Episode 105: The Return of the Princess (II)

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“By the way, what happened? Back then, it wasn’t yet time for you to return to your original form?”

Heinricion asked what he had been curious about while Eristella had been unconscious.

“Did it suddenly change?”

It was a valid question because it had differed from the scheduled time several times before.

But Eristella firmly shook her head.

“No. I changed on purpose.”

Thanks to the previous incidents, Eristella figured out what was causing her body’s transformation times to change. It inadvertently gave her a possibility. 

If she made use of that, she might be able to change at the moment she needed it.

This thought led her to secretly make several attempts.

“There are limitations, but when necessary, I can change when I want.”

It was possible because most of Eristella’s magical power had been restored.

Eristella’s will was able to weaken the black magic while its influence on her body was lifted to some extent, if not perfectly.

“Although I made an official appearance, I have to hide the fact that I will continue to turn into a fox. To truly return, I must be a complete princess.”

But in this incomplete state, she would eventually go back to being a fox.

“Will Viscount Diaclen stay still? He knows you’re a fox.”

“Even if he knew, he wouldn’t reveal it himself.”

As that’s the only card Declen has.

From the moment Eristella returned, everything that had stopped moving began to move.

Even if she seemed to be creaking at the sudden movement, she had to keep going.

“So I can’t stay here just yet.”

There was a great risk that the secrets of the princess’s palace would be exposed.

“But wouldn’t it seem strange if you suddenly said that you’re going to the grand duchy?”

Sonia raised the issue quietly.

“Well, yes.”

Eristella also nodded earnestly.

A chill flowed between Eristella and Heinricion until her disappearance.

“What about this?”

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She had to go to the Grand Duchy of Adelasia instead of the Princess Palace under the guise of a suitable cause.

‘I can think of a way, but…’

Eristella shot Heinricion a meaningful gaze. 

“Why? How are you going to use me this time?”

At this point, Heinricion had reached the state where he could recognize Eristella’s general intentions just by looking at her eyes.

“If you say so, I will say it without any burden.”

No, it definitely meant ‘to think and speak again’. Well, provided if one had a conscience.

As for Eristella… she was already interpreting it arbitrarily.

“Don’t worry. I will repay all of this grace later.”

Somehow, the shamelessness seemed to have risen to a higher level.

Heinricion laughed at the absurdity.

“So what is it this time?”

Heinricion was calmly accepting the future that would come upon him.

“I was going to clean up my relationship with you when I return to my original form. But I can’t do that if I want to live in the grand duchy.”

It was quite the opposite.

Her relationship with Heinricion was repaired and she had to disguise herself by staying at her fiancé’s house.

Heinricion became very nervous, and lost his strength as though he was in despair.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve settled down. Come on, why are you like that? I have no intention of breaking up.”

Heinricion’s response sounded as if it was natural.

“Really? Are you sure you’re okay?”


The reply sounded like he didn’t care.

‘That’s not it though. I really didn’t mean to do this.’

‘But I can’t help it. Besides, I got consent.’

It was just when Eristella was barely holding back the twitching of the corners of her lips.

In the middle of the discussion, the troubled maids found Sonia outside the door; she had silently left to give the princess and grand duke some space.

“But I’m sure some people would doubt it even though we’re engaged.”

“Don’t worry about it. As natural as possible…”

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Eristella was about to say the idea that came to her mind, but Sonia came back in a hurry.

“Your Highness. Visitors are coming after hearing that Your Highness has awakened. Although they should have made an appointment… Many are recklessly coming with gifts.”

Guests who came to visit the princess who they thought was dead were constantly flocking to the palace. The thoughtless act made Sonia and the other maids speechless. 

“It’s impossible to reject all of them. I think you should meet a few at some point.”

It was with difficulty that Sonia made this suggestion. 


‘It’s annoying to have to deal with that.’

Eristella’s eyes narrowed significantly.

“I just needed an excuse to go back to the grand duchy.”


What was this sudden declaration? There was no need to even question it.

Eristella’s actions immediately followed.

“I think now is the perfect time. I’m in trouble right now because I have an appointment with Heinricion.”

The camouflage relationship with Heinricion, wasn’t this kind of comfortable and nice?

