Episode 101: A Strange Body (III)

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Eristella informed the emperor of this issue.

“A child who came into contact with items distributed by Viscount Diaclen is showing signs of rejection to black magic?”

“Yes. But neither Heinricion nor I could detect it, even if we used our power.”

“That’s very vague.”

Evidence was insufficient. Another victim or clear evidence was needed to catch the tail more clearly.

“Yes. So Heinricion and I are going to his business presentation to check it out. And depending on the situation, I think there might be a possibility where we have to expose it there.”

It was the best way to reduce people’s exposure to harm as much and as fast as possible.

“That would be true.”

The emperor’s troubles deepened.

It was because he could fully assume that the situation would not be resolved so easily.

“If our predictions are correct, Viscount Diaclen would be a black wizard.”

And he must be Declen.

“Eristella. Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

Declen was the one who cast black magic on Eristella.

He couldn’t help but be worried.

The eyes of the emperor and Eristella met. Eristella’s eyes curved playfully, and she said confidently.

“Who am I? What are you worried about?”

She was considered the most powerful wizard in history.

—So believe me.

“Tell me whatever you need, you have my support.”

The emperor knew very well that there was no way his sister wouldn’t stop doing what she had to do just because it was dangerous.

So instead of stopping her, he decided to do his best to help.

“I’m very reassured.”

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Eristella gave a satisfied smile.


When Eristella was completely alone, she naturally thought of Viscount Diaclen.

Given the circumstances, it was very likely that he was Declen.

But if that’s the case… Why didn’t she notice the presence of black magic in Viscount Diaclen?

In their battle in the Prouthu region, she certainly wasn’t the one who couldn’t win.

‘Between then and now, there’s no way he could have gotten so strong and surpassed me.’

Magic power also goes through a period of growth. After the growth was completed to a certain extent and stabilized, it was unreasonable to explosively increase the amount of magic power.

It wouldn’t be any different just because it’s black magic.

‘Declen. What are you?’

Eristella actually didn’t know much about Declen either.

Then that day, that moment… came to mind.

In fact, Eristella had a secret she hadn’t told anyone.
(TL/N: following this is a mix of eri narrating the memory and commenting on it, the author seems to like doing this haha)

The Prouthu territory where she went missing.

The reason she went there in a hurry wasn’t because of black magic.

For a long time, she had been looking for someone while chasing black magic.

After her parents died, she managed to find some clues about their deaths.

While searching for the shadow of the black wizard she inferred from the clue, she found out that the person had appeared in the Prouthu territory.

‘I can’t postpone it even for a day. If I miss it, I don’t know when I’ll find him again.’

Eristella moved immediately.

“Where are you going, Your Highness?”

Eristella heard the voice of Sonia chasing after her, but she only lightly waved her hand.

“I’ll be right back.”

Although the ‘right back’ became 6 months.

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‘Hmm. I’m suddenly thirsty.’

Recalling that time, Eristella suddenly looked for water and thought again.

She didn’t find Declen as soon as she first went to the Prouthu estate.

She searched for him for half a day, but funny enough, she was with Declen during that half. Unaware that he was also the black wizard she was looking for.

Eristella was guided by Declen, assuming he was a incompetent wizard living in the estate.

And thinking that she should reward him later.

It was a stupid illusion.

When the rest of the estate repeated similar answers about Declen, Eristella noticed the strangeness.

It was as if they were ordered to answer like that.

Eristella didn’t express it the moment she realized that Declen was the one she was looking for, but she was surprised inside.

‘Why are you so young?’

No matter how she looked at it, he seemed to be the same age as her or just slightly older.

Did he change his appearance or something like that?

That possibility could not be ruled out. By all accounts, he could be forty or ninety years old.

“I just turned 20.”


“I think you’re suspicious of my age.”

It appeared as if he knew what she was thinking.

“I am the person Your Highness is looking for.”

He spoke clearly, as if to clear up her doubts.

“Your Highness. Have you been looking for me all this time?”

Right. He had been playing hide and seek for years with her.

“Why did you cast black magic on my parents? Because of that, the two of them sacrificed themselves to protect everyone.”

It was the reason why Eristella kept looking for Declen. She wanted to ask this.

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“For what purpose did you have to do that?”

He was the beginning of her misfortune, and he was the one she had to stop in the future.

‘That’s what I’ve been chasing so far.’

The realization came the moment she faced him like this.

She didn’t find him.

He called her here.

“I wanted to see you once. I was curious what it would feel like.”

On the contrary, he even seemed very interested in her.

It was a time when his eyes were bothering her. The look in those eyes made it seemed like he had met someone he had missed for a long time.

He lightly raised the corner of his mouth and answered Eristella’s question.

“Now there is a reason. But I can’t tell you.”


“But to be honest… It was to protect them. I don’t know if you’ll believe it.”

“What bullshit is that? Why do you have to do that to my parents in order to protect them?”

Eristella’s face contorted.

It was the moment she had hoped and longed for so much, but the more the conversation continued, the more confused she was, as if she was drowning in a quagmire.

Besides, although he was right in front of her eyes, listening to his answer didn’t seem to solve her question.

She couldn’t believe what he said in the first place.

“I can’t do it.”

Shaking her head vigorously, she spoke firmly as if she had come to her senses.

“I’ll decide whether to question you or what to do with you once I catch you.”

Eristella felt a red flag telling her that she might be swayed if she continued to listen to him.


After that, it was as everyone knew.

Eristella touched her head. Every time she remembered that incident, she could have a headache.

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Frowning as if her head was stuck, Eristella narrowed her eyes. Something had just occurred to her.

‘Wait a second. Come to think of it…’

Considering how he had enough power to cast black magic on the previous emperor and empress back when she was young…

If his magical power continued to grow from then until now… 

It must be more than what she expected.

Besides, she even realized one thing she had missed.

‘Did I detect black magic in Declen at that time?’

While spending half a day with him, Eristella thought he was just a clumsy wizard. It wasn’t until after he started using black magic that she discovered that he was the black wizard she was looking for.

Why was she unaware of that until then?

‘Why am I so stupid…’

‘I know all too well what that means. Why didn’t I care.’

Eristella’s face hardened.



He might be an existence she couldn’t deal with.


The business presentation was held in a nearby castle.

It was a luxurious castle with a beautiful garden, so amazing that it was as if the imperial palace had been moved. Since ancient times, this place had been where the nobles of the empire rent for grand banquets or special occasions.

That alone showed that the viscount put a lot of effort into this business presentation.

It was a way to hold a banquet here for one night, and those who were interested in business investment to stay and discuss afterwards.

As a result, there was even a room prepared for the attendees.

Before coming here today, Heinricion and Eristella tried various means to find anomalies in things.

There was no result whatsoever.

When they reached in front of the castle, Viscount Diaclen was personally greeting all the visitors.

Ame: To me, Eristella’s fatal flaw is her hubris. I kinda like how the author subtly suggests it in various arcs/scenes. And why hasn’t Declen or Diaclen or whatever taken over the empire by now if he is so strong? >_>

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