Episode 113: The Hero’s Savior (VI)

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The items could no longer be circulated.

Thus, it must be all the limited items that had already been released.

“It isn’t decreasing at all?”

The number of affected people continued to grow.

When certain things became scarce, their prices would keep rising, and it was natural to give up when the price exceeded what one could afford.

So the dealings should have already stopped.

“There’s no way the price could stay as it is.”

As far as they know, the price that had risen appropriately had been maintained.

“That means there is enough supply.”

It was impossible unless it continued somewhere.

Eristella’s face hardened horribly.

What Leighton had heard seemed true.

“Put surveillance on suspicious people. Watch who they meet and what they do.”

These instructions were given to Brick. There must be something suspicious going on.

“And as for those who ignored the warnings multiple times… don’t treat them right away.”

Too many people had already experienced the side effects. Nevertheless, threats, not warnings, were needed for those who ignored the warnings and pursued immediate gains.

With that, Eristella started walking back to the third zone. After just a few steps, she paused and turned back. 

“…But please accept those with severe symptoms.”

Watching this, Heinricion smiled.

‘You always pretend to be coldhearted, but ultimately, you’re softhearted.’

Instantly, Eristella’s eyes sharpened.

“What? What’s with that look?”

She was being sharp for no reason, seemingly deducing what was on his mind.

“I just thought you made a good decision.”

With a serene expression, Heinricion excused himself.


After discovering the possibility that the families that appeared in the founding history might be related, the emperor sorted out all the families listed in it.

“Twenty-five, including the families that have been mentioned at least once.”

The emperor began to explain to Eristella and Heinricion.

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“Among them, ten families have already disappeared.”

The rest were families that had survived the highs and lows of the empire for a long time.

“Excluding the families that were mentioned but not directly related to the founding history…”

From the County of Azurdi to the Marquisate of Lateran.

And although they did not cooperate with the black wizards, they had been their targets.

“The imperial family and even the Grand Duchy of Adelasia were all involved.”

“Has the Sianne family ever been mentioned in the founding history?”

Eristella asked just in case.

“I checked just in case, but there was no Sianne family.”

“…I see.”

Wasn’t the Sianne family related to Declen?

There was still something uncomfortable about this, but now the priority was to check the families mentioned in the founding history.

“And there’s one more thing that bothers me.”

The part about the families wasn’t the only thing the emperor found.

“I’m repainting the missing painting, and in the meantime, I’ve been looking at the remaining national treasures, just to be sure.”

The emperor laid out a painting.

This one frame depicted all the adventures of the founding emperor.

“There’s something in it that resembles a map.”

The characteristics of various parts of the empire were contained in the painting, but if one looked closely, there were small marks.

“I see it. A map… It seems that it’s marking something?”

“See? Especially here.”

The emperor pointed at a particular spot.

“This is where the black magic stone mine is.”

Eristella’s eyes slowly widened as she studied the painting while listening to the emperor’s explanation.

“Did he know about this place?”


“Some of these places are recognizable.”

Among them, the Imperial Palace was also marked.

“Then what about other places?”

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“I don’t know what they are yet, but it’s likely to be related.”

Perhaps there might be a clue that could end the black wizards once and for all. 

Once there was a prospect, it could not be ignored.


After a long time, a spread of cotton candy clouds in front of the fox’s eyes.

The fox stepped lightly in excitement.

“Huh…? Uhhhh, ugh…? Why is this happening?”

Its feet struggled as if it was drowning in a swamp. The cotton candy clouds kept gathering, and it was suffocating.

Attempts to get out were made, but the more the fox struggled, the more its body was buried under the clouds.

‘Ugh… I can’t breathe.’

It barely kept its head out, but it seemed like it was going to be completely submerged in no time.

‘Why are the clouds doing this all of a sudden?’

Agony was rising. It was when the fox’s chin dipped down.

‘It’s so painful.’

The second the fox closed its eyes tightly, drained of its strength.