Gold eyes twisted sinisterly.

“Then, shall we show it so that people will believe it?”

Eristella jumped up from her seat.

“If I want to go to the grand ducal mansion as soon as possible, there’s no time to relax. Let’s leave immediately.”

Eristella left her palace with her arms intertwined with Heinricion’s.


Eristella and Heinricion were taking a stroll in the garden, whispering furtively.

“How long will we be doing this?”

“We have to look like we’re on good terms.”

As they wandered all over the Imperial Palace, Eristella didn’t even think of letting go of Heinricion’s arm.

In the eyes of passers-by, they seemed like a good couple.

Eristella smiled brightly whenever she encountered any servants. 

“Smile. Or laugh.”

She hissed as she tried to pinch the side of Heinricion.

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Eristella leaned into Heinricion with a friendly voice.

“Indeed, it’s not enough to just walk around in the Imperial Palace.”

Then she grinned as she removed a fallen eyelash from Heinricion’s cheek.

“Hmm. It’s nice to go out like this.”

Eristella said with a grin, reveling in the gazes of many.

The two of them went around the Imperial Palace, choosing only places frequented by nobles.

The people who witnessed the two of them walking side by side were surprised, and they hurriedly avoided their eyes.

Eristella giggled as she watched them disappearing at a quick pace as if running away.

After that, everything went smoothly and as expected.


It was just a week after she started living in the Princess Palace again.

“I think it’s time to move.”

“Shall we prepare?”

As if Sonia had been waiting, she lifted up the luggage that she had packed in advance.

In response, Eristella nodded, meaningfully and slowly.

“Let’s go!”

Eristella and Sonia went straight to the Grand Duchy of Adelasia.

She left a letter on the table saying that since her long-estranged relationship with Heinricion had been restored, she would like to spend more time with him and try to get to know him.

What followed was the perfect play between Eristella and the emperor.

As planned, the emperor belatedly visited the Princess Palace and found the correspondence.

Then, as if annoyed with the princess’s selfish behavior, he let out a deep sigh and said,

“What can I do? She’s already gone. I can’t force her back.”

He claimed that there was nothing he could do.

And, as expected, rumors spread throughout the social world. The princess went to the grand duke’s house and started living with him.

“I didn’t expect it to be this loud.”

Heinricion did not hide his shock at the absurdity and questioned Eristella.

Eristella only smiled shamelessly.

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“Still, no one is doubting, right?”

It was so loud and noisy, very much like Princess Eristella.

Everyone laughed, chatted, and sometimes pointed fingers, not thinking of the possibility that there was another purpose.

‘I think I’m wrong to want to change.’

Eristella just wanted to accept herself as she was now.

‘Well, it’s not too bad either.’

As there were people who understood and cared for her.


Eristella had to enter the Grand Duchy of Adelasia twice in different ways.

Once as Princess Eristella.

And the other as a fox.

No one except Heinricion knew that she would show up.

It was a hectic day for the grand ducal employees, who panicked at the sudden appearance of the luggage-carrying princess.

They hurriedly greeted and guided her to a room specially prepared for her.

Eristella was thrilled as soon as she entered her room. She squealed gleefully, 

“Finally, I have a room of my own in this mansion!”

Until now, it had been a guest house life that could not be endured without tears.

Such was an absurd worry to Heinricion, who had been living a life that had been pushed to and fro by Eristella.

“If you come here as a fox, people might think it’s strange, so be careful.”

This room was Princess Eristella’s room. It meant that when she was a fox, she should go to Heinricion’s room like before.

“…Huh. You’re right, I should.”

Nodding her head, Eristella croaked as if something was broken.

There were a few things that Princess Eristella had to prepare in order to stay in the grand ducal household.

In order for Eristella to freely transform into a fox from her original form and vice-versa, it was necessary to distance herself from the employees.

“I’ll order anything I need through Sonia, so you don’t have to bring me meals or tidy up my room.”

That was what she proclaimed as soon as her room was ready.

‘It’s a pity, but we’ll have to get to know each other at a later time.’

Ame: Haha, I feel like the grand ducal employees will misunderstand eri for being fussy and complain to the fox.

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