet classroom.

With each step, it seemed to hit the hearts of the students.

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Mr. Xu walked a circle and then slowly started checking some students’ answers. He first picked a student who usually had good grades.

That male student was answering the questions, but then he felt Mr. Xu’s footsteps stop behind him.

He was suddenly tense, and he didn’t even dare to breathe loudly. Although it was still late winter and the temperature was a bit low, the male student felt sweat start to form on his forehead.

Mr. Xu stood for only a few minutes, but to the male student, it felt like an eternity.

After checking the male student’s test paper, Mr. Xu silently shook his head. The paper indeed was a bit challenging, and the average score might not be high this time.

As soon as Mr. Xu left, the male student seemed to deflate, finally able to breathe.

The other students glanced at him sympathetically, praying in their hearts:

Don’t look at me!

You can’t see me!

Don’t come over here!

At this moment, a “brave warrior” saved them.

However, in Mr. Xu’s eyes, he found a black sheep!

He noticed that Qi Yun had already put down his pen, with the test paper spread out on the desk.

Qi Yun was propping his face with one hand, smiling, and looking at a corner of the classroom.

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Following Qi Yun’s gaze, it was none other than Lian Qingxue.

This audacity!

Is this how you behave in an exam?

And you told me you would come first!

With your performance now, are you preparing to hand in a blank paper?!

Mr. Xu changed his direction, heading towards Qi Yun.

He tapped his finger on Qi Yun’s desk and said in a low but stern voice, “Focus on the exam, stop daydreaming! Write!”

Qi Yun looked up, a little confused, and whispered, “I’ve finished writing?”

Hearing this, Mr. Xu was even angrier.


Finished such a difficult paper in half an hour?

As a teacher, maybe they can tolerate slow students, but what they hate the most are those who don’t put in effort.

Qi Yun’s performance was precisely what Mr. Xu disliked the most.

He sneered, pulling out Qi Yun’s paper, “You’re done, huh? Let me see what you’ve written!”

Mr. Xu looked at Qi Yun’s paper and was stunned.

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He really finished?

And it’s not random answers?

He reluctantly began to check Qi Yun’s answers.


It seems like this question is correct?


He managed to solve this difficult problem?


This is a clever solution!

After looking through, Mr. Xu didn’t find any problems.

He flipped through the paper again.

Looking at Qi Yun again, he was smiling at him, looking quite pleased.

No, he can’t let this kid be too proud!

What can he use as a pretext to criticize him?

Mr. Xu opened his mouth, ready to speak.

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Qi Yun interrupted him, “I’ve checked it twice!”

Mr. Xu: “…”

How do you know what I’m going to say.

“You talk too much!”

Mr. Xu slammed the paper on Qi Yun’s desk and walked away expressionless.

As he turned around, his steps seemed a bit lighter.

Qi Yun and Mr. Xu were speaking softly so as not to disturb others during the exam, so the other students were not very clear about what they said.

They thought Qi Yun wasn’t taking the exam seriously and was criticized by Mr. Xu.

Wang Shang secretly looked at Qi Yun and sighed in his heart, “It’s over, Qi Yun is targeted by Mr. Xu, he’s in for it after this exam!”

Lian Qingxue in the corner also looked up, somewhat worried.

She was almost finished, with only two big questions on the last page of the paper left.

She hesitated, looking at Qi Yun, biting her lip.

She flipped the paper, pressing the last page to the bottom.

Well, I didn’t see it!

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