Suddenly, its body jerked up.

‘Huh? What is this?’

Besides, there was a warm touch.

When the fox raised its head, Heinricion… no.

‘It’s not that he became short, it’s the young Heinricion.’

“How are you here? Moreover, you are standing well on the clouds?”

Cotton candy clouds floated beneath Heinricion’s feet.

‘Then why did I fall?’

The fox blinked as it alternated its gaze between the cotton candy clouds and Heinricion.

“As expected, this is the problem.”

Heinricion muttered something incomprehensible, then lifted the fox up and began to put magic into the cotton candy cloud.

“What? Why are you putting your magic here?”

“It’s done. You can run now.”

Heinricion said, setting the fox down on the cotton candy clouds.

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“I’ll fall again… oh. The clouds are fluffy.”

When the fox tapped it with its foot, the cloud was full and firm. It could feel the soft elasticity with the soles of its feet.

Upon jumping, it gained momentum and bounced up.

“How did it become okay? Cion. What magic did you use…”


Eristella opened her eyes.

She didn’t even have time to think about what had happened in her dream. She threw the pillow next to her into the face of Heinricion.

“What have you done? Did you just appear in my dream on purpose?”

“What are you talking about?”

Placing the pillow next to him, Heinricion reacted as if he didn’t understand at all.

“You’re not getting away with it.”

Eristella was already convinced.

She had been hiding the fact that she was overdoing it lately, and her magic continued to be unstable.

But when she opened her eyes today, she felt it had stabled.

It couldn’t be a coincidence that she suddenly became fine as soon as magic was placed into the cotton candy cloud.

“Those clouds were my magic. You know that, right?”

He knew that Eristella’s magic power was unstable when the clouds collapsed, so he deliberately entered her dream and injected his magic.

“Are you crazy? If you give it to me, that magic cannot return to you.”

“I just put in a little bit. It will only stabilize for a while.”

The magic protector Heinricion continued to make could not sustain its effect.

Meanwhile, Heinricion remembered the last time he happened to enter Eristella’s dream.

At first he thought it was his own dream, though he soon realized he had stumbled into her dream.

He didn’t immediately notice at the time, but gradually, he wondered if her frequent dreams had something to do with her magic powers.

It was him who was by her side all these years, watching her use her magic. Which was why he was able to notice it before she herself did.

“What are you thinking?”


“Did I look like I had made a sacrifice? Not at all. I did it because there will be more trouble if you collapse.”

Heinricion emphasized several times to Eristella not to be mistaken.

Eristella knew the truth that it was really for her, so she had no choice but to accept it and play along.


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As expected, things were spinning.

The source couldn’t exactly be confirmed, but it was established that new items were being supplied.

“At first glance, it seems like individuals are trading what they have among themselves, but there’s definitely a source of supply to begin with.”

Eugene reported what they had personally confirmed.

“You didn’t check who’s holding the tail?”

“I tried. It kept cutting off in the middle.”

Clearly, the intermediate steps were deliberately complicated to avoid being caught by the tail.

“But if you dig a little more, you should be able to catch something. Like, who is doing this?”

All the businesses belonging to Viscount Diaclen were completely confiscated.

It was impossible to use it secretly.

‘So… what’s left are those who secure the stock.’

Which one?

‘Is there another noble cooperating with Declen?’

‘Or are there other black wizards besides Declen?’

The worry didn’t last long.

No matter how complicated it was, if she had the will, she could find everything.

After Declen left, the black wizards continued unraveling things.

Perhaps it was something they did on their own.

Currently, it was unknown whether they knew Declen’s movements and were in contact.

It’s something that must be grasped and figured out.

“To do that, we have to solve this problem first.”

Eristella’s mind was busy again.

‘Ah, my head hurts.’

The more she thought, the more the yarn became tangled and messed up.


Eristella ruffled her hair instead.

‘I’m feeling a bit lighter now.’

A satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Her thoughts were now in order.

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